











Wwise SDK 2024.1.3
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 The content of this file includes portions of the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
3 released in source code form as part of the SDK installer package.
5 Commercial License Usage
7 Licensees holding valid commercial licenses to the AUDIOKINETIC Wwise Technology
8 may use this file in accordance with the end user license agreement provided
9 with the software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a
10 written agreement between you and Audiokinetic Inc.
12 Apache License Usage
14 Alternatively, this file may be used under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
15 "Apache License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
16 Apache License. You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
19 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
20 under the Apache License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES
21 OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for
22 the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
24  Copyright (c) 2025 Audiokinetic Inc.
25 *******************************************************************************/
27 /// \file
28 /// Software source plug-in and effect plug-in interfaces.
30 #ifndef _IAK_PLUGIN_H_
31 #define _IAK_PLUGIN_H_
38 #include <AK/Tools/Common/AkLock.h>
41 #include <AK/Tools/Common/AkRng.h>
48 #include <AK/AkWwiseSDKVersion.h>
50 #include <math.h>
52 #if defined AK_CPU_X86 || defined AK_CPU_X86_64 || defined (AK_CPU_WASM)
53 #include <xmmintrin.h>
54 #endif
56 /// Plug-in information structure.
57 /// \remarks The bIsInPlace field is only relevant for effect plug-ins.
58 /// \sa
59 /// - \ref iakeffect_geteffectinfo
61 {
62  /// Constructor for default values
65  , uBuildVersion( 0 )
66  , bIsInPlace(true)
67  , bCanChangeRate(false)
68  , bReserved(false)
69  , bCanProcessObjects(false)
70  , bIsDeviceEffect(false)
71  , bCanRunOnObjectConfig(true)
72  , bUsesGainAttribute(false)
73  {}
75  AkPluginType eType; ///< Plug-in type
76  AkUInt32 uBuildVersion; ///< Plug-in build version, must match the AK_WWISESDK_VERSION_COMBINED macro from AkWwiseSDKVersion.h. Prevents usage of plugins compiled for other versions, avoiding crashes or data issues.
77  bool bIsInPlace; ///< Buffer usage (in-place or not). If true, and the plug-in is an insert effect, it should implement IAkInPlaceEffectPlugin, otherwise it should implement IAkOutOfPlaceEffectPlugin. If it is an object processor (see CanProcessObjects, below), it should implement IAkInPlaceObjectPlugin or IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin respectively.
78  bool bCanChangeRate; ///< True for effects whose sample throughput is different between input and output. Effects that can change rate need to be out-of-place (!bIsInPlace), and cannot exist on busses.
79  bool bReserved; ///< Legacy bIsAsynchronous plug-in flag, now unused. Preserved for plug-in backward compatibility. bReserved should be false for all plug-in.
80  bool bCanProcessObjects; ///< Plug-in can process audio objects. They must implement IAkInPlaceObjectPlugin or IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin, depending on if they work in-place or out-of-place. Out-of-place object processors only work on busses.
81  bool bIsDeviceEffect; ///< Plug-in can process final mixes and objects right before sending them to the audio device for output. Plug-ins that process the main mix, passthrough mix and objects directly at the end of the pipeline must implement IAkAudioDeviceEffectPlugin. Audio device effect plug-ins must be in place (bIsInPlace = true) and must be able to process objects (bCanProcessObjects = true).
82  bool bCanRunOnObjectConfig; ///< Plug-in can run on bus with Audio Object configuration. Effect plug-ins are instantiated once per Audio Objects on those busses. While this may be fine for effects such as EQs, it is an user error for effects such as reverbs, or for any effect that is non-linear. Effects that return false will fail to initialize when created on busses with Audio Object Configuration.
83  bool bUsesGainAttribute; ///< Plug-in knows how to process objects separately from the cumulativeGain of the object (or the processing of the object's audio is independent of the overall object gain). bCanProcessObjects must also be true, as this relies on Object Metadata.
84 };
86 //Forward declarations.
87 namespace AK
88 {
89  class PluginRegistration;
90 }
93 struct AkAcousticTexture;
94 struct AkAudioObject;
95 struct AkAudioObjects;
97 namespace AK
98 {
99  class IAkStreamMgr;
100  class IAkGlobalPluginContext;
102  /// Game object information available to plugins.
104  {
105  protected:
106  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
109  public:
111  /// Get the ID of the game object.
112  virtual AkGameObjectID GetGameObjectID() const = 0;
114  /// Retrieve the number of emitter-listener pairs (rays) of the game object.
115  /// A game object may have more than one position, and be listened to more than one listener.
116  /// The returned value is the product of these two numbers. Use the returned value as a higher
117  /// bound for the index of GetEmitterListenerPair().
118  /// Note that rays whose listener is irrelevant to the current context are ignored. For example,
119  /// if the calling plug-in exists on a bus, only listeners that are routed to the end point's
120  /// device are considered.
121  /// \sa
122  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetPosition()
123  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetMultiplePositions()
124  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetListeners()
125  /// - AK::IAkGameObjectPluginInfo::GetEmitterListenerPair()
128  /// Retrieve the emitter-listener pair (ray) of the game object at index in_uIndex.
129  /// Call GetNumEmitterListenerPairs() prior to this function to get the total number of
130  /// emitter-listener pairs of the game object.
131  /// The emitter-listener pair is expressed as the game object's position relative to the
132  /// listener, in spherical coordinates.
133  /// \note
134  /// - The distance takes game object and listener scaling factors into account.
135  /// - Returned distance and angles are those of the game object, and do not necessarily correspond
136  /// to any sound's positioning data.
137  /// \return AK_Fail if the index is invalid, AK_Success otherwise.
138  /// \sa
139  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetScalingFactor()
140  /// - AK::IAkGameObjectPluginInfo::GetNumEmitterListenerPairs()
142  AkUInt32 in_uIndex, ///< Index of the pair, [0, GetNumEmitterListenerPairs()[
143  AkEmitterListenerPair & out_emitterListenerPair ///< Returned relative source position in spherical coordinates.
144  ) const = 0;
146  /// Get the number of positions of the game object. Use this value to determine the indices to be
147  /// passed to GetGameObjectPosition().
148  /// \sa
149  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetPosition()
150  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetMultiplePositions()
151  /// - AK::IAkGameObjectPluginInfo::GetGameObjectPosition();
152  virtual AkUInt32 GetNumGameObjectPositions() const = 0;
154  /// Get the raw position of the game object at index in_uIndex.
155  /// Use GetNumGameObjectPositions() prior to this function to get the total number of positions
156  /// of that game object.
157  /// \return AK_Fail if the index is out of bounds, AK_Success otherwise.
158  /// \sa
159  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetPosition()
160  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetMultiplePositions()
161  /// - AK::IAkGameObjectPluginInfo::GetNumGameObjectPositions()
163  AkUInt32 in_uIndex, ///< Index of the position, [0, GetNumGameObjectPositions()[
164  AkSoundPosition & out_position ///< Returned raw position info.
165  ) const = 0;
167  /// Get the multi-position type assigned to the game object.
168  /// \return MultiPositionType_MultiSources when the effect is instantiated on a bus.
169  /// \sa
170  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetPosition()
171  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetMultiplePositions()
174  /// Get the distance scaling factor of the associated game object.
175  /// \sa
176  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetScalingFactor()
177  virtual AkReal32 GetGameObjectScaling() const = 0;
179  /// Get the game object IDs of listener game objects that are listening to the emitter game object.
180  /// Note that only listeners relevant to the current context are considered. For example,
181  /// if the calling plug-in exists on a bus, only listeners that are routed to the end point's
182  /// device are added to the returned array.
183  /// \return True if the call succeeded, false if all the listeners could not fit into the array,
184  /// \sa
185  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetListeners()
186  virtual bool GetListeners(
187  AkGameObjectID* out_aListenerIDs, ///< Array of listener IDs to fill, or NULL to query the size needed.
188  AkUInt32& io_uSize ///< In: max size of the array, out: number of valid elements returned in out_aListenerIDs.
189  ) const = 0;
191  /// Get information about a listener. Use GetListeners() prior to this function
192  /// in order to know which listeners are listening to the associated game object.
193  /// \return AK_Fail if the listener ID is invalid. AK_Success otherwise.
194  /// \sa
195  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetListeners()
196  /// - AK::IAkGameObjectPluginInfo::GetListeners()
198  AkGameObjectID in_uListener, ///< Bit field identifying the listener for which you desire information.
199  AkListener & out_listener ///< Returned listener info.
200  ) const = 0;
202  /// Get the position of a distance probe associated with the given listener.
203  /// Use GetListeners() prior to this function
204  /// in order to know which listeners are listening to the associated game object.
205  /// Returns AK_Success if a distance probe is associated with the specified listener.
206  /// If no distance probe game object is associated with the specified listener,
207  /// or the listener is not valid, AK_Fail is returned.
208  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetDistanceProbe()
209  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SetListeners()
210  /// - AK::IAkGameObjectPluginInfo::GetListeners()
212  AkGameObjectID in_uListener, ///< Listener Game Object
213  AkWorldTransform& out_position ///< Returned raw position info.
214  ) const = 0;
215  };
217  /// Voice-specific information available to plug-ins.
219  {
220  protected:
221  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
224  public:
226  /// Retrieve the Playing ID of the event corresponding to this voice (if applicable).
227  virtual AkPlayingID GetPlayingID() const = 0;
229  /// Get priority value associated to this voice. When priority voice is modified by distance, the minimum distance among emitter-listener pairs is used.
230  /// \return The priority between AK_MIN_PRIORITY and AK_MAX_PRIORITY inclusively.
231  virtual AkPriority GetPriority() const = 0;
233  /// Get priority value associated to this voice, for a specified distance, which may differ from the minimum distance that is used by default.
234  /// \return The priority between AK_MIN_PRIORITY and AK_MAX_PRIORITY inclusively.
236  AkReal32 in_fDistance ///< Distance.
237  ) const = 0;
238  };
240  /// Interface to retrieve contextual information available to all types of plugins.
242  {
243  protected:
244  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
247  public:
249  /// \return The global sound engine context.
250  /// \sa IAkGlobalPluginContext
251  virtual IAkGlobalPluginContext* GlobalContext() const = 0;
253  /// Obtain the interface to access the game object on which the plugin is instantiated.
254  /// \return The interface to GameObject info, nullptr if undefined.
257  /// Identify the output device into which the data processed by this plugin will end up.
258  /// Applicable to plug-ins instantiated as bus effects and to sink plugins.
259  /// Plug-ins instantiated in the Actor-Mixer hierarchy (i.e. on voices) return AK_NotCompatible.
260  /// \sa integrating_secondary_outputs
261  /// \return The device type and unique identifier. AK_Success if successful, AK_NotCompatible otherwise.
263  AkUInt32 & out_uOutputID, ///< Device identifier, when multiple devices of the same type are possible.
264  AkPluginID & out_uDevicePlugin ///< Device plugin ID.
265  ) const = 0;
267  /// Return the pointer and size of the plug-in media corresponding to the specified index.
268  /// The pointer returned will be NULL if the plug-in media is either not loaded or inexistant.
269  /// When this function is called and returns a valid data pointer, the data can only be used by this
270  /// instance of the plugin and is guaranteed to be valid only during the plug-in lifespan.
271  virtual void GetPluginMedia(
272  AkUInt32 in_dataIndex, ///< Index of the plug-in media to be returned.
273  AkUInt8* &out_rpData, ///< Pointer to the data
274  AkUInt32 &out_rDataSize ///< size of the data returned in bytes.
275  ) = 0;
277  /// Return the pointer and size of the game data corresponding to the specified index, sent by the game using AK::SoundEngine::SendPluginCustomGameData().
278  /// The pointer returned will be NULL if the game data is inexistent.
279  /// When this function is called and returns a valid data pointer, the data can only be used by this
280  /// instance of the plugin and is guaranteed to be valid only during the frame.
281  virtual void GetPluginCustomGameData(
282  void* &out_rpData, ///< Pointer to the data
283  AkUInt32 &out_rDataSize ///< size of the data returned in bytes.
284  ) = 0;
286  /// Post a custom blob of data to the UI counterpart of this plug-in.
287  /// Data is sent asynchronously through the profiling system.
288  /// Notes:
289  /// - You may call CanPostMonitorData() to determine if your plug-in can send data to the UI.
290  /// - Data is copied into the communication buffer within this method,
291  /// so you may discard it afterwards.
292  /// - Sending data to the UI is only possible in Debug and Profile. Thus, you should
293  /// enclose your calls to package and send that data within !AK_OPTIMIZED preprocessor flag.
294  /// \return AK_Success if the plug-in exists on a bus, AK_Fail otherwise.
296  void * in_pData, ///< Blob of data.
297  AkUInt32 in_uDataSize ///< Size of data.
298  ) = 0;
300  /// Query the context to know if it is possible to send data to the UI counterpart of this plug-in.
301  /// \return True if the authoring tool is connected and monitoring the game, false otherwise.
302  /// \sa PostMonitorData()
303  virtual bool CanPostMonitorData() = 0;
305  /// Post a monitoring message or error string. This will be displayed in the Wwise capture
306  /// log.
307  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail if there was a problem posting the message.
308  /// In optimized mode, this function returns AK_NotCompatible.
309  /// \remark This function is provided as a tracking tool only. It does nothing if it is
310  /// called in the optimized/release configuration and return AK_NotCompatible.
312  const char* in_pszError, ///< Message or error string to be displayed
313  AK::Monitor::ErrorLevel in_eErrorLevel ///< Specifies whether it should be displayed as a message or an error
314  ) = 0;
316  /// Get the cumulative gain of all mixing stages, from the host audio node down to the device end point.
317  /// Returns 1.f when the node is an actor-mixer (voice), because a voice may be routed to several mix chains.
318  /// \return The cumulative downstream gain.
321  /// Return the channel configuration of the parent node that this plug-in will mix into. GetParentChannelConfig() may be used to set the output configuration of an
322  /// out-of-place effect to avoid additional up/down mixing stages. Please note however that it is possible for out-of-place effects later in the chain to change
323  /// this configuration.
324  /// Returns not out_channelConfig.IsValid() when the node is an actor-mixer (voice), because a voice may be routed to several mix chains.
325  /// \return AK_Success if the channel config of the primary, direct parent bus could be determined, AK_Fail otherwise.
327  AkChannelConfig& out_channelConfig ///< Channel configuration of parent node (downstream bus).
328  ) const = 0;
330  /// Return an interface to query processor specific features.
333  /// Get internal ID of hosting sound structure (actor-mixer of bus).
334  /// In the case of a voice, the ID is internal but corresponds to what you would get from the duration
335  /// callback (see AkDurationCallbackInfo::audioNodeID). In the case of a bus, it can be matched with the bus name converted
336  /// to a unique ID using AK::SoundEngine::GetIDFromString().
337  /// In the case if an audio device (sink), it is AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID.
338  /// \return ID of input.
339  /// \sa
340  /// - AkDurationCallbackInfo
341  /// - AK::SoundEngine::PostEvent()
342  /// - AK::SoundEngine::GetIDFromString()
343  virtual AkUniqueID GetAudioNodeID() const = 0;
345  /// Get the expected input of the audio device (sink) at the end of the bus pipeline from the caller's perspective.
346  /// When called from a bus, the bus hierarchy is traversed upward until the master bus is reached. The audio device connected to this master bus is the sink consulted.
347  /// When called from a source, the source's output bus is the starting point of the traversal.
348  /// When called from a sink, that sink is consulted.
349  /// \return AK_Success if the bus hierarchy traversal was successful and a sink was found, AK_Fail otherwise.
351  AkChannelConfig& out_sinkConfig, // The channel config of the sink; if set to "Objects", then the sink is in 3D audio mode. Any other config means 3D audio is not active.
352  Ak3DAudioSinkCapabilities& out_3dAudioCaps // When out_sinkConfig is set to Objects, inspect this struct to learn which 3D audio features are supported by the sink
353  ) const = 0;
354  };
356  /// Interface to retrieve contextual information for an effect plug-in.
357  /// \sa
358  /// - \ref iakmonadiceffect_init
360  {
361  protected:
362  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
365  public:
367  /// Determine whether the effect is to be used in Send Mode or not.
368  /// Effects used in auxiliary busses are always used in Send Mode.
369  /// \return True if the effect is in Send Mode, False otherwise
370  virtual bool IsSendModeEffect() const = 0;
372  /// Obtain the interface to access the voice in which the plugin is inserted.
373  /// \return The interface to voice info. NULL if the plugin is instantiated on a bus.
376  /// Obtain the interface to access services available on busses.
377  /// \return The interface to mixing context if the plugin is instantiated on a bus. NULL if it is instantiated on a voice.
380  /// \name For object processors:
381  /// Output object management.
382  //@{
384  /// Create new objects on the output side. Only out-of-place object processors (plugins implementing AK::IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin) may create output objects.
385  /// If successful, the newly constructed objects will be available in out_ppBuffer/out_ppObjects.
386  /// To obtain all the output objects in a single array after having created objects using this function, use GetOutputObjects, or wait for the next call to AK::IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin::Execute
387  /// where output objects are passed via the in_pObjectBuffersOut/in_pObjectsOut arguments.
388  /// Object processors inform the host that an output object may be disposed of by setting its state to AK_NoMoreData from within AK::IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin::Execute.
389  /// \aknote You should never store the pointers returned by out_ppBuffer/out_ppObjects, as the location of pointed objects may change at each frame, or after subsequent calls to CreateOutputObjects.\endaknote
390  /// \return AK_Success if all objects were created successfully, AK_Fail otherwise.
391  /// The optional arguments out_ppBuffer and out_ppObjects may be used to obtain the output objects newly created.
392  /// \sa
393  /// - GetOutputObjects
394  /// - AK::IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin::Execute
396  AkChannelConfig in_channelConfig, ///< Desired channel configuration for all new objects.
397  AkAudioObjects& io_objects ///< AkAudioObjects::uNumObjects, the number of objects to create.
398  ///< AkAudioObjects::ppObjectBuffers, Returned array of pointers to the object buffers newly created, allocated by the caller. Pass nullptr if they're not needed.
