

Track Layers Specific to the Creature Ancient Collection

The layers in the Creature Ancient collection combine to create a composite sound. They are nested, so it is possible to render the entire sound from this track. In all Creature Ancient projects, the composite track is named Composite.

Track colors vary by layer, and the track names and colors are used similarly throughout the Creature Ancient subprojects.

Basic Layer 1 Voice Main

The Basic layer is the defining characteristic of a creature. You can use this layer on its own or augment it further as needed. Basic layer tracks use yellow custom colors, alternating between light and dark shades.

Details Layer 2 High Frequency

Details Layer 2 contains tracks that are set up to receive and process the high frequencies of other layers. The ability to adjust this layer’s blend in the overall mix is useful for changing the perceived distance to the creature. All Details Layer 2 tracks use blue custom colors, alternating between light and dark shades.

Details Layer 3 Air

Details Layer 3 is the closest and most intimate part of a creature vocalization, like a nasal snort or a large dying hiss. For a close perspective, you can change the timing to alter the overall character. All Details Layer 3 tracks use orange custom colors, alternating between light and dark shades.

Weight Layer 4 Low Frequency

The Weight layer provides the overall perception of the size and scale of the creature. All Weight Layer tracks use red custom colors, alternating between light and dark shades.

Custom Layer 5 Punch

This layer is used to emphasize some of the more aggressive creature sounds such as attack, pain, and death. This layer is usually quite brief and sharp. Depending on the creature, there might be several layers of custom tracks. All Custom Layer tracks use teal custom colors, alternating between light and dark shades.

Additional Layer Extra

This layer contains less conventional tonal and atonal sounds that can help add additional flavor to a creature’s breath, hiss, or growl. All Additional Layer tracks use green custom colors, alternating between light and dark shades.

Cinematic Layer

The Cinematic layer contains elements that you can use for dramatic cinematic moments. This layer is muted by default. All Cinematic Layer tracks use purple custom colors, alternating between light and dark shades.

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