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Setting playback properties

By enabling various controls in the Transport Control, you can do any of the following:

Using original audio files during playback

When you convert your imported audio files, Wwise maintains an original version of the audio file that you can audition whenever you want. This original version has not been converted for platforms. By default, the Transport Control plays the original sounds; however, you can choose to play the converted version.

To play back original sounds:

  1. In the Transport Control, click the Transport Play Options button .

  2. In the Transport Play Options menu, select Play Originals.

  3. Click the Play icon.

    The original pre-converted sounds will play for the object in the Transport Control.


To play back the converted sounds, select Play Converted in the Transport Play Control menu and the Transport Play Options buttons will be orange.

Including or excluding audio and motion content for playback

When you are creating the audio, music, and motion structures, you can decide to include or exclude certain objects from one or more platforms. For more information about working with platforms, refer to Excluding project elements from a platform. When you are playing back sounds, music, or motion objects, you may choose to play only the content that is in the current platform, or play all sounds, music, or motion objects loaded into the Transport Control.

To play back platform-specific content:

  1. From the Platform Selector list on the toolbar, select the platform for the objects that you want to audition.

  2. In the Transport Control, click the Transport Play Options button .

  3. In the Transport Play Options menu, activate the Only Play Objects Included in Platform option.

    Only the objects and Events in the current platform will be played in the Transport Control.


To play back all objects and Events, deactivate the Only Play Objects Included in Platform option and the Transport Play Options buttons will be orange.

Resetting in the Transport Control

When you play back objects in the Transport Control, you have access to a range of properties, behaviors, and game syncs for the objects and this can help you simulate the in-game experience. When you are connected to the game, some game syncs, effects, and Events may affect the previously defined properties for objects as well. The property indicators in the Transport Control provide you with feedback about which behaviors or actions are still in effect during playback. To return objects to their previous settings, you can use the reset function.


For each Event playback instance, the Event Action property value is added to the object's properties. When you are working with these Event Actions, you should reset these action properties before replaying the object to clear these cumulative properties and restore the default. To know more about how Event Actions affect object properties, refer to Working with Events.

To reset specific transport control properties:

  1. In the Transport Control, click the Reset icon .

    The Reset menu is displayed.

  2. From the Reset menu, select one of the following:

    • Reset All to reset all objects to their original settings.

    • Reset All Random and Sequence Containers to clear all random and sequence actions that have been triggered for the objects.

    • Reset All Game Parameters to clear all Game Parameters that have been triggered for the objects.

    • Reset All States to clear all Set State actions for objects.

    • Reset All Switches to clear all Set Switch actions that have been set for the objects.

    • Reset All Set Mute to clear all mute actions that have been triggered for the objects.

    • Reset All Set Voice Pitch to clear all pitch actions that have been triggered for the objects.

    • Reset All Set Voice Volume to clear volume actions that have been triggered for the objects.

    • Reset All Set Bus Volume to clear volume actions that have been triggered for the objects.

    • Reset All Set Voice Low-pass Filter to clear all Low-Pass Filter actions that have been triggered for the objects.

    • Reset All Bypass Effect to clear all bypass effects actions that have been triggered for the objects.

    • Reset All Set Effect to clear all set effect actions that have been triggered for the objects.

    • Reset All Music Tracks Force Usage to clear forcing the playback of a specific track in the Soundcaster.

    • Reset All Source Editor Play Cursors to clear manually triggered play cursors in the Source Editor.

    • Reset Attenuation Preview to reset the distance, angle, obstruction, occlusion, diffraction and transmission values set on the objects to their default values.

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