399  ///< AkAudioObjects::ppObjects, Returned array of pointers to the objects newly created, allocated by the caller. Pass nullptr if they're not needed.
400  ) = 0;
402  /// Access the output objects. This function is helpful when CreateOutputObjects is called from within AK::IAkOutOfPlaceObjectPlugin::Execute.
403  /// You need to allocate the array of pointers. You may initially obtain the number of objects that will be returned by calling this function with io_numObjects = 0.
404  /// \aknote You should never store the pointers returned by GetOutputObjects, as the location of pointed objects may change at each frame, or after calls to CreateOutputObjects.\endaknote
405  virtual void GetOutputObjects(
406  AkAudioObjects& io_objects ///< AkAudioObjects::uNumObjects, The number of objects. If 0 is passed, io_objects::numObjects returns with the total number of objects.
407  ///< AkAudioObjects::ppObjectBuffers, Returned array of pointers to object buffers, allocated by the caller. The number of objects is the smallest between io_numObjects and the total number of objects.
408  ///< AkAudioObjects::ppObjects, Returned array of pointers to objects, allocated by the caller. The number of objects is the smallest between io_numObjects and the total number of objects.
409  ) = 0;
411  //@}
412  };
414  /// Interface to retrieve contextual information for a source plug-in.
415  /// \sa
416  /// - \ref iaksourceeffect_init
418  {
419  protected:
420  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
423  public:
425  /// Retrieve the number of loops the source should produce.
426  /// \return The number of loop iterations the source should produce (0 if infinite looping)
427  virtual AkUInt16 GetNumLoops() const = 0;
429  /// Obtain the interface to access the voice in which the plugin is inserted.
430  /// \return The interface to voice info.
433  /// Obtain the MIDI event info associated to the source.
434  /// \return The MIDI event info.
435  ///
436  virtual AkMIDIEvent GetMidiEvent() const = 0;
438  /// Retrieve Cookie information for a Source Plugin
439  /// \return the void pointer of the Cookie passed to the PostEvent
440  virtual void* GetCookie() const = 0;
441  };
443  /// Interface to retrieve contextual information for a mixer.
445  {
446  protected:
447  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
450  public:
452  /// DEPRECATED.
453  /// Get the type of the bus on which the mixer plugin is instantiated.
454  /// AkBusHierachyFlags is a bit field, indicating whether the bus is the master (top-level) bus or not,
455  /// and whether it is in the primary or secondary mixing graph.
456  /// \return The bus type.
457  virtual AkUInt32 GetBusType() = 0;
459  /// Get speaker angles of the specified device.
460  /// The speaker angles are expressed as an array of loudspeaker pairs, in degrees, relative to azimuth ]0,180].
461  /// Supported loudspeaker setups are always symmetric; the center speaker is always in the middle and thus not specified by angles.
462  /// Angles must be set in ascending order.
463  /// You may call this function with io_pfSpeakerAngles set to NULL to get the expected number of angle values in io_uNumAngles,
464  /// in order to allocate your array correctly. You may also obtain this number by calling
465  /// AK::GetNumberOfAnglesForConfig( AK_SPEAKER_SETUP_DEFAULT_PLANE ).
466  /// If io_pfSpeakerAngles is not NULL, the array is filled with up to io_uNumAngles.
467  /// Typical usage:
468  /// - AkUInt32 uNumAngles;
469  /// - GetSpeakerAngles( NULL, uNumAngles );
470  /// - AkReal32 * pfSpeakerAngles = AkAlloca( uNumAngles * sizeof(AkReal32) );
471  /// - GetSpeakerAngles( pfSpeakerAngles, uNumAngles );
472  /// \warning Call this function only after the sound engine has been properly initialized.
473  /// \return AK_Success if the end point device is properly initialized, AK_Fail otherwise.
474  /// \sa AK::SoundEngine::GetSpeakerAngles()
476  AkReal32 * io_pfSpeakerAngles, ///< Returned array of loudspeaker pair angles, in degrees relative to azimuth [0,180]. Pass NULL to get the required size of the array.
477  AkUInt32 & io_uNumAngles, ///< Returned number of angles in io_pfSpeakerAngles, which is the minimum between the value that you pass in, and the number of angles corresponding to the output configuration, or just the latter if io_pfSpeakerAngles is NULL.
478  AkReal32 & out_fHeightAngle ///< Elevation of the height layer, in degrees relative to the plane.
479  ) = 0;
481  /// \name Services.
482  //@{
484  /// Compute a direct speaker assignment volume matrix with proper downmixing rules between two channel configurations.
485  /// You may use the returned volume matrix with IAkGlobalPluginContext::MixNinNChannels.
486  /// \aknote ComputePositioning is more general than this one, as it can also compute speaker gains for non-3D spatialization, and should be favored.\endaknote
487  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
488  /// \sa IAkGlobalPluginContext
490  AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the input.
491  AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the mixer output.
492  AkReal32 in_fCenterPerc, ///< Center percentage. Only applies to mono inputs with standard output configurations that have a center channel.
493  AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes ///< Returned volumes matrix. Must be preallocated using AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetRequiredSize() (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix services).
494  ) = 0;
496  /// Compute a volume matrix given the position of the panner (Wwise 2D panner).
497  /// You may use the returned volume matrix with IAkGlobalPluginContext::MixNinNChannels.
498  /// \aknote ComputePositioning is more general than this one, as it can also compute speaker gains for 3D spatialization, and should be favored.\endaknote
499  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
500  /// \sa IAkGlobalPluginContext
502  AkSpeakerPanningType in_ePannerType, ///< Panner type
503  const AkVector & in_position, ///< x,y,z panner position [-1,1]. Note that z has no effect at the moment.
504  AkReal32 in_fCenterPct, ///< Center percentage.
505  AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the input.
506  AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the mixer output.
507  AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes ///< Returned volumes matrix. Must be preallocated using AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetRequiredSize() (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix services).
508  ) = 0;
510  /// Compute panning gains on the plane given an incidence angle and channel configuration.
511  /// You may use the returned volume matrix with IAkGlobalPluginContext::MixNinNChannels.
512  /// \aknote ComputePositioning is more general than this one, as it can also compute speaker gains for non-3D spatialization, and should be favored.\endaknote
513  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
514  /// \sa IAkGlobalPluginContext
516  AkReal32 in_fAngle, ///< Incident angle, in radians [-pi,pi], where 0 is the azimuth (positive values are clockwise)
517  AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, ///< Desired output configuration.
518  AkReal32 in_fCenterPerc, ///< Center percentage. Only applies to mono inputs to outputs that have no center.
519  AK::SpeakerVolumes::VectorPtr out_vVolumes ///< Returned volumes (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Vector services). Must be allocated prior to calling this function with the size returned by AK::SpeakerVolumes::Vector::GetRequiredSize() for the desired configuration.
520  ) = 0;
522  /// Initialize spherical VBAP
523  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
525  AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator, ///< Memory allocator
526  const AkSphericalCoord* in_SphericalPositions, ///< Array of points in spherical coordinates, containing the position of each channel.
527  const AkUInt32 in_NbPoints, ///< Number of points in the position array
528  void *& out_pPannerData ///< Contains data relevant to the 3D panner that shoud be re-used accross plugin instances.
529  ) = 0;
531  /// Compute panning gains on the plane given an incidence angle and channel configuration.
532  /// \aknote ComputePositioning is more general than this one, as it handles spread and focus, and can also compute speaker gains for non-3D spatialization, and should be favored.\endaknote
533  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
535  void* in_pPannerData, ///< Contains data relevant to the 3D panner that shoud be re-used accross plugin instances.
536  AkReal32 in_fAzimuth, ///< Incident angle, in radians [-pi,pi], where 0 is the azimuth (positive values are clockwise)
537  AkReal32 in_fElevation, ///< Incident angle, in radians [0,pi], where 0 is the elevation (positive values are clockwise)
538  AkUInt32 in_uNumChannels, ///< Number of output channels.
539  AK::SpeakerVolumes::VectorPtr out_vVolumes ///< Returned volumes (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Vector services). Must be allocated prior to calling this function with the size returned by AK::SpeakerVolumes::Vector::GetRequiredSize() for the desired configuration.
540  ) = 0;
542  /// Clear panner data obtained from InitSphericalVBAP().
543  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
545  AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator, ///< Memory allocator
546  void* in_pPannerData ///< Contains data relevant to the 3D panner that shoud be re-used accross plugin instances.
547  ) = 0;
549  /// Compute standard 3D positioning.
550  /// You may use the returned volume matrix with IAkGlobalPluginContext::MixNinNChannels.
551  /// \aknote The cartesian counterpart of Compute3DPositioning, that uses emitter and listener transforms, should be used instead of this function.
552  /// It is more complete and more efficient. \endaknote
553  /// \aknote ComputePositioning is more general than this one, as it can also compute speaker gains for non-3D spatialization, and should be favored.\endaknote
554  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
555  /// \sa IAkGlobalPluginContext
557  AkReal32 in_fAngle, ///< Incident angle, in radians [-pi,pi], where 0 is the azimuth (positive values are clockwise).
558  AkReal32 in_fElevation, ///< Incident elevation angle, in radians [-pi/2,pi/2], where 0 is the horizon (positive values are above the horizon).
559  AkReal32 in_fSpread, ///< Spread ([0,1]).
560  AkReal32 in_fFocus, ///< Focus ([0,1]).
561  AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the input.
562  AkChannelMask in_uInputChanSel, ///< Mask of input channels selected for panning (excluded input channels don't contribute to the output).
563  AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, ///< Desired output configuration.
564  AkReal32 in_fCenterPerc, ///< Center percentage. Only applies to mono inputs to outputs that have a center.
565  AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes ///< Returned volumes matrix. Must be preallocated using AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetRequiredSize() (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix services).
566  ) = 0;
568  /// Compute standard 3D positioning.
569  /// You may use the returned volume matrix with IAkGlobalPluginContext::MixNinNChannels.
570  /// \aknote This function is more complete and more efficient than the Compute3DPositioning service that uses spherical coordinates, and should be favored.\endaknote
571  /// \aknote ComputePositioning is more general than this one, as it can also compute speaker gains for non-3D spatialization, and should be favored.\endaknote
572  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
573  /// \sa IAkGlobalPluginContext
575  const AkWorldTransform & in_emitter, ///< Emitter transform.
576  const AkWorldTransform & in_listener, ///< Listener transform.
577  AkReal32 in_fCenterPerc, ///< Center percentage. Only applies to mono inputs to outputs that have a center.
578  AkReal32 in_fSpread, ///< Spread ([0,1]).
579  AkReal32 in_fFocus, ///< Focus ([0,1]).
580  AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the input.
581  AkChannelMask in_uInputChanSel, ///< Mask of input channels selected for panning (excluded input channels don't contribute to the output).
582  AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, ///< Desired output configuration.
583  AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes ///< Returned volumes matrix. Must be preallocated using AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetRequiredSize() (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix services).
584  ) = 0;
586  /// Compute the speaker volume matrix of built-in positioning in Wwise from given positioning data and input and output channel configurations.
587  /// You may use the returned volume matrix with IAkGlobalPluginContext::MixNinNChannels.
588  /// Any known (non-anonymous) combination of configurations will work. For example, ambisonics will be decoded or encoded if needed.
589  /// Additionally, anonymous configurations registered via RegisterAnonymousConfig are partially supported as output channel configurations.
590  /// \aknote The function will fail if the input or output configuration is object-based, as the speaker volume matrix would be undefined.\endaknote
591  /// All panning or spatialization types are honored.
592  /// 3D Spatialization is performed relative to the default listener position (0,0,0) and orientation, where the front vector is (0,0,1) and the top vector is (0,1,0), left handed.
593  /// \return AK_Success if succeeded, AK_InvalidParameter if the input or output configuration is object-based, or AK_Fail if the channel configurations are unknown or unhandled.
594  /// \sa IAkGlobalPluginContext
595  /// \sa IAkMixerPluginContext::RegisterAnonymousConfig
597  const AkPositioningData& in_posData, ///< Positioning data. The field "threeD" is ignored if in_posData.behavioral.spatMode is AK_SpatializationMode_None.
598  AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the input.
599  AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the output.
600  AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes ///< Returned volumes matrix. Must be preallocated using AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetRequiredSize() (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix services).
601  ) = 0;
604  //@}
606  /// \name Metering.
607  //@{
609  /// Set flags for controlling computation of metering values on the mix buffer.
610  /// Pass AK_NoMetering to disable metering.
611  /// \sa
612  /// - AK::AkMetering
613  virtual void EnableMetering( AkMeteringFlags in_eFlags ) = 0;
615  //@}
617  /// Register an anonymous configuration for use with ComputePositioning. This enables use of arbitrary
618  /// speaker configurations with 3d panning and ambisonics decoding. Some positioning features are not
619  /// supported with anonymous configurations: this includes center%, height spread, balance-fade, and
620  /// steering. An UnregisterAnonymousConfig call for each registered configuration should be made before
621  /// termination of the plug-in. Calling RegisterAnonymousConfig multiple times with the same number of
622  /// channels will result in the last coordinates taking precedence.
623  /// \sa IAkMixerPluginContext::UnregisterAnonymousConfig
624  /// \sa IAkMixerPluginContext::ComputePositioning
626  AkUInt32 in_uNumChannels, ///< Number of channels of the anonymous configuration being registered.
627  const AkSphericalCoord* in_SphericalPositions ///< Array of points in spherical coordinates, containing the position of each channel.
628  ) = 0;
630  /// Unregister an anonymous configuration previously registered with RegisterAnonymousConfig.
631  /// \sa IAkMixerPluginContext::RegisterAnonymousConfig
632  /// \sa IAkMixerPluginContext::ComputePositioning
634  AkUInt32 in_uNumChannels ///< Number of channels of the anonymous configuration being unregistered.
635  ) = 0;
636  };
638  /// Parameter node interface, managing access to an enclosed parameter structure.
639  /// \aknote The implementer of this interface should also expose a static creation function
640  /// that will return a new parameter node instance when required (see \ref se_plugins_overview). \endaknote
641  /// \sa
642  /// - \ref shared_parameter_interface
644  {
645  protected:
646  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
647  virtual ~IAkPluginParam(){}
649  public:
650  /// Create a duplicate of the parameter node instance in its current state.
651  /// \aknote The allocation of the new parameter node should be done through the AK_PLUGIN_NEW() macro. \endaknote
652  /// \return Pointer to a duplicated plug-in parameter node interface
653  /// \sa
654  /// - \ref iakeffectparam_clone
656  IAkPluginMemAlloc * in_pAllocator ///< Interface to memory allocator to be used
657  ) = 0;
659  /// Initialize the plug-in parameter node interface.
660  /// Initializes the internal parameter structure to default values or with the provided parameter
661  /// block if it is valid. \endaknote
662  /// \aknote If the provided parameter block is valid, use SetParamsBlock() to set all parameters at once. \endaknote
663  /// \return Possible return values are: AK_Success, AK_Fail, AK_InvalidParameter
664  /// \sa
665  /// - \ref iakeffectparam_init
666  virtual AKRESULT Init(
667  IAkPluginMemAlloc * in_pAllocator, ///< Interface to the memory allocator to be used
668  const void * in_pParamsBlock, ///< Pointer to a parameter structure block
669  AkUInt32 in_uBlockSize ///< Size of the parameter structure block
670  ) = 0;
672  /// Called by the sound engine when a parameter node is terminated.
673  /// \aknote The self-destruction of the parameter node must be done using the AK_PLUGIN_DELETE() macro. \endaknote
674  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise
675  /// \sa
676  /// - \ref iakeffectparam_term
677  virtual AKRESULT Term(
678  IAkPluginMemAlloc * in_pAllocator ///< Interface to memory allocator to be used
679  ) = 0;
681  /// Set all plug-in parameters at once using a parameter block.
682  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_InvalidParameter otherwise
683  /// \sa
684  /// - \ref iakeffectparam_setparamsblock
686  const void *in_pParamsBlock, ///< Pointer to a parameter structure block
687  AkUInt32 in_uBlockSize ///< Size of the parameter structure block
688  ) = 0;
690  /// Update a single parameter at a time and perform the necessary actions on the parameter changes.
691  /// \aknote The parameter ID corresponds to the AudioEnginePropertyID in the plug-in XML description file. \endaknote
692  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_InvalidParameter otherwise
693  /// \sa
694  /// - \ref iakeffectparam_setparam
696  AkPluginParamID in_paramID, ///< ID number of the parameter to set
697  const void * in_pValue, ///< Pointer to the value of the parameter to set
698  AkUInt32 in_uParamSize ///< Size of the value of the parameter to set
699  ) = 0;
701  /// Use this constant with AK::Wwise::IPluginPropertySet::NotifyInternalDataChanged,
702  /// AK::Wwise::IAudioPlugin::GetPluginData and IAkPluginParam::SetParam. This tells
703  /// that the whole plugin data needs to be saved/transferred.
704  ///\sa
705  /// - AK::Wwise::IPluginPropertySet::NotifyInternalDataChanged
706  /// - AK::Wwise::IAudioPlugin::GetPluginData
707  /// - AK::IAkPluginParam::SetParam
708  static const AkPluginParamID ALL_PLUGIN_DATA_ID = 0x7FFF;
709  };
711  /// Wwise sound engine plug-in interface. Shared functionality across different plug-in types.
712  /// \aknote The implementer of this interface should also expose a static creation function
713  /// that will return a new plug-in instance when required (see \ref soundengine_plugins). \endaknote
714  class IAkPlugin
715  {
716  protected:
717  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
718  virtual ~IAkPlugin(){}
720  public:
721  /// Release the resources upon termination of the plug-in.
722  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise
723  /// \aknote The self-destruction of the plug-in must be done using AK_PLUGIN_DELETE() macro. \endaknote
724  /// \sa
725  /// - \ref iakeffect_term
726  virtual AKRESULT Term(
727  IAkPluginMemAlloc * in_pAllocator ///< Interface to memory allocator to be used by the plug-in
728  ) = 0;
730  /// The reset action should perform any actions required to reinitialize the state of the plug-in
731  /// to its original state (e.g. after Init() or on effect bypass).
