

Track Layers Specific to the Ambience Urban Collection

The following image displays the tracks of an Ambisonic Ambience Urban subproject, from all of the subprojects except the Additional subprojects. These projects are arranged with Layers that form ambient loops.

Track colors vary by layer, and the track names and colors are used similarly throughout the Ambience Urban subprojects.


The following figure shows the Composite tracks in white. Note that the Stereo composite is routed to the parent Composites Track, while none of the other Composite tracks are routed to an output. This is the default configuration of all the Ambience collection ambisonic projects. Depending on your monitoring system and your needs, you can unmute a desired Composite track and route it to the Parent Composites Track. Don’t forget to either mute the Stereo Composite or disconnect its routing to the Composites Track. The Composites track is in turn routed to the Master Track, which is configured for 16 channels. The black subtracks of the Composite tracks have an IEM Plug-In configured to decode the output of the main mix to the desired multichannel output configuration.

The following figure shows the routing of Stereo Composite Track to its parent track Composites.

The following figure shows the IEM Plug-In decoding the third-order main mix to Stereo and its parent composite track, Stereo, routed to its parent, Composites.

Default Ambience Ambisonic Subproject Configuration

If you unmute any Composite track, select one or more regions, and then render them, the selected regions are rendered to the Rendered folder in an automatically generated subfolder named after the Composite track name and configuration. The names of the files will be the same, but they will contain metadata that indicates the channel count.

The following image shows some automatically generated folders.

Basic Layer 1

The Basic Layer is the defining characteristic of an ambience. In the Ambience projects,

the item source files are Octo 3D ORTF recordings split into four-channel files that represent positions above or below the height of the listener’s head (Lo is below and Hi is above). Depending on the type of ambience, there is usually a Modulation Parameter track with one or more envelopes to control characteristics of the sound.

The Additional subprojects also have Basic Layer tracks. They have items with mono or stereo source files, these are not mixed using ambisonics.

Details Layer 2

Depending on the ambience, there might be a Details Layer that has similar characteristics to the Basic Layer.

The item source files for these are Octo 3D ORTF recordings split into four-channel files that represent positions above or below the height of the listener’s head (Lo is below and Hi is above).

Depending on the type of ambience, there is usually a Modulation Parameter track with one or more envelopes to control characteristics of the sound.

The Additional subprojects might also have Details Layer tracks. They have items with mono or stereo source files, these are not mixed using ambisonics.

Ambisonic Encoding Tracks

The ambisonic encoding is performed by the IEM MultiEncoder plug-in. The tracks are positioned at the top of the hierarchy of Loop Layer Tracks. Their output is routed to the Composite Tracks, where the third-order main mix is decoded to multiple track configurations simultaneously. In most cases, it is not necessary to make any adjustments to these tracks.

Reverb Tracks

The subprojects have two Reverb tracks, one for each set of loop tracks, named Loop 1 Reverb and Loop 2 Reverb.

The Loop 01 and Loop 02 tracks are configured with sends named Reverb 1 and Reverb 2 respectively.

The Loop Reverb tracks have multiple plug-ins that are configured to be controlled by Modulation Parameters with envelopes to control the gain and size of the reverb.

Each Reverb Loop track has the following plug-ins.

The incoming audio to the Reverb Loop track is gain controlled, then encoded to third-order ambisonic, then processed by the Multi EQ and FDN Reverb. You can also control gain after the Eq and Reverb processing. Some plug-in parameters are configured to be controlled by the Gain and Size envelopes.

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