

AK::Wwise::IPluginObjectMedia Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool  SetMediaSource (LPCWSTR in_pszFilePathToImport, unsigned int in_Index=0, bool in_bReplace=false)=0
  Requests to set the specified file as a data input file.
virtual void  RemoveMediaSource (unsigned int in_Index=0)=0
  Requests to remove the specified index file s a data input file.
virtual unsigned int  GetMediaSourceCount () const =0
virtual unsigned int  GetMediaSourceFileName (LPWSTR out_pszFileName, unsigned int in_uiBufferSize, unsigned int in_Index=0) const =0
virtual unsigned int  GetMediaSourceOriginalFilePath (LPWSTR out_pszFileName, unsigned int in_uiBufferSize, unsigned int in_Index=0) const =0
virtual unsigned int  GetMediaSourceConvertedFilePath (LPWSTR out_pszFileName, unsigned int in_uiBufferSize, const GUID &in_guidPlatform, unsigned int in_Index=0) const =0
virtual void  InvalidateMediaSource (unsigned int in_Index=0)=0
  Request Wwise to perform any required conversion on the data.
virtual unsigned int  GetOriginalDirectory (LPWSTR out_pszDirectory, unsigned int in_uiBufferSize) const =0
virtual unsigned int  GetConvertedDirectory (LPWSTR out_pszDirectory, unsigned int in_uiBufferSize, const GUID &in_guidPlatform) const =0

Detailed Description

Plug-in object media interface. An instance of this class is created and assigned to each plug-in that supports media file handling.

The functions in this interface are not thread-safe, unless stated otherwise.
See also:

Definition at line 198 of file AudioPlugin.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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