732  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
733  /// \sa
734  /// - \ref iakeffect_reset
735  virtual AKRESULT Reset() = 0;
737  /// Plug-in information query mechanism used when the sound engine requires information
738  /// about the plug-in to determine its behavior.
739  /// \warning This function can be called before Init. Implementation of this function should not rely on internal state initialized in Init.
740  /// \return AK_Success if successful.
741  /// \sa
742  /// - \ref iakeffect_geteffectinfo
744  AkPluginInfo & out_rPluginInfo ///< Reference to the plug-in information structure to be retrieved
745  ) = 0;
747  /// Some plug-ins are accessing Media from the Wwise sound bank system.
748  /// If the IAkPlugin object is not using media, this function will not be used and should simply return false.
749  /// If the IAkPlugin object is using media, the RelocateMedia feature can be optionally implemented.
750  /// To implement correctly the feature, the plugin must be able to "Hot swap" from a memory location to another one in a single blocking call (AK::IAkPlugin::RelocateMedia)
751  ///
752  /// \sa
753  /// - AK::IAkPlugin::RelocateMedia
754  virtual bool SupportMediaRelocation() const
755  {
756  return false;
757  }
759  /// Some plug-ins are accessing Media from the Wwise sound bank system.
760  /// If the IAkPlugin object is not using media, this function will not be used.
761  /// If the IAkPlugin object is using media, the RelocateMedia feature can be optionally implemented.
762  /// When this function is being called, the IAkPlugin object must make the required changes to remove all
763  /// referenced from the old memory pointer (previously obtained by GetPluginMedia() (and offsets to) to not access anymore the content of the old memory data and start using the newly provided pointer instead.
764  /// The change must be done within the function RelocateMedia().
765  /// After this call, the memory space in in_pOldInMemoryData will be invalidated and cannot be used safely anymore.
766  ///
767  /// This function will not be called if SupportMediaRelocation returned false.
768  ///
769  /// \sa
770  /// - AK::IAkPlugin::SupportMediaRelocation
772  AkUInt8* /*in_pNewMedia*/,
773  AkUInt8* /*in_pOldMedia*/
774  )
775  {
776  return AK_NotImplemented;
777  }
779  };
781  /// Software effect plug-in interface (see \ref soundengine_plugins_effects).
782  class IAkEffectPlugin : public IAkPlugin
783  {
784  protected:
785  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
786  virtual ~IAkEffectPlugin(){}
788  public:
789  /// Software effect plug-in initialization. Prepares the effect for data processing, allocates memory and sets up the initial conditions.
790  /// \aknote Memory allocation should be done through appropriate macros (see \ref fx_memory_alloc). \endaknote
791  /// \sa
792  /// - \ref iakmonadiceffect_init
793  virtual AKRESULT Init(
794  IAkPluginMemAlloc * in_pAllocator, ///< Interface to memory allocator to be used by the effect
795  IAkEffectPluginContext * in_pEffectPluginContext, ///< Interface to effect plug-in's context
796  IAkPluginParam * in_pParams, ///< Interface to plug-in parameters
797  AkAudioFormat & io_rFormat ///< Audio data format of the input/output signal. Only an out-of-place plugin is allowed to change the channel configuration. Object processors may receive a channel configuration with type "object" if attached to a bus configured for Audio Objects processing, but otherwise may receive a config for just 1 source. Out-of-place object processors may change the format type, in which case the host bus will automatically create an output object with the desired channel configuration.
798  ) = 0;
799  };
801  /// Software effect plug-in interface for in-place processing (see \ref soundengine_plugins_effects).
803  {
804  public:
805  /// Software effect plug-in DSP execution for in-place processing.
806  /// \aknote The effect should process all the input data (uValidFrames) as long as AK_DataReady is passed in the eState field.
807  /// When the input is finished (AK_NoMoreData), the effect can output more sample than uValidFrames up to MaxFrames() if desired.
808  /// All sample frames beyond uValidFrames are not initialized and it is the responsibility of the effect to do so when outputting an effect tail.
809  /// The effect must notify the pipeline by updating uValidFrames if more frames are produced during the effect tail.
810  /// \aknote The effect will stop being called by the pipeline when AK_NoMoreData is returned in the the eState field of the AkAudioBuffer structure.
811  /// See \ref iakmonadiceffect_execute_general.
812  virtual void Execute(
813  AkAudioBuffer * io_pBuffer ///< In/Out audio buffer data structure (in-place processing)
814  ) = 0;
816  /// Skips execution of some frames, when the voice is virtual playing from elapsed time.
817  /// This can be used to simulate processing that would have taken place (e.g. update internal state).
818  /// Return AK_DataReady or AK_NoMoreData, depending if there would be audio output or not at that point.
820  AkUInt32 in_uFrames ///< Number of frames the audio processing should advance.
821  ) = 0;
822  };
825  /// Software effect plug-in interface for out-of-place processing (see \ref soundengine_plugins_effects).
827  {
828  public:
829  /// Software effect plug-in for out-of-place processing.
830  /// \aknote An input buffer is provided and will be passed back to Execute() (with an advancing offset based on uValidFrames consumption by the plug-in).
831  /// The output buffer should be filled entirely by the effect (at which point it can report AK_DataReady) except on last execution where AK_NoMoreData should be used.
832  /// AK_DataNeeded should be used when more input data is necessary to continue processing.
833  /// \aknote Only the output buffer eState field is looked at by the pipeline to determine the effect state.
834  /// See \ref iakmonadiceffect_execute_outofplace.
835  virtual void Execute(
836  AkAudioBuffer * in_pBuffer, ///< Input audio buffer data structure
837  AkUInt32 in_uInOffset, ///< Offset position into input buffer data
838  AkAudioBuffer * out_pBuffer ///< Output audio buffer data structure
839  ) = 0;
841  /// Skips execution of some frames, when the voice is virtual playing from elapsed time.
842  /// This can be used to simulate processing that would have taken place (e.g. update internal state).
843  /// Return AK_DataReady or AK_NoMoreData, depending if there would be audio output or not at that point.
845  AkUInt32 &io_uFrames ///< Number of frames the audio processing should advance. The output value should be the number of frames that would be consumed to output the number of frames this parameter has at the input of the function.
846  ) = 0;
847  };
849  /// In-place Object Processor plug-in interface. Implement this interface when your plugin returns both AkPluginInfo::bCanProcessObjects
850  /// and AkPluginInfo::bIsInPlace set to true.
851  /// In-place object processors just modify objects' audio or metadata, but do not destroy objects create additional output objects.
852  /// An object processor may be initialized with an Object configuration, or any channel configuration, depending on the configuration of its input.
853  /// It is not allowed to change the channel configuration in Init.
855  {
856  public:
858  /// In-place object processor plug-in DSP execution.
859  /// \aknote The effect should process all the input data (uValidFrames) of each input object in in_pObjectsIn as long as AK_DataReady is passed in their corresponding eState field.
860  /// When an input object is finished (eState is AK_NoMoreData), the effect can output more samples than uValidFrames, up to MaxFrames() if desired.
861  /// The effect must notify the pipeline by updating uValidFrames of a given object if more frames are produced, and by setting its eState to AK_DataReady as long as more samples will be produced.\endaknote.
862  /// \sa AK::IAkEffectPlugin::Init.
863  virtual void Execute(
864  const AkAudioObjects& io_objects ///< Input/Output objects and object buffers.
865  ) = 0;
866  };
868  /// Out-of-place Object Processor plug-in interface. Implement this interface when your plugin returns AkPluginInfo::bCanProcessObjects set to true
869  /// and AkPluginInfo::bIsInPlace set to false.
870  /// With out-of-place object processors, the set of output objects is different than that of the input objects. Out-of-place object processors typically create
871  /// their own output objects using IAkEffectPluginContext::CreateObject. Alternatively, an output object is created by the host bus if the channel configuration
872  /// returned from Init is not of type AK_ChannelConfigType_Objects.
873  /// Only out-of-place object processors may create output objects or change the output channel configuration.
875  {
876  public:
878  /// Out-of-place object processor plug-in DSP execution.
879  /// \aknote When running out-of-place, the effect must only update uValidFrames and eState fields of output objects.
880  /// When the object processor sets an output object's eState field to AK_NoMoreData, the host will garbage collect them afterwards. \endaknote
881  /// \akwarning If an out-of-place object processor calls AK::IAkEffectPluginContext::CreateOutputObjects from within Execute, it must not access the output objects passed in out_objects, as the pointed objects may have moved elsewhere in memory.
882  /// In that case it must use AK::IAkEffectPluginContext::GetOutputObjects. Arguments in_pObjectBuffersOut and in_pObjectsOut can only be safely used if the plugin creates objects during Init, either via
883  /// AK::IAkEffectPluginContext::CreateOutputObjects, or by setting the channelConfig field of io_rFormat to a normal channel configuration (i.e. whose eConfigType is not AK_ChannelConfigType_Objects). \endakwarning
884  /// \sa AK::IAkEffectPlugin::Init.
885  virtual void Execute(
886  const AkAudioObjects& in_objects, ///< Input objects and object audio buffers.
887  const AkAudioObjects& out_objects ///< Output objects and object audio buffers.
888  ) = 0;
889  };
892  {
893  public:
894  /// Compute the speaker volume matrix of built-in positioning in Wwise from given positioning data and input and output channel configurations.
895  /// Any known (non-anonymous) combination of configurations will work. For example, ambisonics will be decoded or encoded if needed.
896  /// \aknote The function will fail if the input or output configuration is object-based, as the speaker volume matrix would be undefined.\endaknote
897  /// All panning or spatialization types are honored.
898  /// 3D Spatialization is performed relative to the default listener position (0,0,0) and orientation, where the front vector is (0,0,1) and the top vector is (0,1,0), left handed.
899  /// \return AK_Success if succeeded, AK_InvalidParameter if the input or output configuration is object-based, or AK_Fail if the channel configurations are unknown or unhandled.
901  const AkPositioningData& in_posData, ///< Positioning data. The field "threeD" is ignored if in_posData.behavioral.spatMode is AK_SpatializationMode_None.
902  AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the input.
903  AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the output.
904  AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes ///< Returned volumes matrix. Must be preallocated using AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetRequiredSize() (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix services).
905  ) = 0;
906  };
908  /// Audio device effect plug-in interface. Implement this interface for in-place effects that must be applied at the very end of the pipeline.
909  /// Audio device effects are applied right before sending audio buffers (main mix, passthrough and objects) to the audio device output through IAkSinkPlugin/IAk3DAudioSinkPlugin.
910  /// The format of the audio buffers passed to the effect matches the format requested by the sink plug-in. This means that audio device effects must be in-place; they cannot change io_rFormat in Init().
912  {
913  protected:
914  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
917  public:
918  /// Audio device effect plug-in initialization. Prepares the effect for data processing, allocates memory and sets up the initial conditions.
919  /// \aknote Memory allocation should be done through appropriate macros (see \ref fx_memory_alloc). \endaknote
920  virtual AKRESULT Init(
921  IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator, ///< Interface to memory allocator to be used by the effect
922  IAkAudioDeviceEffectPluginContext* in_pEffectPluginContext, ///< Interface to audio effect's plug-in context
923  IAkPluginParam* in_pParams, ///< Interface to plug-in parameters
924  const AkAudioFormat& in_rFormat, ///< Audio data format of the input/output signal. Matches the channel configuration of the audio device sink plug-in. If format is object-based (AkChannelConfig::eConfigType is Ak_ChannelConfigType_Objects), the plug-in should verify Ak3DAudioSinkCapabilities to determine which inputs it can expect in Execute (main mix, passthrough, objects).
925  const Ak3DAudioSinkCapabilities& in_3dCapabilities ///< 3D capabilities of the output device sink plug-in. If io_rFormat is not object-based, this can be ignored and only the main mix will be submitted to Execute().
926  ) = 0;
928  virtual void Execute(
929  AkAudioBuffer* io_pMainMix, ///< Audio buffer data structure for the main mix (binauralized or not, depending on if binauralization is supported and enabled).
930  AkAudioBuffer* io_pPassthroughMix, ///< The stereo mix to send out to the system in passthrough fashion (no binauralization). NULL if the channel configuration of the device is not object-based or does not have a passthrough.
931  const AkAudioObjects& io_objects, ///< 3D Audio objects and object audio buffers to be consumed. The audio buffers are in the native format of the sound engine (typically float, deinterleaved), as specified by io_rFormat passed to Init(). It is up to the plugin to transform it into a format that is compatible with its output.
932  AkRamp& io_gain ///< Volume gain to apply to all inputs. If the effect applies the gain, it must reset the gain to 1.0f so that it's not applied a second time in the sink plug-in.
933  ) = 0;
934  };
936  /// Interface to retrieve information about an input of a mix connection (for processing during the SpeakerVolumeMatrix Callback)
938  {
939  public:
940  /// Obtain the interface to access the voice info of this input.
941  /// \return The interface to voice info. NULL when the input is not a voice but the output of another bus instead.
944  /// Obtain the interface to access the game object on which the plugin is instantiated.
945  /// \return The interface to GameObject info.
948  /// Query the nature of the connection between this input and the mixer.
949  /// \return The connection type (direct/dry, user-defined auxiliary send, game-defined auxiliary send). Bus inputs are always "direct".
952  /// Use this method to retrieve user data to this context. It is always initialized to NULL until you decide to set it otherwise.
953  /// \return Attached user data.
954  /// \sa SetUserData()
955  virtual void* GetUserData() = 0;
957  /// Use this method to attach user data to this context. It is always initialized to NULL until you decide to set it otherwise.
958  /// \sa GetUserData()
959  virtual void SetUserData(void* in_pUserData) = 0;
961  /// Retrieve center percentage of this input.
962  /// \return Center percentage, between 0 and 1.
963  virtual AkReal32 GetCenterPerc() = 0;
965  /// Retrieve the speaker panning type: type of panning logic when object is not 3D spatialized.
966  /// Note that the returned value is only relevant when the object is not 3D spatialized,
967  /// that is Get3DSpatializationMode returns AK_SpatializationMode_None.
968  /// \sa
969  /// - Get3DSpatializationMode()
972  /// Speaker panning:
973  /// Retrieve the panner position (each vector component is between -1 and 1) of this input.
974  /// Note that the returned value is only relevant when the object is not 3D spatialized,
975  /// (Get3DSpatializationMode returns AK_SpatializationMode_None), and if speaker panning is not direct assignment
976  /// (GetSpeakerPanningType does not return AK_DirectSpeakerAssignment).
977  /// \sa
978  /// - GetSpeakerPanningType()
979  /// - Get3DSpatializationMode()
980  virtual void GetPannerPosition(
981  AkVector& out_position ///< Returned sound position.
982  ) = 0;
984  /// Get the value of this input's Listener Relative Routing option, that is, if the emitter-listener relative
985  /// association is calculated at this node. Listener Relative Routing needs to be calculated in order for a node
986  /// to be spatialized or attenuated with respect to in-game emitter and listener positions. Otherwise it can only
987  /// be panned.
988  /// \sa
989  /// - Get3DSpatializationMode()
990  /// - Get3DPositionType()
991  /// - GetNum3DPositions()
992  virtual bool HasListenerRelativeRouting() = 0;
994  /// Get whether the emitter position is defined by the game alone (AK_3DPositionType_Emitter), or if it is further automated
995  /// (AK_3DPositionType_EmitterWithAutomation, AK_3DPositionType_ListenerWithAutomation).
996  /// The resulting 3D position(s) may be obtained by Get3DPosition(), and used for 3D spatialization or attenuation.
997  /// \sa
998  /// - Get3DPosition()
999  /// - GetNum3DPositions()
1000  /// - HasListenerRelativeRouting()
1003  /// 3D spatialization:
1004  /// Retrieve the number of emitter-listener pairs (rays) of this input.
1005  /// Note that the returned value is always 0 unless the input has listener relative routing (see HasListenerRelativeRouting()).
1006  /// Use this function with Get3DPosition().
1007  /// \sa
1008  /// - Get3DPosition()
1009  /// - HasListenerRelativeRouting()
1012  /// 3D spatialization:
1013  /// Retrieve the spherical coordinates of the desired emitter-listener pair (ray) corresponding to this
1014  /// input, as automated by the engine. Applicable only when the input has listener relative routing (see HasListenerRelativeRouting()).
1015  /// Returned rays are those that result from engine automation, if applicable.
1016  /// \return AK_Success if the pair index is valid, AK_Fail otherwise.
1017  /// \sa
1018  /// - HasListenerRelativeRouting()
1019  /// - GetNum3DPositions()
1021  AkUInt32 in_uIndex, ///< Index of the pair, [0, GetNum3DPositions()[
1022  AkEmitterListenerPair& out_soundPosition ///< Returned sound position, in spherical coordinates.
1023  ) = 0;
1025  /// 3D spatialization:
1026  /// Evaluate spread value at the distance of the desired emitter-listener pair for this input.
1027  /// Applicable only when the input has listener relative routing (see HasListenerRelativeRouting()).
1028  /// \return The spread value, between 0 and 1. 0 if the pair index is invalid.
1029  /// \sa
1030  /// - HasListenerRelativeRouting()
1031  /// - GetNum3DPositions()
1032  /// - Get3DPosition()
1034  AkUInt32 in_uIndex ///< Index of the pair, [0, GetNum3DPositions()[
1035  ) = 0;
1037  /// 3D spatialization:
1038  /// Evaluate focus value at the distance of the desired emitter-listener pair for this input.
1039  /// Applicable only when the input has listener relative routing (see HasListenerRelativeRouting()).
1040  /// \return The focus value, between 0 and 1. 0 if the pair index is invalid.
1041  /// \sa
1042  /// - HasListenerRelativeRouting()
1043  /// - GetNum3DPositions()
1044  /// - Get3DPosition()
1046  AkUInt32 in_uIndex ///< Index of the pair, [0, GetNum3DPositions()[
1047  ) = 0;
1049  /// Get the max distance as defined in the attenuation editor.
