


LOD - Fountain


  • The fountain gives an example of level of detail. Each fountain stream uses a different sound and is located on a distinct game object following the movement of its stream. The center of the fountain also has a game object triggering two sounds, one audible from a distance and the other closer to the fountain's center. Additionally, sounds in the center of the fountain have been routed to the Main Mix, while the fountain streams will be preserved as Audio Objects when 3D Audio is available.

Action Item:

  • From a distance, walk slowly toward the center of the fountain while paying attention to how sounds vary over distance.

  • With Wwise connected to WAL, go to the Voices tab of the Advanced Profiler view and isolate the fountain layers using Solo/Mute buttons.

  • Look at the Wwise System Output Settings Metadata for each layer of the Fountain; a Metadata ShareSet has been used to assign the Mix to Main System Output Settings Mix Behavior for the "Fountain Center" and "Fountain Far" layers. When 3D Audio is enabled and available at the endpoint, "Fountain Center" and "Fountain Far" will be rendered as part of the Main Mix, and the "Fountain Splashes" will be rendered as Audio Objects (no change to the default Mix Behavior).

What to Expect:

  • Listen to how the sound of the fountain varies over distance, exposing more details and precision as you get to the center of the fountain.

  • Soloing the fountain center sounds, listen to how they crossfade over distance. You should also notice the effect of the LPF (Low Pass Filter) and HPF (High Pass Filter) distance attenuation curves that help create a proximity effect.

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