One Minute Wwise | Granular Synthesis

Learn to create sounds from scratch using SoundSeed Grain. No commercials, no lengthy introductions - just "Wwiser" in about a minute.

- Get evaluation license:
- SoundSeed Grain Overview:
- SoundSeed Grain Walkthrough:
- WUOA | SoundSeed Grain in Redout 2:
- SoundSeed Grain documentation:
- SoundSeed Grain Tips:
- How to get the SoundSeed Grain Factory Assets:

Among the many synthesizers in Wwise, the one offering the deepest level of dynamic control is probably the SoundSeed Grain. It's a fairly complex plugin with many options, so let's break it down and create a new patch from scratch. Start by dragging a sound directly into the plugin. Then, let's set the grains to 20 per second, with a duration of 200 milliseconds, and connect the position to a modulator with a random waveform. Already now we've got something interesting, but let's polish it further by limiting the randomness, increase the grains, set a smoother envelope, and widen the soundscape with stereo and random panning left and right. Much better. With this sound, we can now map our magic charge-up RTPC, to properties like grain emissions and some low pass. Let's have a listen. That's it, but before you go, here's a comment from a real expert.
Paolo: So I think that a good exercise with SoundSeed Grain is to write down a concept for a sound, write it down, describe it, just keep it on your table, and then open Wwise, don't think about the technical aspects, just open Wwise, open SoundSeed Grain, and start exploring and see where you will go.

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