1050  /// Applicable only when the input has listener relative routing (see HasListenerRelativeRouting()).
1051  /// \return True if this input has attenuation, false otherwise.
1053  AkReal32& out_fMaxAttenuationDistance ///< Returned max distance.
1054  ) = 0;
1056  /// Query the 3D spatialization mode used by this input.
1057  /// Applicable only when the input has listener relative routing (see HasListenerRelativeRouting()).
1058  /// \return The 3D spatialization mode (see Ak3DSpatializationMode). AK_SpatializationMode_None if not set, or if the input is not a node where the game object is evaluated against its listener.
1059  /// \sa
1060  /// - HasListenerRelativeRouting()
1062  };
1064  /// Interface to retrieve contextual information for a sink plugin.
1065  /// \sa
1066  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin
1068  {
1069  protected:
1070  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
1073  public:
1075  /// Query if the sink plugin is instantiated on the main output device (primary tree).
1076  /// \return True if the sink plugin is instantiated on the main output device (primary tree), false otherwise.
1077  /// \sa
1078  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::IsDataNeeded()
1079  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::Consume()
1080  virtual bool IsPrimary() = 0;
1082  /// Sink plugins may need to call this function to notify the audio thread that it should wake up
1083  /// in order to potentially process an audio frame. Note that the audio thread may wake up for other
1084  /// reasons, for example following calls to AK::SoundEngine::RenderAudio().
1085  /// Once the audio thread is awaken, it will ask the sink plugin how many audio frames need to be
1086  /// processed and presented to the plugin. This is done through AK::IAkSinkPlugin::IsDataNeeded()
1087  /// and AK::IAkSinkPlugin::Consume() respectively.
1088  /// Note that only the sink plugin that is instantiated on the main output device (primary tree) may control
1089  /// the audio thread synchronization.
1090  /// \return AK_Success if the calling plugin is instantiated on the main output device (primary tree),
1091  /// AK_Fail otherwise.
1092  /// \sa
1093  /// - AK::IAkSinkPluginContext::IsPrimary()
1094  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::IsDataNeeded()
1095  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::Consume()
1098  /// Query engine's user-defined sink queue depth (AkPlatformInitSettings::uNumRefillsInVoice).
1099  /// \return The engine's AkPlatformInitSettings::uNumRefillsInVoice value on platforms for which it exists, 0 otherwise.
1102  /// Compute the speaker volume matrix of built-in positioning in Wwise from given positioning data and input and output channel configurations.
1103  /// Any known (non-anonymous) combination of configurations will work. For example, ambisonics will be decoded or encoded if needed.
1104  /// \aknote The function will fail if the input or output configuration is object-based, as the speaker volume matrix would be undefined.\endaknote
1105  /// All panning or spatialization types are honored.
1106  /// 3D Spatialization is performed relative to the default listener position (0,0,0) and orientation, where the front vector is (0,0,1) and the top vector is (0,1,0), left handed.
1107  /// \return AK_Success if succeeded, AK_InvalidParameter if the input or output configuration is object-based, or AK_Fail if the channel configurations are unknown or unhandled.
1109  const AkPositioningData& in_posData, ///< Positioning data. The field "threeD" is ignored if in_posData.behavioral.spatMode is AK_SpatializationMode_None.
1110  AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the input.
1111  AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, ///< Channel configuration of the output.
1112  AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes ///< Returned volumes matrix. Must be preallocated using AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetRequiredSize() (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix services).
1113  ) = 0;
1115  /// Returns the panning rule for the output device to which the sink plug-in is attached.
1116  virtual AkPanningRule GetPanningRule() const = 0;
1117  };
1120  {
1123  };
1125  /// Software interface for sink (audio endpoint) plugins.
1126  /// This interface should not be implemented directly,
1127  /// Plug-ins should either implement:
1128  /// - IAkSinkPlugin: for audio endpoint that do not support 3D audio, or
1129  /// - IAk3DAudioSinkPlugin: for audio endpoints that support 3D audio features.
1131  {
1132  public:
1133  /// Initialization of the sink plugin.
1134  ///
1135  /// This method prepares the audio device plug-in for data processing, allocates memory, and sets up initial conditions.
1136  /// The plug-in is passed in a pointer to a memory allocator interface (AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc).You should perform all dynamic memory allocation through this interface using the provided memory allocation macros(refer to \ref fx_memory_alloc).For the most common memory allocation needs, namely allocation at initialization and release at termination, the plug-in does not need to retain a pointer to the allocator.It will also be provided to the plug-in on termination.
1137  /// The AK::IAkSinkPluginContext interface allows to retrieve information related to the context in which the audio device plug-in is operated.
1138  /// The plug-in also receives a pointer to its associated parameter node interface (AK::IAkPluginParam).Most plug-ins will want to keep a reference to the associated parameter node to be able to retrieve parameters at runtime. Refer to \ref iakeffectparam_communication for more details.
1139  /// All of these interfaces will remain valid throughout the plug-in's lifespan so it is safe to keep an internal reference to them when necessary.
1140  /// Plug-ins also receive the output audio format(which stays the same during the lifespan of the plug-in) to be able to allocate memory and setup processing for a given channel configuration.
1141  /// Note that the channel configuration is suggestive and may even be specified as not AkChannelConfig::IsValid().The plugin is free to determine the true channel configuration(this is an io parameter).
1142  ///
1143  /// \return AK_Success if successful.
1144  /// \return AK_NotCompatible if the system doesn't support this sink type. Return this if you want to fall back to the default sinks. This sink will never be requested again. Do not return this code if the device is simply unplugged.
1145  /// \return AK_DeviceNotCompatible if the requested output device doesn't support this sink type. Return this if you want to fall back to the dummy audio sink, which will result in no audio for the associated bus hierarchy. This sink will never be requested again.
1146  /// All other return codes will be treated as temporary failures conditions and the sink will be requested again later.
1148  virtual AKRESULT Init(
1149  IAkPluginMemAlloc * in_pAllocator, ///< Interface to memory allocator to be used by the effect.
1150  IAkSinkPluginContext * in_pSinkPluginContext, ///< Interface to sink plug-in's context.
1151  IAkPluginParam * in_pParams, ///< Interface to plug-in parameters.
1152  AkAudioFormat & io_rFormat ///< Audio data format of the input signal. Note that the channel configuration is suggestive and may even be specified as not AkChannelConfig::IsValid(). The plugin is free to determine the true channel configuration.
1153  ) = 0;
1155  /// Obtain the number of audio frames that should be processed by the sound engine and presented
1156  /// to this plugin via AK::IAkSinkPlugin::Consume(). The size of a frame is determined by the sound engine and
1157  /// obtainable via AK::IAkPluginContextBase::GetMaxBufferLength().
1158  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail if there was a critical error.
1159  /// \sa
1160  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::Consume()
1161  /// - AK::IAkSinkPluginContext::SignalAudioThread()
1163  AkUInt32& out_uNumFramesNeeded ///< Returned number of audio frames needed.
1164  ) = 0;
1166  /// Called at the end of the audio frame. If no Consume calls were made prior to OnFrameEnd, this means no audio was sent to the device. Assume silence.
1167  /// \sa
1168  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::Consume()
1169  virtual void OnFrameEnd() = 0;
1171  /// Ask the plug-in whether starvation occurred.
1172  /// \return True if starvation occurred, false otherwise.
1173  virtual bool IsStarved() = 0;
1175  /// Reset the "starvation" flag after IsStarved() returned true.
1176  virtual void ResetStarved() = 0;
1179  };
1181  /// Software interface for sink (audio endpoint) plugins.
1183  {
1184  protected:
1185  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
1186  virtual ~IAkSinkPlugin() {}
1188  public:
1189  /// Present an audio buffer to the sink. The audio buffer is in the native format of the sound engine
1190  /// (typically float, deinterleaved), as specified by io_rFormat passed to Init(). It is up to the
1191  /// plugin to transform it into a format that is compatible with its output.
1192  /// Note that Consume() is not called if the output for this frame consists of silence. Plugins should
1193  /// detect this in OnFrameEnd().
1194  /// \sa
1195  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::IsDataNeeded()
1196  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::OnFrameEnd()
1197  virtual void Consume(
1198  AkAudioBuffer * in_pInputBuffer, ///< Input audio buffer data structure. Plugins should avoid processing data in-place.
1199  AkRamp in_gain ///< Volume gain to apply to this input (prev corresponds to the beginning, next corresponds to the end of the buffer).
1200  ) = 0;
1202  virtual AkSinkPluginType GetSinkPluginType() const override final { return AkSinkPluginType_Sink; }
1203  };
1205  /// Software plug-in interface for sink (audio end point) which supports 3D audio features.
1207  {
1208  protected:
1209  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
1212  public:
1213  /// Returns the capabilities of the sink's 3D audio system
1215  Ak3DAudioSinkCapabilities& out_rCapabilities ///< Capabilities of the 3D Audio system
1216  ) = 0;
1218  /// Same as AK::IAkSinkPlugin::Consume(), but receives 3 inputs: the main mix,the stereo passthrough and 3d audio objects.
1219  /// \sa
1220  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::Consume()
1221  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::IsDataNeeded()
1222  /// - AK::IAkSinkPlugin::OnFrameEnd()
1223  virtual void Consume(
1224  AkAudioBuffer* in_pMainMix, ///< Audio buffer data structure for the main mix (binauralized or not, depending on if binauralization is supported and enabled).
1225  AkAudioBuffer* in_pPassthroughMix, ///< The stereo mix to send out to the system in passthrough fashion (no binauralization). NULL if the channel configuration of the device is not object-based or does not have a passthrough.
1226  const AkAudioObjects& in_objects, ///< 3D Audio objects and object audio buffers to be consumed. The audio buffers are in the native format of the sound engine (typically float, deinterleaved), as specified by io_rFormat passed to Init(). It is up to the plugin to transform it into a format that is compatible with its output.
1227  AkRamp in_gain ///< Volume gain to apply to all inputs.
1228  ) = 0;
1230  virtual AkSinkPluginType GetSinkPluginType() const override final { return AkSinkPluginType_3DAudioSink; }
1231  };
1233  /// Wwise sound engine source plug-in interface (see \ref soundengine_plugins_source).
1235  {
1236  protected:
1237  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
1238  virtual ~IAkSourcePlugin(){}
1240  public:
1241  /// Source plug-in initialization. Gets the plug-in ready for data processing, allocates memory and sets up the initial conditions.
1242  /// \aknote Memory allocation should be done through the appropriate macros (see \ref fx_memory_alloc). \endaknote
1243  /// \sa
1244  /// - \ref iaksourceeffect_init
1245  virtual AKRESULT Init(
1246  IAkPluginMemAlloc * in_pAllocator, ///< Interface to the memory allocator to be used by the plug-in
1247  IAkSourcePluginContext * in_pSourcePluginContext, ///< Interface to the source plug-in's context
1248  IAkPluginParam * in_pParams, ///< Interface to the plug-in parameters
1249  AkAudioFormat & io_rFormat ///< Audio format of the output data to be produced by the plug-in (mono native by default)
1250  ) = 0;
1252  /// This method is called to determine the approximate duration of the source.
1253  /// \return The duration of the source, in milliseconds.
1254  /// \sa
1255  /// - \ref iaksourceeffect_getduration
1256  virtual AkReal32 GetDuration() const = 0;
1258  /// This method is called to determine the estimated envelope of the source.
1259  /// \return The estimated envelope of the data that will be generated in the next call to
1260  /// Execute(). The envelope value should be normalized to the highest peak of the entire
1261  /// duration of the source. Expected range is [0,1]. If envelope and peak value cannot be
1262  /// predicted, the source should return 1 (no envelope).
1263  /// \sa
1264  /// - \ref iaksourceeffect_getenvelope
1265  virtual AkReal32 GetEnvelope() const
1266  {
1267  return 1.f;
1268  }
1270  /// This method is called to tell the source to stop looping.
1271  /// This will typically be called when an action of type "break" will be triggered on the playing source.
1272  /// Break (or StopLooping) means: terminate gracefully... if possible. In most situations it finishes the current loop and plays the sound release if there is one.
1273  ///
1274  /// \return
1275  /// - \c AK_Success if the source ignores the break command and plays normally till the end or if the source support to stop looping and terminates gracefully.
1276  /// - \c AK_Fail if the source cannot simply stop looping, in this situation, the break command will end up stopping this source.
1277  /// \sa
1278  /// - \ref iaksourceeffect_stoplooping
1279  virtual AKRESULT StopLooping(){ return AK_Success; }
1281  /// This method is called to tell the source to seek to an arbitrary sample.
1282  /// This will typically be called when the game calls AK::SoundEngine::SeekOnEvent() where the event plays
1283  /// a sound that wraps this source plug-in.
1284  /// If the plug-in does not handle seeks, it should return AK_Success. If it returns AK_Fail, it will
1285  /// be terminated by the sound engine.
1286  ///
1287  /// \return
1288  /// - \c AK_Success if the source handles or ignores seek command.
1289  /// - \c AK_Fail if the source considers that seeking requests should provoke termination, for example, if
1290  /// the desired position is greater than the prescribed source duration.
1291  /// \sa
1292  /// - AK::SoundEngine::SeekOnEvent()
1293  virtual AKRESULT Seek(
1294  AkUInt32 /* in_uPosition */ ///< Position to seek to, in samples, at the rate specified in AkAudioFormat (see AK::IAkSourcePlugin::Init()).
1295  ) { return AK_Success; }
1297  /// Skips execution when the voice is virtual playing from elapsed time to simulate processing that would have taken place (e.g. update internal state) while
1298  /// avoiding most of the CPU hit of plug-in execution.
1299  /// Given the number of frames requested adjust the number of frames that would have been produced by a call to Execute() in the io_uFrames parameter and return and
1300  /// return AK_DataReady or AK_NoMoreData, depending if there would be audio output or not at that point.
1301  /// Returning AK_NotImplemented will trigger a normal execution of the voice (as if it was not virtual) thus not enabling the CPU savings of a proper from elapsed time behavior.
1302  /// Note that returning AK_NotImplemeted for a source plug-ins that support asynchronous processing will produce a 'resume' virtual voice behavior instead.
1304  AkUInt32 & /*io_uFrames */ ///< (Input) Number of frames that the audio buffer processing can advance (equivalent to MaxFrames()). The output value should be the number of frames that would be produced this execution.
1305  ) { return AK_NotImplemented; }
1307  /// Software effect plug-in DSP execution.
1308  /// \aknote The effect can output as much as wanted up to MaxFrames(). All sample frames passed uValidFrames at input time are
1309  /// not initialized and it is the responsibility of the effect to do so. When modifying the number of valid frames within execution
1310  /// (e.g. to flush delay lines) the effect should notify the pipeline by updating uValidFrames accordingly.
1311  /// \aknote The effect will stop being called by the pipeline when AK_NoMoreData is returned in the the eState field of the AkAudioBuffer structure.
1312  virtual void Execute(
1313  AkAudioBuffer * io_pBuffer ///< In/Out audio buffer data structure (in-place processing)
1314  ) = 0;
1315  };
1318  /// This function can be useful to convert from normalized floating point audio samples to HW-pipeline format samples.
1319  #define AK_FLOAT_TO_SAMPLETYPE( __in__ ) (__in__)
1320  /// This function can be useful to convert from normalized floating point audio samples to HW-pipeline format samples when the input is not not to exceed (-1,1) range.
1321  #define AK_FLOAT_TO_SAMPLETYPE_NOCLIP( __in__ ) (__in__)
1322  /// This function can be useful to convert from HW-pipeline format samples to normalized floating point audio samples.
1323  #define AK_SAMPLETYPE_TO_FLOAT( __in__ ) (__in__)
1325  #define AK_DBTOLIN( __db__ ) (powf(10.f,(__db__) * 0.05f))
1326 }
1328 /// Registered plugin creation function prototype.
1330 /// Registered plugin parameter node creation function prototype.
1332 /// Registered plugin device enumeration function prototype, used for providing lists of devices by plug-ins.
1334  AkUInt32& io_maxNumDevices, ///< In: The length of the out_deviceDescriptions array, or zero is out_deviceDescriptions is null. Out: If out_deviceDescriptions is not-null, this should be set to the number of entries in out_deviceDescriptions that was populated (and should be less-than-or-equal to the initial value). If out_deviceDescriptions is null, this should be set to the maximum number of devices that may be returned by this callback.
1335  AkDeviceDescription* out_deviceDescriptions ///< The output array of device descriptions. If this is not-null, there will be a number of entries equal to the input value of io_maxNumDevices.
1336  );
1338 struct AkPlatformInitSettings;
1339 struct AkInitSettings;
1341 namespace AK
1342 {
1344  {
1353  };
1355  /// Common interface for plug-in services accessed through the global plug-in context
1357  {
1358  protected:
1359  virtual ~IAkPluginService() {}
1360  };
1362  /// Global plug-in context used for plug-in registration/initialization.
1363  /// Games query this interface from the sound engine, via AK::SoundEngine::GetGlobalPluginContext. Plug-ins query it via IAkPluginContextBase::GlobalContext.
1365  {
1366  protected:
1367  /// Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
1370  public:
1372  /// Retrieve the streaming manager access interface.
1373  virtual IAkStreamMgr * GetStreamMgr() const = 0;
1375  /// Retrieve the maximum number of frames that Execute() will be called with for this effect.
1376  /// Can be used by the effect to make memory allocation at initialization based on this worst case scenario.
1377  /// \return Maximum number of frames.
1378  virtual AkUInt16 GetMaxBufferLength() const = 0;
1380  /// Query whether sound engine is in real-time or offline (faster than real-time) mode.
1381  /// \return true when sound engine is in offline mode, false otherwise.
1382  virtual bool IsRenderingOffline() const = 0;
1384  /// Retrieve the core sample rate of the engine. This sample rate applies to all effects except source plugins, which declare their own sample rate.
1385  /// \return Core sample rate.
1386  virtual AkUInt32 GetSampleRate() const = 0;
1388  /// Post a monitoring message or error string. This will be displayed in the Wwise capture
1389  /// log.
