Orchestral Manoeuvres - Part 3: Beware, there are rules

Orchestral Manoeuvres - Tips For Successfully Recording Your Interactive Score Live!

Beginning with a brief 101 on the orchestral recording process, our panellists will relate their experiences and top tips for successfully translating your midi score to live orchestra, covering orchestration, key personnel, scheduling, lead times, session management and post-production. Then we ask them to discuss specific issues and additional challenges arising when preparing for, and recording interactive music for video games and how to overcome or mitigate them.

Moderator | JOHN BROOMHALL | Composer, music artist, commentator & Game Music Connect co-founder

ALASTAIR LINDSAY | Head of Audio, Worldwide Studios Europe - Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe

JAMES HANNIGAN | Composer and founder of Screen Music Connect

ALLAN WILSON | Conductor, orchestrator, arranger & music consultant

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