Each version of this integration matches a specific build of Unreal Engine 4. Here is what has changed in the 2021.1.0.7575.1956 release of the integration (in addition to upgrading to the new Unreal build). Important Migration Notes 2021.1.0.7575.1956
 | Note:
This integration does not support experimental Unreal Engine 4 features. |
 | Note:
This integration compiles against Unreal Engine versions 4.23 and up, but was only tested against Unreal Engine 4.26. |
Platform-specific information can be found here:
For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.
New Features
- WG-35740 Spatial Audio in Blueprint: Added UAkPortalComponent, which can be attached to a UPrimitiveParent component. Generalized UAkRoomComponent, UAkLateReverbComponent, and UAkGeometryComponent such that they can be attached to any UPrimitiveComponent. Added a Visualize Rooms and Portals option in the integration settings that can be used to assist with portal and room placement.
- WG-46375 Ak Portal components can now be added to Blueprint classes.
- WG-48244 System Audio Device now supports 3D Audio via Microsoft Spatial Sound.
- WG-48270 Added automatic aux bus assignment and reverb parameter estimation to the AkLateReverbComponent.
- WG-48507 Added Volumetric Emitter Component.
- WG-48703 Added rooms and portals visualization in Unreal Editor viewports, which can be enabled/disabled from the Wwise Integration settings in the Unreal project settings menu.
- WG-50210 Added support for new setting sent by the game to scale all the user-defined sizes of the Game Object 3D Viewer.
- WG-51976 Colors for acoustic textures are now synchronized between the Wwise project and the Unreal project.
- WG-52051 Updated UI for acoustic surface properties on an Ak Surface Reflector Set Component (and Spatial Audio Volume). Textures can now be assigned to one or more faces using Brush Editing mode in the Unreal Editor.
- WG-52685 Physical folder hierarchies are now parsed directly from the project file.
API Changes
- WG-47085 Added new methods on
for reallocation: AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc::Realloc
and AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc::ReallocAligned
- WG-50742 Renamed parameters in Spatial Audio mentioning "occlusion" to use "transmission loss" instead.
Behavior Changes
- WG-47039 Virtual Folders are now automatically synchronized between Wwise and the Unreal Content Browser.
- WG-48155 Ak Room and Ak Late Reverb components can now be added to actors other than AVolume. Ak Room and Ak Late Reverb component Blueprint functions can now be called from actor Blueprints.
- WG-49551 AkAssetDatabase no longer loads assets on editor open or during asset synchronization, reducing load times in general.
- WG-52785 WAAPI is now disabled when running a commandlet.
Miscellaneous Changes
- WG-47980 Added new optional XML attribute for plug-ins to specify the name of their static library.
- WG-49988 Portals now use the X-axis as "front" in order to match the Unreal coordinate system.
- WG-53093 Reduced unnecessary dialog messages when moving assets and performing asset synchronization.
Bug Fixes
- WG-48689 Fixed: A nullptr exception when instantiating AkGeometry components in Blueprint classes.
- WG-50804 Fixed: The name and tooltip of MaxSimultaneousReverbVolumes is missing components.
- WG-50861 Fixed: Updating an AkComponent's position is suboptimal due to a linear search over all UAkRoomComponents and UAkLateReverbComponents. This linear search has been replaced with a query into a spatial index data structure, which scales logarithmically with the number of components.
- WG-52242 Fixed: WAAPI commands sent by the Unreal Editor to move folders with names containing special characters fail.
- WG-52305 Fixed: Various issues with asset synchronization.
- WG-52824 Fixed: Crash when deleting large groups of assets.
- WG-53335 Fixed: WEM Opus format not available in Codec ID dropdown of AkExternalSourceInfo.
Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs
- WG-52245 Changes to the Wwise objects made in the Unreal Editor are not always reflected in Wwise Authoring.
- WG-52893 Fixed: Modifications to nested Work Units are not reflected in the Wwise Picker.
- WG-53195 Fixed: AkGeometry's
does not fetch convex meshes and always resorts to bounding boxes.
- WG-53444 Fixed:
may not return page-aligned memory.