1390  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail if there was a problem posting the message.
1391  /// In optimized mode, this function returns AK_NotCompatible.
1392  /// \remark This function is provided as a tracking tool only. It does nothing if it is
1393  /// called in the optimized/release configuration and return AK_NotCompatible.
1395  const char* in_pszError, ///< Message or error string to be displayed
1396  AK::Monitor::ErrorLevel in_eErrorLevel ///< Specifies whether it should be displayed as a message or an error
1397  ) = 0;
1399  /// Register a plug-in with the sound engine and set the callback functions to create the
1400  /// plug-in and its parameter node.
1401  /// \sa
1402  /// - \ref register_effects
1403  /// - \ref plugin_xml
1404  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_InvalidParameter if invalid parameters were provided or Ak_Fail otherwise. Possible reasons for an AK_Fail result are:
1405  /// - Insufficient memory to register the plug-in
1406  /// - Plug-in ID already registered
1407  /// \remarks
1408  /// Codecs and plug-ins must be registered before loading banks that use them.\n
1409  /// Loading a bank referencing an unregistered plug-in or codec will result in a load bank success,
1410  /// but the plug-ins will not be used. More specifically, playing a sound that uses an unregistered effect plug-in
1411  /// will result in audio playback without applying the said effect. If an unregistered source plug-in is used by an event's audio objects,
1412  /// posting the event will fail.
1414  AkPluginType in_eType, ///< Plug-in type (for example, source or effect)
1415  AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, ///< Company identifier (as declared in the plug-in description XML file)
1416  AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, ///< Plug-in identifier (as declared in the plug-in description XML file)
1417  AkCreatePluginCallback in_pCreateFunc, ///< Pointer to the plug-in's creation function
1418  AkCreateParamCallback in_pCreateParamFunc ///< Pointer to the plug-in's parameter node creation function
1419  ) = 0;
1421  /// Register a codec type with the sound engine and set the callback functions to create the
1422  /// codec's file source and bank source nodes.
1423  /// \sa
1424  /// - \ref register_effects
1425  /// \return AK_Success if successful, AK_InvalidParameter if invalid parameters were provided, or Ak_Fail otherwise. Possible reasons for an AK_Fail result are:
1426  /// - Insufficient memory to register the codec
1427  /// - Codec ID already registered
1428  /// \remarks
1429  /// Codecs and plug-ins must be registered before loading banks that use them.\n
1430  /// Loading a bank referencing an unregistered plug-in or codec will result in a load bank success,
1431  /// but the plug-ins will not be used. More specifically, playing a sound that uses an unregistered effect plug-in
1432  /// will result in audio playback without applying the said effect. If an unregistered source plug-in is used by an event's audio objects,
1433  /// posting the event will fail.
1435  AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, ///< Company identifier (as declared in XML)
1436  AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, ///< Plugin identifier (as declared in XML)
1437  AkCreateFileSourceCallback in_pFileCreateFunc, ///< Factory for streaming sources.
1438  AkCreateBankSourceCallback in_pBankCreateFunc ///< Factory for in-memory sources.
1439  ) = 0;
1441  /// Register a global callback function. This function will be called from the audio rendering thread, at the
1442  /// location specified by in_eLocation. This function will also be called from the thread calling
1443  /// AK::SoundEngine::Term with in_eLocation set to AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Term.
1444  /// For example, in order to be called at every audio rendering pass, and once during teardown for releasing resources, you would call
1445  /// RegisterGlobalCallback(AkPluginTypeEffect, MY_COMPANY_ID , MY_PLUGIN_ID, myCallback, AkGlobalCallbackLocation_BeginRender | AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Term, myCookie);
1446  /// \remarks
1447  /// A valid (not AkPluginTypeNone) Plugin Type, Company ID and valid (non-zero) Plug-in ID of the plug-in registering the callback must be provided to this function.
1448  /// The timing of the callback function will contribute to the timing of the plug-in registered (Total Plug-in CPU and Advanced Profiler Plug-in tab).
1449  /// Timers will be registered to callbacks at all locations except for \c AkGlobalCallbackLocation::AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Register and \c AkGlobalCallbackLocation::AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Term.
1450  /// It is only legal to call this function from inside the plug-in registration callback, exclusively when receiving \c AkGlobalCallbackLocation::AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Register.
1451  /// This function should not be called from inside the plug-in instance (e.g. in Init, Execute, etc.) to prevent deadlocks when processing plug-ins in parallel.
1452  /// It is illegal to call this function while already inside of a registered global callback.
1453  /// This function might stall for several milliseconds before returning.
1454  /// \sa
1455  /// - \ref fx_global_hooks
1456  /// - AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::UnregisterGlobalCallback()
1457  /// - AkGlobalCallbackFunc
1458  /// - AkGlobalCallbackLocation
1460  AkPluginType in_eType, ///< A valid Plug-in type (for example, source or effect).
1461  AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, ///< Company identifier (as declared in the plug-in description XML file).
1462  AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, ///< Plug-in identifier (as declared in the plug-in description XML file).
1463  AkGlobalCallbackFunc in_pCallback, ///< Function to register as a global callback.
1464  AkUInt32 in_eLocation = AkGlobalCallbackLocation_BeginRender, ///< Callback location defined in AkGlobalCallbackLocation. Bitwise OR multiple locations if needed.
1465  void * in_pCookie = NULL ///< User cookie.
1466  ) = 0;
1468  /// Unregister a global callback function, previously registered using RegisterGlobalCallback.
1469  /// \remarks
1470  /// It is only legal to call this function from inside the plug-in registration global callback, exclusively when receiving \c AkGlobalCallbackLocation::AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Term.
1471  /// This function should not be called from inside the plug-in instance (e.g. in Init, Execute, etc.) to prevent deadlocks when processing plug-ins in parallel.
1472  /// It is illegal to call this function while already inside of a registered global callback.
1473  /// This function might stall for several milliseconds before returning.
1474  /// \sa
1475  /// - \ref fx_global_hooks
1476  /// - AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::RegisterGlobalCallback()
1477  /// - AkGlobalCallbackFunc
1478  /// - AkGlobalCallbackLocation
1480  AkGlobalCallbackFunc in_pCallback, ///< Function to unregister as a global callback.
1481  AkUInt32 in_eLocation = AkGlobalCallbackLocation_BeginRender ///< Must match in_eLocation as passed to RegisterGlobalCallback for this callback.
1482  ) = 0;
1484  /// Get the default allocator for plugins. This is useful for performing global initialization tasks shared across multiple plugin instances.
1487  /// \sa SetRTPCValue
1489  AkRtpcID in_rtpcID, ///< ID of the game parameter
1490  AkRtpcValue in_value, ///< Value to set
1491  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID = AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT,///< Associated game object ID
1492  AkTimeMs in_uValueChangeDuration = 0, ///< Duration during which the game parameter is interpolated towards in_value
1493  AkCurveInterpolation in_eFadeCurve = AkCurveInterpolation_Linear, ///< Curve type to be used for the game parameter interpolation
1494  bool in_bBypassInternalValueInterpolation = false ///< True if you want to bypass the internal "slew rate" or "over time filtering" specified by the sound designer. This is meant to be used when for example loading a level and you dont want the values to interpolate.
1495  ) = 0;
1497  /// Send custom game data to a plugin that resides on a bus (insert effect or mixer plugin).
1498  /// Data will be copied and stored into a separate list.
1499  /// Previous entry is deleted when a new one is sent.
1500  /// Set the data pointer to NULL to clear item from the list.
1501  /// This means that you cannot send different data to various instances of the plugin on a same bus.\endaknote
1502  /// \return AK_Success if data was sent successfully.
1504  AkUniqueID in_busID, ///< Bus ID
1505  AkGameObjectID in_busObjectID, ///< Bus Object ID
1506  AkPluginType in_eType, ///< Plug-in type (for example, source or effect)
1507  AkUInt32 in_uCompanyID, ///< Company identifier (as declared in the plug-in description XML file)
1508  AkUInt32 in_uPluginID, ///< Plug-in identifier (as declared in the plug-in description XML file)
1509  const void* in_pData, ///< The data blob
1510  AkUInt32 in_uSizeInBytes ///< Size of data
1511  ) = 0;
1513  /// Computes gain vector for encoding a source with angles in_fAzimuth and in_fElevation to full-sphere ambisonics with order in_uOrder.
1514  /// Ambisonic channels are ordered by ACN and use the SN3D convention.
1516  AkReal32 in_fAzimuth, ///< Incident angle, in radians [-pi,pi], where 0 is the front (positive values are clockwise).
1517  AkReal32 in_fElevation, ///< Incident angle, in radians [-pi/2,pi/2], where 0 is the azimuthal plane.
1518  AkChannelConfig in_cfgAmbisonics, ///< Determines number of gains in vector out_vVolumes.
1519  AK::SpeakerVolumes::VectorPtr out_vVolumes ///< Returned volumes (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Vector services). Must be allocated prior to calling this function with the size returned by AK::SpeakerVolumes::Vector::GetRequiredSize() for the desired number of channels.
1520  ) = 0;
1522  /// Computes gain matrix for decoding an SN3D-normalized ACN-ordered ambisonic signal of order sqrt(in_cfgAmbisonics.uNumChannels)-1, with max-RE weighting function, on a (regularly) sampled sphere whose samples in_samples are
1523  /// expressed in left-handed cartesian coordinates, with unitary norm.
1524  /// This decoding technique is optimal for regular sampling.
1525  /// The returned matrix has in_cfgAmbisonics.uNumChannels inputs (rows) and in_uNumSamples outputs (columns), and is normalized by the number of samples.
1526  /// You may use the returned volume matrix with IAkPluginServiceMixer::MixNinNChannels.
1527  /// Supported ambisonic configurations are full-sphere 1st to 5th order.
1528  /// \return
1529  /// - \c AK_InvalidParameter if in_cfgAmbisonics is not an ambisonic configuration.
1530  /// - \c AK_InvalidParameter if in_cfgAmbisonics does not have enough channel for a valid ambisonic configuration of the specified order.
1531  /// - \c AK_InvalidParameter if in_samples contains non-normalized vectors (not unity length).
1532  /// - \c AK_Success otherwise.
1534  const AkVector in_samples[], ///< Array of vector samples expressed in left-handed cartesian coordinates, where (1,0,0) points towards the right and (0,1,0) points towards the top. Vectors must be normalized.
1535  AkUInt32 in_uNumSamples, ///< Number of points in in_samples.
1536  AkChannelConfig in_cfgAmbisonics, ///< Ambisonic configuration. Supported configurations are 1st to 5th order. Determines number of rows (input channels) in matrix out_mxVolume.
1537  AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolume ///< Returned volume matrix of in_cfgAmbisonics.uNumChannels rows x in_uNumSamples colums. Must be allocated prior to calling this function with the size returned by AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetRequiredSize() for the desired number of channels.
1538  ) = 0;
1540  /// Return an acoustic texture.
1541  /// \return The pointer to an acoustic texture if successful, NULL otherwise.
1543  AkAcousticTextureID in_AcousticTextureID ///< Acoustic Texture's ID
1544  ) = 0;
1546  /// Given an emitter-listener pair, compute the azimuth and elevation angles of the emitter relative to the listener.
1547  /// \return AK_Success if the listener referenced in the emitter-listener pair was found; azimuth and elevation.
1549  const AkEmitterListenerPair & in_pair, ///< Emitter-listener pair for which to compute azimuth and elevation angles.
1550  AkReal32 & out_fAzimuth, ///< Returned azimuthal angle, in radians.
1551  AkReal32 & out_fElevation ///< Returned elevation angle, in radians.
1552  ) const = 0;
1554  /// Get the platform init settings that the wwise sound engine has been initialized with.
1555  /// This function returns a null pointer if called with an instance of RenderFXGlobalContext.
1558  /// Get the init settings that the wwise sound engine has been initialized with
1559  /// This function returns a null pointer if called with an instance of RenderFXGlobalContext.
1560  virtual const AkInitSettings* GetInitSettings() const = 0;
1562  /// Gets the configured audio settings.
1563  /// Call this function to get the configured audio settings.
1564  ///
1565  /// \warning This function is not thread-safe.
1566  /// \warning Call this function only after the sound engine has been properly initialized.
1568  AkAudioSettings & out_audioSettings ///< Returned audio settings
1569  ) const = 0;
1571  /// Universal converter from string to ID for the sound engine.
1572  /// Calls AK::SoundEngine::GetIDFromString.
1573  /// \sa
1574  /// - <tt>AK::SoundEngine::GetIDFromString</tt>
1575  virtual AkUInt32 GetIDFromString(const char* in_pszString) const = 0;
1577  /// Synchronously posts an Event to the sound engine (by event ID).
1578  /// The callback function can be used to be noticed when markers are reached or when the event is finished.
1579  /// An array of wave file sources can be provided to resolve External Sources triggered by the event.
1580  /// \return The playing ID of the event launched, or AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID if posting the event failed
1581  /// \remarks
1582  /// This function executes the actions contained in the event without going through the message queue.
1583  /// In order to do so it acquires the global Wwise sound engine lock. It should therefore only be called from one of the
1584  /// global engine hooks (see AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::RegisterGlobalCallback).
1585  /// Use AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::GetIDFromString() if you use event names (strings).
1586  /// \sa
1587  /// - <tt>AK::SoundEngine::PostEvent</tt>
1588  /// - <tt>AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::RegisterGlobalCallback</tt>
1589  /// - <tt>AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::GetIDFromString</tt>
1591  AkUniqueID in_eventID, ///< Unique ID of the event
1592  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, ///< Associated game object ID
1593  AkUInt32 in_uFlags = 0, ///< Bitmask: see \ref AkCallbackType
1594  AkCallbackFunc in_pfnCallback = NULL, ///< Callback function
1595  void * in_pCookie = NULL, ///< Callback cookie that will be sent to the callback function along with additional information
1596  AkUInt32 in_cExternals = 0, ///< Optional count of external source structures
1597  AkExternalSourceInfo *in_pExternalSources = NULL,///< Optional array of external source resolution information
1598  AkPlayingID in_PlayingID = AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID///< Optional (advanced users only) Specify the playing ID to target with the event. Will Cause active actions in this event to target an existing Playing ID. Let it be AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID or do not specify any for normal playback.
1599  ) = 0;
1601  /// Executes a number of MIDI Events on all nodes that are referenced in the specified Event in an Action of type Play.
1602  /// Each MIDI event will be posted in AkMIDIPost::uOffset samples from the start of the current frame. The duration of
1603  /// a sample can be determined from the sound engine's audio settings, via a call to AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::GetAudioSettings.
1604  /// \remarks
1605  /// This function executes the MIDI Events without going through the message queue.
1606  /// In order to do so it acquires the global Wwise sound engine lock. It should therefore only be called from one of the
1607  /// global engine hooks (see AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::RegisterGlobalCallback).
1608  /// Use AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::GetIDFromString() if you use event names (strings).
1609  /// \sa
1610  /// - <tt>AK::SoundEngine::PostMIDIOnEvent</tt>
1611  /// - <tt>AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::GetAudioSettings</tt>
1612  /// - <tt>AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::StopMIDIOnEventSync</tt>
1613  /// - <tt>AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::RegisterGlobalCallback</tt>
1614  /// - <tt>AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::GetIDFromString</tt>
1616  AkUniqueID in_eventID, ///< Unique ID of the Event
1617  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, ///< Associated game object ID
1618  AkMIDIPost* in_pPosts, ///< MIDI Events to post
1619  AkUInt16 in_uNumPosts, ///< Number of MIDI Events to post
1620  bool in_bAbsoluteOffsets = false, ///< Whether AkMIDIPost::uOffset values are relative to current frame or absolute
1621  AkUInt32 in_uFlags = 0, ///< Bitmask: see \ref AkCallbackType
1622  AkCallbackFunc in_pfnCallback = NULL, ///< Callback function
1623  void * in_pCookie = NULL, ///< Callback cookie that will be sent to the callback function along with additional information
1624  AkPlayingID in_playingID = AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID ///< Target playing ID
1625  ) = 0;
1627  /// Stops MIDI notes on all nodes that are referenced in the specified event in an action of type play,
1628  /// with the specified Game Object. Invalid parameters are interpreted as wildcards. For example, calling
1629  /// this function with in_eventID set to AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID will stop all MIDI notes for Game Object
1630  /// in_gameObjectID.
1631  /// \remarks
1632  /// This function stops the MIDI notes without going through the message queue.
1633  /// In order to do so it acquires the global Wwise sound engine lock. It should therefore only be called from one of the
1634  /// global engine hooks (see AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::RegisterGlobalCallback).
1635  /// Use AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::GetIDFromString() if you use event names (strings).
1636  /// \sa
1637  /// - <tt>AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::PostMIDIOnEvent</tt>
1638  /// - <tt>AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext::GetIDFromString</tt>
1640  AkUniqueID in_eventID = AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID, ///< Unique ID of the Event
1641  AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID = AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT, ///< Associated game object ID
1642  AkPlayingID in_playingID = AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID ///< Target playing ID
1643  ) = 0;
1645  /// \return The gateway to platform-specific functionality
1646  /// \sa IAkPlatformContext
1649  /// Retrieves a plug-in service to provide specific "helper" functionality. Note that each service should provide
1650  /// macros that handle the casting to the appropriate service, and are recommended instead of calling this directly.
1651  /// Note that all plug-in service are statically allocated, and any references to them can be cached without lifetime checks.
1653  AkPluginServiceType in_pluginService ///< Enum value for the specific plug-in service to fetch
1654  ) const = 0;
1656  /// Obtains the current audio output buffer tick. This corresponds to the number of buffers produced by
1657  /// the sound engine since initialization.
1658  /// \return Tick count.
