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Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Release Notes 2021.1.2.7629.2025

Each version of this integration matches a specific build of Unreal Engine 4. Here is what has changed in the 2021.1.2.7629.2025 release of the integration (in addition to upgrading to the new Unreal build).

This integration does not support experimental Unreal Engine 4 features.
This integration compiles against Unreal Engine versions 4.23 and up, but was only tested against Unreal Engine 4.26.

Platform-specific information can be found here:

For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.

Performance Changes

  • WG-54411 Improved Editor load times.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • WG-53918 Changed the priority of the AkEvent property in AkRoomComponent such that it appears closer to the other properties in the Details panel.
  • WG-54267 Increased the Unreal Demo Game Monitor Queue Pool Size.

Bug Fixes

  • WG-54115 Fixed: Crash when Spatial Audio components are added to Blueprint Actor instances in a level from the Add Component button.
  • WG-54151 Fixed: In the Details panel of an AkRoomComponent, the AkEvent section is collapsed after editing the properties within.
  • WG-54171 Fixed: Incorrect handling of property changes when there is no sibling AkRoomComponent present for AkLateReverbComponent.
  • WG-54264 Fixed: (Spatial Audio) Rooms are sometimes not registered when they are needed during automatic registration of Room Game Objects causing "Unknown listener game object ID." messages to be printed in the Capture Log.
  • WG-54417 Fixed: Events are always marked as dirty after Sound Data generation when they are referencing a Switch Container that contains switch values referencing multiple Actor-Mixers.
  • WG-54494 Fixed: Potential crash when deleting or performing invalid move operations on AkEvent UAssets in the Content Browser.
  • WG-54517 Fixed: In the Spatial Audio Volume Details panel, the Fit To Geometry section is far from related sections.
  • WG-54536 Unreal Acoustic Portal: Fixed portal validity not updating when a portal is rotated on the spot.
  • WG-54597 Fixed: Late Reverb Component remains inactive when added from the Level Editor to an invalid parent and then reparented.
  • WG-54662 Fixed: Unreal maps are unnecessarily marked as dirty when saving text visualizer properties.
  • WG-54750 Fixed: In the AkAcousticPortal Details panel, the Fit To Geometry section is far from related sections.
  • WG-54751 Fixed: Spatial Audio Volume geometry becomes inaccurate after undo/redo of the Fit To Geometry property.
  • WG-54780 Fixed: Crash when adding a Late Reverb Component to an invalid Component type.
  • WG-54791 Fixed: Crash during Play in Editor session when editing Room Component properties.

Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs

  • WG-54498 Fixed : Potential crash when generating Sound Data with Split Switch Container Media enabled.
  • WG-54558 Fixed: Possible crash and playback issues when streamed sounds with zero-latency not enabled are reloaded.
  • WG-54581 Fixed : Crash when unloading and reloading streamed levels containing SpatialAudioVolumes that are not rooms.

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