Wwise: Episode 3 - 99 ways to footsteps - Switches

Cujo Sound - WhiteNoiseTrash: Is a video game audio development channel by Bjørn Jacobsen.

I discuss game audio development, implementation, asset creation, thoughts, ideas, opinions. Everything from home made simple recordings, over in-engine implementation to massive final productions of cinematics.

This video is the third episode of my Wwise series - 99 Ways To Footsteps. Here I'll be going over the quick use of basic switches, how we can still have only one event being fed to our Wwise project from the game and use switches to switch between two types of footsteps and two types of step material sounds.

Join me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CujoSound
and support me there if you like.
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Twitter: @WhiteNoiseTrash

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