1659  virtual AkUInt32 GetBufferTick() const = 0;
1660  };
1662  /// Interface for the "Mixer" plug-in service, to handle mixing together of signals, or applying simple transforms
1664  {
1665  protected:
1667  public:
1668  /// N to N channels mix
1669  virtual void MixNinNChannels(
1670  AkAudioBuffer* in_pInputBuffer, ///< Input multichannel buffer.
1671  AkAudioBuffer* in_pMixBuffer, ///< Multichannel buffer with which the input buffer is mixed.
1672  AkReal32 in_fPrevGain, ///< Gain, corresponding to the beginning of the buffer, to apply uniformly to each mixed channel.
1673  AkReal32 in_fNextGain, ///< Gain, corresponding to the end of the buffer, to apply uniformly to each mixed channel.
1674  AK::SpeakerVolumes::ConstMatrixPtr in_mxPrevVolumes,///< In/out channel volume distribution corresponding to the beginning of the buffer (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix services).
1675  AK::SpeakerVolumes::ConstMatrixPtr in_mxNextVolumes ///< In/out channel volume distribution corresponding to the end of the buffer (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix services).
1676  ) = 0;
1678  /// 1 to N channels mix
1679  virtual void Mix1inNChannels(
1680  AkReal32* AK_RESTRICT in_pInChannel, ///< Input channel buffer.
1681  AkAudioBuffer* in_pMixBuffer, ///< Multichannel buffer with which the input buffer is mixed.
1682  AkReal32 in_fPrevGain, ///< Gain, corresponding to the beginning of the input channel.
1683  AkReal32 in_fNextGain, ///< Gain, corresponding to the end of the input channel.
1684  AK::SpeakerVolumes::ConstVectorPtr in_vPrevVolumes, ///< Output channel volume distribution corresponding to the beginning of the buffer (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Vector services).
1685  AK::SpeakerVolumes::ConstVectorPtr in_vNextVolumes ///< Output channel volume distribution corresponding to the end of the buffer (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Vector services).
1686  ) = 0;
1688  /// Single channel mix
1689  virtual void MixChannel(
1690  AkReal32* AK_RESTRICT in_pInBuffer, ///< Input channel buffer.
1691  AkReal32* AK_RESTRICT in_pOutBuffer, ///< Output channel buffer.
1692  AkReal32 in_fPrevGain, ///< Gain, corresponding to the beginning of the input channel.
1693  AkReal32 in_fNextGain, ///< Gain, corresponding to the end of the input channel.
1694  AkUInt16 in_uNumFrames ///< Number of frames to mix.
1695  ) = 0;
1697  /// Given non-interleaved audio in the provided in_pInputBuffer, will apply a ramping gain over the number
1698  /// of frames specified, and store the result in in_pOutputBuffer. Channel data from in_pInputBuffer will also be
1699  /// interleaved in in_pOutputBuffer's results, and optionally converted from 32-bit floats to 16-bit integers.
1701  AkAudioBuffer* in_pInputBuffer, ///< Input audioBuffer data
1702  AkAudioBuffer* in_pOutputBuffer, ///< Output audioBuffer data
1703  AkRamp in_gain, ///< Ramping gain to apply over duration of buffer
1704  bool in_convertToInt16 ///< Whether the input data should be converted to int16
1705  ) const = 0;
1707  /// Given non-interleaved audio in the provided in_pInputBuffer, will apply a ramping gain over the number
1708  /// of frames specified, and store the result in in_pOutputBuffer. Audio data in in_pOutputBuffer will have
1709  /// the same layout as in_pInputBuffer, and optionally converted from 32-bit floats to 16-bit integers.
1710  virtual void ApplyGain(
1711  AkAudioBuffer* in_pInputBuffer, ///< Input audioBuffer data
1712  AkAudioBuffer* in_pOutputBuffer, ///< Output audioBuffer data
1713  AkRamp in_gain, ///< Ramping gain to apply over duration of buffer
1714  bool in_convertToInt16 ///< Whether the input data should be converted to int16
1715  ) const = 0;
1717  // Applies a biquadfilter to in_uNumSamples # of samples of each channel using the input provided, to the output buffer,
1718  // with one set of coefficients for all channels, and an array of memories (one instance per channel)
1719  // (no mixing in the output occurs; the output buffer will be entirely replaced, and can be the same as the input buffer)
1720  virtual void ProcessBiquadFilter(
1721  AkAudioBuffer* in_pInputBuffer, ///< Input audioBuffer data
1722  AkAudioBuffer* io_pOutputBuffer, ///< Output audioBuffer data
1723  AK::AkBiquadCoefficients* in_pCoefs, ///< Pointer to coefficients to use for processing
1724  AK::AkBiquadMemories* io_pMemories, ///< Array of memories to use for processing (one instance per channel in the inputBuffer)
1725  AkUInt32 in_uNumSamples ///< Number of samples to process in each channel
1726  ) = 0;
1728  // Applies in_uNumInterpStages sets of biquadfilters to each channel of in_ppInputData (in_uNumInputs # of channels),
1729  // processing in_pNumSamplesPerInterpStage number of samples per stage. in_ppCoefs should be in_uNumInputs * in_uNumInterpStages long,
1730  // with in_uNumInputs coefficients for each stage of the process, with each coefficient being applied for each channel.
1731  // (no mixing in the output occurs; the output buffer will be entirely replaced, and can be the same as the input buffer)
1733  AkReal32** in_ppInputData, ///< Array of input buffers to process
1734  AkReal32** io_ppOutputData, ///< Array of output buffers to store results
1735  AK::AkBiquadCoefficients** in_ppCoefs, ///< Array of coefficients to use for processing (one instance per channel)
1736  AK::AkBiquadMemories** io_ppMemories, ///< Array of memories to use for processing (one instance per channel)
1737  AkUInt32* in_pNumSamplesPerInterpStage, ///< Number of samples to process in each channel in each stage of the process
1738  AkUInt32 in_uNumInterpStages, ///< Number of stages of the process to run
1739  AkUInt32 in_uNumChannels ///< Number of channels to process
1740  ) = 0;
1742  // Applies two biquadfilters to in_uNumSamples # of samples of each channel using the input provided, to the output buffer,
1743  // with two sets of coefficients for all channels, and with two arrays of memories (one instance per channel per biquad)
1744  // (no mixing in the output occurs; the output buffer will be entirely replaced, and can be the same as the input buffer)
1745  // If you have two biquads to run on a given signal, this is slightly faster than calling ProcessBiquadFilter twice
1747  AkAudioBuffer* in_pInputBuffer, ///< Array of input buffers to process
1748  AkAudioBuffer* io_pOutputBuffer, ///< Array of output buffers to store results
1749  AK::AkBiquadCoefficients* in_pCoefs1, ///< Pointer to coefficients to use for processing the first biquad
1750  AK::AkBiquadMemories* io_pMemories1, ///< Array of memories to use for processing the first biquad
1751  AK::AkBiquadCoefficients* in_pCoefs2, ///< Pointer to coefficients to use for processing the second biquad
1752  AK::AkBiquadMemories* io_pMemories2, ///< Array of memories to use for processing the second biquad
1753  AkUInt32 in_uNumSamples ///< Number of samples to process in each channel
1754  ) = 0;
1756  // Applies two in_uNumInterpStages sets of biquadfilters to each channel of in_ppInputData (in_uNumInputs # of channels),
1757  // processing in_pNumSamplesPerInterpStage number of samples per stage. Each in_ppCoefs should be in_uNumInputs * in_uNumInterpStages long,
1758  // with in_uNumInputs coefficients for each stage of the process, with each coefficient being applied for each channel.
1759  // (no mixing in the output occurs; the output buffer will be entirely replaced, and can be the same as the input buffer)
1760  // If you have two biquads to run on a given signal, this is slightly (~25%) faster than calling ProcessInterpBiquadFilter twice
1762  AkReal32** in_ppInputData, ///< Array of input buffers to process
1763  AkReal32** io_ppOutputData, ///< Array of output buffers to store results
1764  AK::AkBiquadCoefficients** in_ppCoefs1, ///< Array of coefficients to use for processing the first biquad
1765  AK::AkBiquadMemories** io_ppMemories1, ///< Array of memories to use for processing the first biquad
1766  AK::AkBiquadCoefficients** in_ppCoefs2, ///< Array of coefficients to use for processing the second biquad
1767  AK::AkBiquadMemories** io_ppMemories2, ///< Array of memories to use for processing the second biquad
1768  AkUInt32* in_pNumSamplesPerInterpStage, ///< Number of samples to process in each channel in each stage of the process
1769  AkUInt32 in_uNumInterpStages, ///< Number of stages of the process to run
1770  AkUInt32 in_uNumChannels ///< Number of channels to process
1771  ) = 0;
1772  };
1774  /// Interface for the services related to generating pseudorandom numbers
1775  /// \sa
1776  /// - <tt>AK::SoundEngine::SetRandomSeed()</tt>
1777  /// - <tt>CAkRng</tt>
1779  {
1780  protected:
1782  public:
1783  /// Advances and returns a PRNG seed that a plug-in may use in its own RNG for DSP processing
1784  /// This is the same seed used for the internal sound engine randomization.
1785  virtual AkUInt64 RandomSeed() const = 0;
1787  /// Advances the internal PRNG seed, and returns a random number generator suitable for DSP processing
1788  virtual CAkRng CreateRNG() const = 0;
1789  };
1791  /// Interface for the services related to extracting attenuation curves from audio objects and using them.
1793  {
1794  protected:
1796  public:
1798  /// Obtain the unique ID of the Attenuation curves attached to the provided audio object, as well as the
1799  /// value of the sound's Distance Scaling property.
1800  /// \return The unique ID of the Attenuation curves (Shareset or Custom). AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID if the audio object does not have Attenuation curves.
1802  const AkAudioObject& in_object, ///< Audio object from which to get the attenuation ID.
1803  AkReal32& out_distanceScaling ///< Returned value of the Distance Scaling property. 1 if the audio object does not have attenuation enabled.
1804  ) const = 0;
1806  /// Extract the curve of a given type from the set of Attenuation curves attached to the given audio object.
1807  /// The curve's data is copied into an opaque data structure, pointed to by out_curve.
1808  /// The curve's data remain until the client of this service calls AK::IAkPluginServiceAttenuationCurve::Delete.
1809  /// \return True if the copy succeeded, or if the requested curve was not initialized.
1810  virtual bool ExtractCurves(
1811  IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator, ///< Memory allocator.
1812  const AkAudioObject & in_object, ///< The audio object from which to extract the curve.
1813  AkUInt32 in_curveTypesMask, ///< The set of curves, identified with a mask of bits offset by AkAttenuationCurveType values, to extract from the set of Attenuation curves. For example, set to (1 << AttenuationCurveID_VolumeDry | 1 << AttenuationCurveID_Spread) to obtain the distance-driven dry volume and spread curves.
1814  void* out_curves[] ///< The returned addresses of the requested curve data. Pass in an array of void* with length corresponding to the number of desired curves. For each curve, if it exists, a blob of data is allocated by the function and the address is returned in the corresponding item of the out_curves. The item is set to nullptr if the curve does not exist.
1815  ) const = 0;
1817  /// Free memory of curve obtained with AK::IAkPluginServiceAttenuationCurve::ExtractCurves.
1818  virtual void Delete(
1819  IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator, ///< Memory allocator.
1820  void*& io_attenuationCurve ///< Curve to delete.
1821  ) = 0;
1823  /// Evaluate the value of a curve at given x coordinate.
1825  void*& io_attenuationCurve, ///< Curve to evaluate.
1826  AkReal32 x ///< Value on the abscissa.
1827  ) = 0;
1829  /// Some curves are serialized in the log domain. Use this function to convert all the points to linear at once.
1830  virtual void Linearize(void*& io_attenuationCurve) = 0;
1832  /// Get the ith point of the curve.
1833  virtual const AkRTPCGraphPoint& GetPoint(
1834  const void* in_attenuationCurve, ///< Curve.
1835  AkUInt32 i ///< Point index. Must be between 0 and AK::IAkPluginServiceAttenuationCurve::GetNumPoints-1 inclusively.
1836  ) const = 0;
1838  /// Get the number of points on a curve.
1840  const void* in_attenuationCurve ///< Curve.
1841  ) const = 0;
1842  };
1844  /// Interface for the audio object priority service, to retrieve and update playback priority on audio objects.
1845  /// Playback priority of the audio object may be used by the audio endpoint when there are more audio objects than the available hardware objects
1846  /// to determine which audio objects should be mixed as hardware objects in priority and which can be mixed to a lower resolution 3D bed.
1847  /// \sa
1848  /// - <a href="" target="_blank">Defining Playback Priority</a>
1849  /// - <tt>AkAudioObject</tt>
1850  /// - <tt>AkPriority</tt>
1852  {
1853  protected:
1855  public:
1856  /// Populates <tt>out_pPriorities</tt> with playback priorities for objects in <tt>in_ppObjects</tt>.
1857  virtual void GetPriorities(
1858  AkAudioObject** in_ppObjects, ///< Array of pointers to audio objects to extract priorites from.
1859  AkUInt32 in_uNumObjects, ///< The number of audio objects in <tt>in_ppObjects</tt>. Must correspond to the number of priorites in <tt>out_pPriorities</tt>.
1860  AkPriority* out_pPriorities ///< Priorities to fill from <tt>in_ppObjects</tt>. Must be large enough to contain <tt>in_uNumObjects</tt> priorities.
1861  ) = 0;
1863  /// Sets the playback priority of each of the <tt>in_uNumObjects</tt> audio objects in <tt>io_ppObjects</tt> from <tt>in_pPriorities</tt>.
1864  virtual void SetPriorities(
1865  AkAudioObject** io_ppObjects, ///< Array of pointers to audio objects for which to update the playback priority.
1866  AkUInt32 in_uNumObjects, ///< The number of audio objects in <tt>in_ppObjects</tt>. Must correspond to the number of priorites in <tt>in_pPriorities</tt>.
1867  AkPriority* in_pPriorities ///< Array of priorities to set on <tt>in_ppObjects</tt>. Must contain <tt>in_uNumObjects</tt> priorities.
1868  ) = 0;
1869  };
1871  /// Interface for the markers service.
1873  {
1874  protected:
1876  public:
1878  {
1879  public:
1880  /// Submit markers to trigger notifications for registered callback functions. Register callbacks through. Registering a callback can be achieved through the
1881  /// PostEvent function on AK::SoundEngine.
1882  /// \return
1883  /// - \c AK_NotInitialized if no callback functions have been registered.
1884  /// - \c AK_InvalidParameter if in_pMarkers is null.
1885  /// - \c AK_InvalidParameter if in_uOffsetsInBuffer is null.
1886  /// - \c AK_InvalidParameter if in_uNumMarkers is 0.
1887  /// - \c AK_InvalidParameter if any valus in in_uOffsetsInBuffer is greater or equal to the length of the buffer.
1888  /// - \c AK_Success otherwise.
1889  /// \sa
1890  /// - AK::SoundEngine::PostEvent()
1892  const AkAudioMarker* in_pMarkers, ///< Array of AkAudioMarker objects
1893  const AkUInt32* in_uOffsetsInBuffer, ///< Array of buffer offsets for each marker contained in <tt>in_pMarkers</tt>. Must provide a value for each marker in <tt>in_pMarkers</tt>.
1894  AkUInt32 in_uNumMarkers ///< The number of marker objects in <tt> in_pMarkers </tt>
1895  ) = 0;
1896  };
1899  IAkSourcePluginContext* in_pSourcePluginContext ///< Pointer to the source plugin context
1900  ) = 0;
1903  IAkMarkerNotificationService* io_pMarkerNotificationService ///< Pointer to the source plugin context
1904  ) = 0;
1905  };
1907  #define AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_MIXER(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceMixer*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_Mixer))
1908  #define AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_RNG(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceRNG*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_RNG))
1909  #define AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_AUDIO_OBJECT_ATTENUATION(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectAttenuation*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_AudioObjectAttenuation))
1910  #define AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_AUDIO_OBJECT_PRIORITY(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceAudioObjectPriority*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_AudioObjectPriority))
1911  #define AK_GET_PLUGIN_SERVICE_MARKERS(plugin_ctx) static_cast<AK::IAkPluginServiceMarkers*>(plugin_ctx->GetPluginService(AK::PluginServiceType_Markers))
1913  /// This class takes care of the registration of plug-ins in the Wwise engine. Plug-in developers must provide one instance of this class for each plug-in.
1914  /// \sa
1915  /// - \ref soundengine_plugins
1917  {
1918  public:
1920  AkUInt32 /*in_ulCompanyID*/, ///< Plugin company ID.
1921  AkUInt32 /*in_ulPluginID*/ ///< Plugin ID.
1922  )
1923  {
1924  // Placeholder used for plug-in extensions (plug-ins that modify the behavior of an existing plug-in without registering a new ID)
1925  }
1928  AkPluginType in_eType, ///< Plugin type.
1929  AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, ///< Plugin company ID.
1930  AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, ///< Plugin ID.
1931  AkCreatePluginCallback in_pCreateFunc, ///< Plugin object factory.
1932  AkCreateParamCallback in_pCreateParamFunc, ///< Plugin parameter object factory.
1933  AkGlobalCallbackFunc in_pRegisterCallback = NULL, ///< Optional callback function called after successful plugin registration, with argument AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Register.
1934  void * in_pRegisterCallbackCookie = NULL ///< Optional cookie passed to register callback function above.
1935  )
1937  , m_eType(in_eType)
1938  , m_ulCompanyID(in_ulCompanyID)
1939  , m_ulPluginID(in_ulPluginID)
1940  , m_pCreateFunc(in_pCreateFunc)
1941  , m_pCreateParamFunc(in_pCreateParamFunc)
1942  , m_pFileCreateFunc(NULL) // Legacy
1943  , m_pBankCreateFunc(NULL) // Legacy
1944  , m_pRegisterCallback(in_pRegisterCallback)
1945  , m_pRegisterCallbackCookie(in_pRegisterCallbackCookie)
1947  , m_CodecDescriptor{ nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }
1948  {
1949  g_pAKPluginList = this;
1950  }
1953  AkPluginType in_eType, ///< Plugin type.
1954  AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, ///< Plugin company ID.
1955  AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, ///< Plugin ID.
1956  AkCreatePluginCallback in_pCreateFunc, ///< Plugin object factory.
1957  AkCreateParamCallback in_pCreateParamFunc, ///< Plugin parameter object factory.
1958  AkGetDeviceListCallback in_pGetDeviceListFunc, ///< Plugin parameter object factory.
1959  AkGlobalCallbackFunc in_pRegisterCallback = NULL, ///< Optional callback function called after successful plugin registration, with argument AkGlobalCallbackLocation_Register.
