Wwise Up on Air - Hands On | Spatial Audio in Unity (Part 2 - Geometry)

Part 2 - Geometry with the AkSurfaceReflector.

Second in a series of Hands On Spatial Audio livestreams focusing on the realtime integration of spatial audio in the Unity-based Wwise Adventure Game (WAG). In this episode we go deep into using game geometry as part of a Wwise Unity integration, starting with the fundamentals Spatial Audio geometry concepts from Thalie Keklikian while Mads Maretty goes hands-on integrating geometry into the WAG, seeing the results in the Wwise Profiler and hearing the results of dynamic Spatial Audio.

Part 1 - https://youtu.be/pPytglfZFoI
Part 3 - https://youtu.be/UFCZ9t4DwGQ

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00:00:00 Wait to begin
00:04:17 Introduction
00:06:25 Recap
00:09:07 Presentation
00:20:14 Hands on
00:22:50 Question: Did you just say this functionality is Standard License Fee?
00:24:17 Using Probuilder to create simplified Spatial Audio geometry
00:28:57 Adding AkSurfaceReflector to invisible geometry
00:34:00 Profiling with Game Object Profiler
00:38:20 Ak Spatial Audio Debug Draw
00:39:50 Adding AkSurfaceReflector to complex shapes
00:44:30 Profiling with Game Object Profiler
00:49:02 Adding AkRoom to Road to Core
00:57:20 Adding AkSurfaceReflector to room geometry
00:58:35 Diffraction on Boundary Edges
01:00:04 Profiling with Game Object Profiler
01:04:53 Acoustic Textures not for Diffraction
01:06:21 Adding AkSurfaceReflector to a platform
01:15:34 Question: Dynamic Geometry & SetGeometry()
01:19:26 Adding AkSurfaceReflector to a staircase
01:21:37 Add AkSurfaceReflector and set Occlusion Value
01:24:30 Sum-up
01:26:04 Spatial Audio CPU usage
01:28:24 Next-up

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