1960  void * in_pRegisterCallbackCookie = NULL ///< Optional cookie passed to register callback function above.
1961  )
1963  , m_eType(in_eType)
1964  , m_ulCompanyID(in_ulCompanyID)
1965  , m_ulPluginID(in_ulPluginID)
1966  , m_pCreateFunc(in_pCreateFunc)
1967  , m_pCreateParamFunc(in_pCreateParamFunc)
1968  , m_pFileCreateFunc(NULL) // Legacy
1969  , m_pBankCreateFunc(NULL) // Legacy
1970  , m_pRegisterCallback(in_pRegisterCallback)
1971  , m_pRegisterCallbackCookie(in_pRegisterCallbackCookie)
1972  , m_pGetDeviceListFunc(in_pGetDeviceListFunc)
1973  , m_CodecDescriptor{ nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }
1974  {
1975  g_pAKPluginList = this;
1976  }
1979  AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, ///< Plugin company ID.
1980  AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, ///< Plugin ID.
1981  AkCreateFileSourceCallback in_pCreateFile, ///< Streamed source factory.
1982  AkCreateBankSourceCallback in_pCreateBank) ///< In-memory source factory.
1985  , m_ulCompanyID(in_ulCompanyID)
1986  , m_ulPluginID(in_ulPluginID)
1987  , m_pCreateFunc(NULL)
1989  , m_pFileCreateFunc(in_pCreateFile) // Legacy
1990  , m_pBankCreateFunc(in_pCreateBank) // Legacy
1994  , m_CodecDescriptor{ in_pCreateFile, in_pCreateBank, nullptr, nullptr }
1995  {
1996  g_pAKPluginList = this;
1997  }
2000  AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, ///< Plugin company ID.
2001  AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, ///< Plugin ID.
2002  const AkCodecDescriptor &in_Descriptor) ///< Codec descriptor.
2005  , m_ulCompanyID(in_ulCompanyID)
2006  , m_ulPluginID(in_ulPluginID)
2007  , m_pCreateFunc(NULL)
2009  , m_pFileCreateFunc(in_Descriptor.pFileSrcCreateFunc) // Legacy
2010  , m_pBankCreateFunc(in_Descriptor.pBankSrcCreateFunc) // Legacy
2014  , m_CodecDescriptor(in_Descriptor)
2015  {
2016  g_pAKPluginList = this;
2017  }
2025  AkCreateFileSourceCallback m_pFileCreateFunc; ///< LEGACY: Kept for compatibility with 2019.1. Unused in 2019.2 and up.
2026  AkCreateBankSourceCallback m_pBankCreateFunc; ///< LEGACY: Kept for compatibility with 2019.1. Unused in 2019.2 and up.
2030  // 2019.2 added parameters
2033  };
2034 }
2036 #define AK_IMPLEMENT_PLUGIN_FACTORY(_pluginName_, _plugintype_, _companyid_, _pluginid_) \
2037  AK::IAkPlugin* Create##_pluginName_(AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc * in_pAllocator); \
2038  AK::IAkPluginParam * Create##_pluginName_##Params(AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc * in_pAllocator); \
2039  AK_ATTR_USED AK::PluginRegistration _pluginName_##Registration(_plugintype_, _companyid_, _pluginid_, Create##_pluginName_, Create##_pluginName_##Params);
2041 #define AK_STATIC_LINK_PLUGIN(_pluginName_) \
2042  extern AK::PluginRegistration _pluginName_##Registration; \
2043  void *_pluginName_##_linkonceonly = (void*)&_pluginName_##Registration;
2045 #define DEFINE_PLUGIN_REGISTER_HOOK AK_DLLEXPORT AK::PluginRegistration * g_pAKPluginList = NULL;
2047 #define AK_GET_SINK_TYPE_FROM_DEVICE_KEY(_key) ((AkUInt32)(_key & 0xffffffff))
2048 #define AK_GET_DEVICE_ID_FROM_DEVICE_KEY(_key) ((AkUInt32)(_key >> 32))
2050 #endif // _IAK_PLUGIN_H_
virtual AkUInt16 GetNumRefillsInVoice()=0
Defines the parameters of a marker.
Definition: AkAudioMarker.h:16
Interface to retrieve contextual information for a mixer.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:445
virtual AKRESULT RegisterAnonymousConfig(AkUInt32 in_uNumChannels, const AkSphericalCoord *in_SphericalPositions)=0
virtual AKRESULT RegisterPlugin(AkPluginType in_eType, AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, AkCreatePluginCallback in_pCreateFunc, AkCreateParamCallback in_pCreateParamFunc)=0
AkCreateFileSourceCallback m_pFileCreateFunc
LEGACY: Kept for compatibility with 2019.1. Unused in 2019.2 and up.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:2025
virtual AKRESULT Init(IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, IAkSinkPluginContext *in_pSinkPluginContext, IAkPluginParam *in_pParams, AkAudioFormat &io_rFormat)=0
virtual void Consume(AkAudioBuffer *in_pMainMix, AkAudioBuffer *in_pPassthroughMix, const AkAudioObjects &in_objects, AkRamp in_gain)=0
virtual AKRESULT SetRTPCValue(AkRtpcID in_rtpcID, AkRtpcValue in_value, AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID=AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT, AkTimeMs in_uValueChangeDuration=0, AkCurveInterpolation in_eFadeCurve=AkCurveInterpolation_Linear, bool in_bBypassInternalValueInterpolation=false)=0
virtual AkUInt64 RandomSeed() const =0
uint16_t AkUInt16
Unsigned 16-bit integer.
Software plug-in interface for sink (audio end point) which supports 3D audio features.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1207
virtual AkUniqueID GetAudioNodeID() const =0
AkInt32 AkTimeMs
Time in ms.
Definition: AkTypes.h:56
Definition of data structures for AkAudioObject.
virtual void ProcessPairedInterpBiquadFilter(AkReal32 **in_ppInputData, AkReal32 **io_ppOutputData, AK::AkBiquadCoefficients **in_ppCoefs1, AK::AkBiquadMemories **io_ppMemories1, AK::AkBiquadCoefficients **in_ppCoefs2, AK::AkBiquadMemories **io_ppMemories2, AkUInt32 *in_pNumSamplesPerInterpStage, AkUInt32 in_uNumInterpStages, AkUInt32 in_uNumChannels)=0
virtual ~IAkPluginParam()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:647
virtual AKRESULT TimeSkip(AkUInt32 in_uFrames)=0
virtual void * GetCookie() const =0
@ PluginServiceType_Markers
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1350
virtual AkPriority ComputePriorityWithDistance(AkReal32 in_fDistance) const =0
bool bIsDeviceEffect
Plug-in can process final mixes and objects right before sending them to the audio device for output....
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:81
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1344
virtual bool IsStarved()=0
virtual IAkGlobalPluginContext * GlobalContext() const =0
virtual const AkRTPCGraphPoint & GetPoint(const void *in_attenuationCurve, AkUInt32 i) const =0
Get the ith point of the curve.
AK_DLLEXPORT AK::PluginRegistration * g_pAKPluginList
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:91
virtual ~IAkGlobalPluginContext()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1368
virtual AKRESULT Term(IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator)=0
Software effect plug-in interface (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins).
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:783
virtual AKRESULT GetDistanceProbe(AkGameObjectID in_uListener, AkWorldTransform &out_position) const =0
virtual CAkRng CreateRNG() const =0
Advances the internal PRNG seed, and returns a random number generator suitable for DSP processing.
virtual AKRESULT PostMonitorData(void *in_pData, AkUInt32 in_uDataSize)=0
virtual AKRESULT Init(IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, IAkEffectPluginContext *in_pEffectPluginContext, IAkPluginParam *in_pParams, AkAudioFormat &io_rFormat)=0
virtual void SetPriorities(AkAudioObject **io_ppObjects, AkUInt32 in_uNumObjects, AkPriority *in_pPriorities)=0
Sets the playback priority of each of the in_uNumObjects audio objects in io_ppObjects from in_pPrior...
virtual void ProcessPairedBiquadFilter(AkAudioBuffer *in_pInputBuffer, AkAudioBuffer *io_pOutputBuffer, AK::AkBiquadCoefficients *in_pCoefs1, AK::AkBiquadMemories *io_pMemories1, AK::AkBiquadCoefficients *in_pCoefs2, AK::AkBiquadMemories *io_pMemories2, AkUInt32 in_uNumSamples)=0
Wwise sound engine source plug-in interface (see Creating Sound Engine Source Plug-ins).
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1235
virtual AkPanningRule GetPanningRule() const =0
Returns the panning rule for the output device to which the sink plug-in is attached.
virtual AkReal32 GetSpread(AkUInt32 in_uIndex)=0
virtual AkUInt16 GetNumLoops() const =0
IAkSoftwareCodec *(* AkCreateFileSourceCallback)(void *in_pCtx)
Registered file source creation function prototype.
Definition: AkTypes.h:1064
virtual void EnableMetering(AkMeteringFlags in_eFlags)=0
AkUInt32 AkRtpcID
Real time parameter control ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:73
virtual AKRESULT IsDataNeeded(AkUInt32 &out_uNumFramesNeeded)=0
virtual ~IAkSinkPluginContext()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1071
virtual IAkMixerPluginContext * GetMixerCtx()=0
virtual bool SupportMediaRelocation() const
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:754
AkCreateParamCallback m_pCreateParamFunc
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:2024
virtual AKRESULT SetParam(AkPluginParamID in_paramID, const void *in_pValue, AkUInt32 in_uParamSize)=0
virtual AKRESULT StopMIDIOnEventSync(AkUniqueID in_eventID=AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID, AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID=AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT, AkPlayingID in_playingID=AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID)=0
virtual void MixNinNChannels(AkAudioBuffer *in_pInputBuffer, AkAudioBuffer *in_pMixBuffer, AkReal32 in_fPrevGain, AkReal32 in_fNextGain, AK::SpeakerVolumes::ConstMatrixPtr in_mxPrevVolumes, AK::SpeakerVolumes::ConstMatrixPtr in_mxNextVolumes)=0
N to N channels mix.
AkUInt64 AkGameObjectID
Game object ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:60
bool bCanRunOnObjectConfig
Plug-in can run on bus with Audio Object configuration. Effect plug-ins are instantiated once per Aud...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:82
virtual AkUInt32 GetSampleRate() const =0
virtual void GetPannerPosition(AkVector &out_position)=0
virtual AKRESULT SendPluginCustomGameData(AkUniqueID in_busID, AkGameObjectID in_busObjectID, AkPluginType in_eType, AkUInt32 in_uCompanyID, AkUInt32 in_uPluginID, const void *in_pData, AkUInt32 in_uSizeInBytes)=0
bool bUsesGainAttribute
Plug-in knows how to process objects separately from the cumulativeGain of the object (or the process...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:83
Standard function call result.
Definition: AkTypes.h:134
Interface to retrieve information about an input of a mix connection (for processing during the Speak...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:938
AKRESULT(* AkGetDeviceListCallback)(AkUInt32 &io_maxNumDevices, AkDeviceDescription *out_deviceDescriptions)
Registered plugin device enumeration function prototype, used for providing lists of devices by plug-...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1333
virtual IAkVoicePluginInfo * GetVoiceInfo()=0
void(* AkGlobalCallbackFunc)(AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext *in_pContext, AkGlobalCallbackLocation in_eLocation, void *in_pCookie)
Definition: AkCallback.h:378
Metering flags. Used for specifying bus metering, through AK::SoundEngine::RegisterBusVolumeCallback(...
Definition: AkTypes.h:1171
bool bIsInPlace
Buffer usage (in-place or not). If true, and the plug-in is an insert effect, it should implement IAk...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:77
virtual AkUInt32 GetIDFromString(const char *in_pszString) const =0
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1120
virtual AKRESULT ComputeWeightedAmbisonicsDecodingFromSampledSphere(const AkVector in_samples[], AkUInt32 in_uNumSamples, AkChannelConfig in_cfgAmbisonics, AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolume)=0
AkCreatePluginCallback m_pCreateFunc
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:2023
Common interface for plug-in services accessed through the global plug-in context.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1357
virtual ~IAkAudioDeviceEffectPlugin()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:915
Definition: AkRng.h:35
Interface for the "Mixer" plug-in service, to handle mixing together of signals, or applying simple t...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1664
virtual ~IAk3DAudioSinkPlugin()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1210
virtual AkPriority GetPriority() const =0
PluginRegistration(AkUInt32, AkUInt32)
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1919
virtual ~IAkGameObjectPluginInfo()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:107
virtual ~IAkPluginContextBase()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:245
AkUInt32 AkChannelMask
Channel mask (similar to WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE). Bit values are defined in AkSpeakerConfig....
Definition: AkTypes.h:81
PluginRegistration(AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, AkCreateFileSourceCallback in_pCreateFile, AkCreateBankSourceCallback in_pCreateBank)
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1978
virtual void MixChannel(AkReal32 *AK_RESTRICT in_pInBuffer, AkReal32 *AK_RESTRICT in_pOutBuffer, AkReal32 in_fPrevGain, AkReal32 in_fNextGain, AkUInt16 in_uNumFrames)=0
Single channel mix.
virtual AKRESULT ComputePlanarVBAPGains(AkReal32 in_fAngle, AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, AkReal32 in_fCenterPerc, AK::SpeakerVolumes::VectorPtr out_vVolumes)=0
virtual bool ExtractCurves(IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, const AkAudioObject &in_object, AkUInt32 in_curveTypesMask, void *out_curves[]) const =0
uint8_t AkUInt8
Unsigned 8-bit integer.
virtual void GetPluginMedia(AkUInt32 in_dataIndex, AkUInt8 *&out_rpData, AkUInt32 &out_rDataSize)=0
Coefficients to be used for application of digital biquad filters.
Definition: AkMixerTypes.h:20
virtual void Execute(AkAudioBuffer *io_pBuffer)=0
PluginRegistration(AkPluginType in_eType, AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, AkCreatePluginCallback in_pCreateFunc, AkCreateParamCallback in_pCreateParamFunc, AkGlobalCallbackFunc in_pRegisterCallback=NULL, void *in_pRegisterCallbackCookie=NULL)
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1927
virtual IAkProcessorFeatures * GetProcessorFeatures()=0
Return an interface to query processor specific features.
virtual void GetOutputObjects(AkAudioObjects &io_objects)=0
#define NULL
Definition: AkTypes.h:46
float AkReal32
32-bit floating point
PluginRegistration(AkPluginType in_eType, AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, AkCreatePluginCallback in_pCreateFunc, AkCreateParamCallback in_pCreateParamFunc, AkGetDeviceListCallback in_pGetDeviceListFunc, AkGlobalCallbackFunc in_pRegisterCallback=NULL, void *in_pRegisterCallbackCookie=NULL)
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1952
@ PluginServiceType_AudioObjectAttenuation
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1347
@ AK_Success
The operation was successful.
Definition: AkTypes.h:136
virtual AkUInt16 GetMaxBufferLength() const =0
@ AkSinkPluginType_Sink
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1121
bool bCanChangeRate
True for effects whose sample throughput is different between input and output. Effects that can chan...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:78
virtual void Mix1inNChannels(AkReal32 *AK_RESTRICT in_pInChannel, AkAudioBuffer *in_pMixBuffer, AkReal32 in_fPrevGain, AkReal32 in_fNextGain, AK::SpeakerVolumes::ConstVectorPtr in_vPrevVolumes, AK::SpeakerVolumes::ConstVectorPtr in_vNextVolumes)=0
1 to N channels mix
Position and orientation of game objects in the world (i.e. supports 64-bit-precision position)
Definition: AkTypes.h:429
Emitter-listener pair: Positioning data pertaining to a single pair of emitter and listener.
Definition: AkTypes.h:752
virtual bool HasListenerRelativeRouting()=0
Constructor for default values.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:63
virtual void Delete(IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, void *&io_attenuationCurve)=0
Free memory of curve obtained with AK::IAkPluginServiceAttenuationCurve::ExtractCurves.
virtual IAkGameObjectPluginInfo * GetGameObjectInfo()=0
virtual bool GetMaxAttenuationDistance(AkReal32 &out_fMaxAttenuationDistance)=0
virtual AKRESULT GetGameObjectPosition(AkUInt32 in_uIndex, AkSoundPosition &out_position) const =0
virtual AKRESULT GetPluginInfo(AkPluginInfo &out_rPluginInfo)=0
Software interface for sink (audio endpoint) plugins.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1183
virtual void SetUserData(void *in_pUserData)=0
virtual bool IsSendModeEffect() const =0
virtual IAkVoicePluginInfo * GetVoiceInfo()=0
virtual void OnFrameEnd()=0
virtual AKRESULT PostMonitorMessage(const char *in_pszError, AK::Monitor::ErrorLevel in_eErrorLevel)=0
Software effect plug-in interface for out-of-place processing (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:827
AkReal32 * VectorPtr
Volume vector. Access each element with the standard bracket [] operator.
virtual ~IAkMixerPluginContext()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:448
virtual AkSinkPluginType GetSinkPluginType() const override final
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1230
virtual void GetPriorities(AkAudioObject **in_ppObjects, AkUInt32 in_uNumObjects, AkPriority *out_pPriorities)=0
Populates out_pPriorities with playback priorities for objects in in_ppObjects.
@ PluginServiceType_MAX
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1352
virtual Ak3DSpatializationMode Get3DSpatializationMode()=0
@ PluginServiceType_HashTable
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1349
virtual AkPlayingID GetPlayingID() const =0
Retrieve the Playing ID of the event corresponding to this voice (if applicable).
Interface for the services related to extracting attenuation curves from audio objects and using them...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1793
AkUInt32 AkUniqueID
Unique 32-bit ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:52
virtual AKRESULT SubmitMarkerNotifications(const AkAudioMarker *in_pMarkers, const AkUInt32 *in_uOffsetsInBuffer, AkUInt32 in_uNumMarkers)=0
virtual AkReal32 GetFocus(AkUInt32 in_uIndex)=0
Configured audio settings.
Definition: AkTypes.h:226
3D spatialization mode.
Definition: AkTypes.h:1160
virtual AKRESULT SignalAudioThread()=0
@ PluginServiceType_RNG
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1346
AkUInt32 AkPluginID
Source or effect plug-in ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:63
virtual AkReal32 GetEnvelope() const
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1265
virtual void Execute(const AkAudioObjects &io_objects)=0
virtual AKRESULT Init(IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, const void *in_pParamsBlock, AkUInt32 in_uBlockSize)=0
AkCodecDescriptor m_CodecDescriptor
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:2032
virtual bool CanPostMonitorData()=0
AkUInt32 AkAcousticTextureID
Acoustic Texture ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:83
virtual AkSpeakerPanningType GetSpeakerPanningType()=0
virtual void Execute(AkAudioBuffer *in_pBuffer, AkUInt32 in_uInOffset, AkAudioBuffer *out_pBuffer)=0
virtual AkMIDIEvent GetMidiEvent() const =0
virtual AKRESULT GetSinkChannelConfig(AkChannelConfig &out_sinkConfig, Ak3DAudioSinkCapabilities &out_3dAudioCaps) const =0
@ PluginServiceType_TempAlloc
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1351
virtual AkUInt32 GetNum3DPositions()=0
AkPluginType eType
Plug-in type.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:75
virtual ~IAkVoicePluginInfo()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:222
Spherical coordinates.
Definition: AkTypes.h:746
virtual void Consume(AkAudioBuffer *in_pInputBuffer, AkRamp in_gain)=0
virtual AkUInt32 GetBusType()=0
virtual AkConnectionType GetConnectionType()=0
virtual AKRESULT ComputeSphericalVBAPGains(void *in_pPannerData, AkReal32 in_fAzimuth, AkReal32 in_fElevation, AkUInt32 in_uNumChannels, AK::SpeakerVolumes::VectorPtr out_vVolumes)=0
virtual AKRESULT InitSphericalVBAP(AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, const AkSphericalCoord *in_SphericalPositions, const AkUInt32 in_NbPoints, void *&out_pPannerData)=0
const AkReal32 * ConstMatrixPtr
Constant volume matrix. Access each input channel vector with AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetChannel(...
virtual IAkPluginParam * Clone(IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator)=0
AkGetDeviceListCallback m_pGetDeviceListFunc
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:2031
Volume ramp specified by end points "previous" and "next".
Definition: AkTypes.h:895
AkInt8 AkPriority
Definition: AkTypes.h:67
Voice-specific information available to plug-ins.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:219
virtual AkSinkPluginType GetSinkPluginType() const =0
virtual const AkAcousticTexture * GetAcousticTexture(AkAcousticTextureID in_AcousticTextureID)=0
void(* AkCallbackFunc)(AkCallbackType in_eType, AkCallbackInfo *in_pCallbackInfo)
Definition: AkCallback.h:272
virtual AKRESULT ComputeSphericalCoordinates(const AkEmitterListenerPair &in_pair, AkReal32 &out_fAzimuth, AkReal32 &out_fElevation) const =0
virtual IAkMarkerNotificationService * CreateMarkerNotificationService(IAkSourcePluginContext *in_pSourcePluginContext)=0
@ PluginServiceType_AudioObjectPriority
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1348
virtual AKRESULT GetOutputID(AkUInt32 &out_uOutputID, AkPluginID &out_uDevicePlugin) const =0
virtual AKRESULT Term(IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator)=0
virtual AKRESULT TimeSkip(AkUInt32 &)
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1303
PluginRegistration(AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, const AkCodecDescriptor &in_Descriptor)
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1999
virtual void Execute(AkAudioBuffer *io_pBuffer)=0
void * m_pRegisterCallbackCookie
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:2028
Curve interpolation types.
Definition: AkTypes.h:860
virtual ~IAkSourcePluginContext()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:421
#define AK_CALLBACK(_type, _name)
virtual void * GetUserData()=0
Headphone / speakers panning rules.
Definition: AkTypes.h:1151
virtual bool GetListeners(AkGameObjectID *out_aListenerIDs, AkUInt32 &io_uSize) const =0
virtual ~IAkPluginServiceRNG()
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1781
virtual bool IsRenderingOffline() const =0
virtual AKRESULT Compute3DPositioning(AkReal32 in_fAngle, AkReal32 in_fElevation, AkReal32 in_fSpread, AkReal32 in_fFocus, AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, AkChannelMask in_uInputChanSel, AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, AkReal32 in_fCenterPerc, AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes)=0
@ AK_NotImplemented
This feature is not implemented.
Definition: AkTypes.h:135
virtual ~IAkPluginService()
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1359
virtual AKRESULT GetParentChannelConfig(AkChannelConfig &out_channelConfig) const =0
virtual IAkPluginService * GetPluginService(AkPluginServiceType in_pluginService) const =0
virtual void UnregisterAnonymousConfig(AkUInt32 in_uNumChannels)=0
virtual AKRESULT SetParamsBlock(const void *in_pParamsBlock, AkUInt32 in_uBlockSize)=0
Software effect plug-in interface for in-place processing (see Creating Sound Engine Effect Plug-ins)...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:803
virtual void Execute(const AkAudioObjects &in_objects, const AkAudioObjects &out_objects)=0
static const AkUniqueID AK_INVALID_UNIQUE_ID
Invalid unique 32-bit ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:97
virtual AKRESULT Init(IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, IAkAudioDeviceEffectPluginContext *in_pEffectPluginContext, IAkPluginParam *in_pParams, const AkAudioFormat &in_rFormat, const Ak3DAudioSinkCapabilities &in_3dCapabilities)=0
Definition: AkTypes.h:1186
virtual AkReal32 GetGameObjectScaling() const =0
virtual void ResetStarved()=0
Reset the "starvation" flag after IsStarved() returned true.
virtual AKRESULT RelocateMedia(AkUInt8 *, AkUInt8 *)
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:771
@ AkCurveInterpolation_Linear
Linear (Default)
Definition: AkTypes.h:867
@ PluginServiceType_Mixer
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1345
virtual IAkVoicePluginInfo * GetVoiceInfo()=0
static const AkPlayingID AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID
Invalid playing ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:99
virtual AKRESULT ComputeSpeakerVolumesDirect(AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, AkReal32 in_fCenterPerc, AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes)=0
virtual AkReal32 GetDownstreamGain()=0
virtual AkReal32 Evaluate(void *&io_attenuationCurve, AkReal32 x)=0
Evaluate the value of a curve at given x coordinate.
bool bReserved
Legacy bIsAsynchronous plug-in flag, now unused. Preserved for plug-in backward compatibility....
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:79
Positioning data of 3D audio objects.
Definition: AkCommonDefs.h:277
A collection of audio objects. Encapsulates the audio data and metadata of each audio object in separ...
uint64_t AkUInt64
Unsigned 64-bit integer.
virtual AKRESULT TimeSkip(AkUInt32 &io_uFrames)=0
virtual IAkGameObjectPluginInfo * GetGameObjectInfo()=0
virtual AKRESULT ComputePositioning(const AkPositioningData &in_posData, AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes)=0
virtual AKRESULT UnregisterGlobalCallback(AkGlobalCallbackFunc in_pCallback, AkUInt32 in_eLocation=AkGlobalCallbackLocation_BeginRender)=0
virtual void ApplyGain(AkAudioBuffer *in_pInputBuffer, AkAudioBuffer *in_pOutputBuffer, AkRamp in_gain, bool in_convertToInt16) const =0
AkUInt32 uBuildVersion
Plug-in build version, must match the AK_WWISESDK_VERSION_COMBINED macro from AkWwiseSDKVersion....
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:76
AkReal32 * MatrixPtr
Volume matrix. Access each input channel vector with AK::SpeakerVolumes::Matrix::GetChannel().
virtual AKRESULT Reset()=0
AK::IAkPluginParam *(* AkCreateParamCallback)(AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator)
Registered plugin parameter node creation function prototype.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1331
virtual void Get3DAudioCapabilities(Ak3DAudioSinkCapabilities &out_rCapabilities)=0
Returns the capabilities of the sink's 3D audio system.
virtual ~IAkEffectPlugin()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:786
virtual ~IAkSinkPlugin()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1186
virtual AkUniqueID GetAttenuation(const AkAudioObject &in_object, AkReal32 &out_distanceScaling) const =0
virtual AKRESULT GetAudioSettings(AkAudioSettings &out_audioSettings) const =0
virtual IAkPlatformContext * GetPlatformContext() const =0
virtual AKRESULT StopLooping()
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1279
virtual AkReal32 GetCenterPerc()=0
PluginRegistration * pNext
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:2019
static const AkGameObjectID AK_INVALID_GAME_OBJECT
Invalid game object (may also mean all game objects)
Definition: AkTypes.h:96
virtual AkPlayingID PostEventSync(AkUniqueID in_eventID, AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkUInt32 in_uFlags=0, AkCallbackFunc in_pfnCallback=NULL, void *in_pCookie=NULL, AkUInt32 in_cExternals=0, AkExternalSourceInfo *in_pExternalSources=NULL, AkPlayingID in_PlayingID=AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID)=0
virtual AKRESULT ComputePositioning(const AkPositioningData &in_posData, AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes)=0
virtual ~IAkPluginServiceMarkers()
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1875
virtual void ApplyGainAndInterleave(AkAudioBuffer *in_pInputBuffer, AkAudioBuffer *in_pOutputBuffer, AkRamp in_gain, bool in_convertToInt16) const =0
virtual AKRESULT Get3DPosition(AkUInt32 in_uIndex, AkEmitterListenerPair &out_soundPosition)=0
virtual ~IAkSourcePlugin()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1238
virtual AkSinkPluginType GetSinkPluginType() const override final
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1202
Type for a point in an RTPC or Attenuation curve.
Definition: AkTypes.h:913
uint32_t AkUInt32
Unsigned 32-bit integer.
AkInt16 AkPluginParamID
Source or effect plug-in parameter ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:66
virtual ~IAkPlugin()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:718
Speaker panning type: type of panning logic when object is not 3D spatialized (i.e....
Definition: AkTypes.h:1123
@ AkPluginTypeNone
Unknown/invalid plug-in type.
Definition: AkTypes.h:1187
virtual AKRESULT GetEmitterListenerPair(AkUInt32 in_uIndex, AkEmitterListenerPair &out_emitterListenerPair) const =0
Definition: AkMidiTypes.h:237
Game object information available to plugins.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:104
virtual void ProcessBiquadFilter(AkAudioBuffer *in_pInputBuffer, AkAudioBuffer *io_pOutputBuffer, AK::AkBiquadCoefficients *in_pCoefs, AK::AkBiquadMemories *io_pMemories, AkUInt32 in_uNumSamples)=0
virtual AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc * GetAllocator()=0
Get the default allocator for plugins. This is useful for performing global initialization tasks shar...
virtual AKRESULT Compute3DPositioning(const AkWorldTransform &in_emitter, const AkWorldTransform &in_listener, AkReal32 in_fCenterPerc, AkReal32 in_fSpread, AkReal32 in_fFocus, AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, AkChannelMask in_uInputChanSel, AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes)=0
virtual AKRESULT CreateOutputObjects(AkChannelConfig in_channelConfig, AkAudioObjects &io_objects)=0
virtual AKRESULT Init(IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, IAkSourcePluginContext *in_pSourcePluginContext, IAkPluginParam *in_pParams, AkAudioFormat &io_rFormat)=0
3D vector for some operations in 3D space. Typically intended only for localized calculations due to ...
Definition: AkTypes.h:369
Interface for the markers service.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1873
@ AkPluginTypeCodec
Compressor/decompressor plug-in (allows support for custom audio file types).
Definition: AkTypes.h:1188
virtual AKRESULT Seek(AkUInt32)
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1293
virtual ~IAkEffectPluginContext()
Virtual destructor on interface to avoid warnings.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:363
virtual AkGameObjectID GetGameObjectID() const =0
Get the ID of the game object.
AkReal32 AkRtpcValue
Real time parameter control value.
Definition: AkTypes.h:74
@ AkSinkPluginType_3DAudioSink
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1122
virtual const AkPlatformInitSettings * GetPlatformInitSettings() const =0
AkGlobalCallbackFunc m_pRegisterCallback
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:2027
virtual bool IsPrimary()=0
"Memories" storing the previous state of the digital biquad filter
Definition: AkMixerTypes.h:45
virtual void TerminateMarkerNotificationService(IAkMarkerNotificationService *io_pMarkerNotificationService)=0
virtual AKRESULT ComputeSpeakerVolumesPanner(AkSpeakerPanningType in_ePannerType, const AkVector &in_position, AkReal32 in_fCenterPct, AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes)=0
Listener information.
Definition: AkTypes.h:846
virtual AkUInt32 GetBufferTick() const =0
virtual const AkInitSettings * GetInitSettings() const =0
virtual AKRESULT PostMonitorMessage(const char *in_pszError, AK::Monitor::ErrorLevel in_eErrorLevel)=0
virtual SoundEngine::MultiPositionType GetGameObjectMultiPositionType() const =0
bool bCanProcessObjects
Plug-in can process audio objects. They must implement IAkInPlaceObjectPlugin or IAkOutOfPlaceObjectP...
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:80
virtual AkUInt32 GetNumPoints(const void *in_attenuationCurve) const =0
Get the number of points on a curve.
virtual void ProcessInterpBiquadFilter(AkReal32 **in_ppInputData, AkReal32 **io_ppOutputData, AK::AkBiquadCoefficients **in_ppCoefs, AK::AkBiquadMemories **io_ppMemories, AkUInt32 *in_pNumSamplesPerInterpStage, AkUInt32 in_uNumInterpStages, AkUInt32 in_uNumChannels)=0
virtual void Execute(AkAudioBuffer *io_pMainMix, AkAudioBuffer *io_pPassthroughMix, const AkAudioObjects &io_objects, AkRamp &io_gain)=0
static const AkPluginParamID ALL_PLUGIN_DATA_ID
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:708
virtual AkPlayingID PostMIDIOnEventSync(AkUniqueID in_eventID, AkGameObjectID in_gameObjectID, AkMIDIPost *in_pPosts, AkUInt16 in_uNumPosts, bool in_bAbsoluteOffsets=false, AkUInt32 in_uFlags=0, AkCallbackFunc in_pfnCallback=NULL, void *in_pCookie=NULL, AkPlayingID in_playingID=AK_INVALID_PLAYING_ID)=0
AkPluginType m_eType
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:2020
virtual AKRESULT TermSphericalVBAP(AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator, void *in_pPannerData)=0
virtual AkUInt32 GetNumEmitterListenerPairs() const =0
virtual ~IAkPluginServiceMixer()
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1666
AK::IAkPlugin *(* AkCreatePluginCallback)(AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc *in_pAllocator)
Registered plugin creation function prototype.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:1329
Defines the parameters of an audio buffer format.
Definition: AkCommonDefs.h:60
IAkSoftwareCodec *(* AkCreateBankSourceCallback)(void *in_pCtx)
Registered bank source node creation function prototype.
Definition: AkTypes.h:1066
3D position type: defines what acts as the emitter position for computing spatialization against the ...
Definition: AkTypes.h:1133
virtual Ak3DPositionType Get3DPositionType()=0
Nature of the connection binding an input to a bus.
Definition: AkTypes.h:324
virtual AKRESULT RegisterCodec(AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, AkCreateFileSourceCallback in_pFileCreateFunc, AkCreateBankSourceCallback in_pBankCreateFunc)=0
virtual void ComputeAmbisonicsEncoding(AkReal32 in_fAzimuth, AkReal32 in_fElevation, AkChannelConfig in_cfgAmbisonics, AK::SpeakerVolumes::VectorPtr out_vVolumes)=0
AkUInt32 AkPlayingID
Playing ID.
Definition: AkTypes.h:55
virtual AkReal32 GetDuration() const =0
virtual AKRESULT GetSpeakerAngles(AkReal32 *io_pfSpeakerAngles, AkUInt32 &io_uNumAngles, AkReal32 &out_fHeightAngle)=0
virtual void Linearize(void *&io_attenuationCurve)=0
Some curves are serialized in the log domain. Use this function to convert all the points to linear a...
@ AkGlobalCallbackLocation_BeginRender
Start of frame rendering, after having processed game messages.
Definition: AkCallback.h:348
Refers to the __restrict compilation flag available on some platforms.
Definition: AkTypes.h:45
const AkReal32 * ConstVectorPtr
Constant volume vector. Access each element with the standard bracket [] operator.
virtual AKRESULT RegisterGlobalCallback(AkPluginType in_eType, AkUInt32 in_ulCompanyID, AkUInt32 in_ulPluginID, AkGlobalCallbackFunc in_pCallback, AkUInt32 in_eLocation=AkGlobalCallbackLocation_BeginRender, void *in_pCookie=NULL)=0
virtual void GetPluginCustomGameData(void *&out_rpData, AkUInt32 &out_rDataSize)=0
Interface to retrieve contextual information available to all types of plugins.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:242
virtual AKRESULT ComputePositioning(const AkPositioningData &in_posData, AkChannelConfig in_inputConfig, AkChannelConfig in_outputConfig, AK::SpeakerVolumes::MatrixPtr out_mxVolumes)=0
AkCreateBankSourceCallback m_pBankCreateFunc
LEGACY: Kept for compatibility with 2019.1. Unused in 2019.2 and up.
Definition: IAkPlugin.h:2026
virtual AKRESULT GetListenerData(AkGameObjectID in_uListener, AkListener &out_listener) const =0
virtual AkUInt32 GetNumGameObjectPositions() const =0
virtual IAkStreamMgr * GetStreamMgr() const =0
Retrieve the streaming manager access interface.

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