Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
This release delivers the Wwise SDK update for Wwise 2017.2.2.
![]() | Note: | Important note: This integration has not been tested on Unity 4. |
Platforms: | Wwise Unity Integration tested on: |
Android iOS Linux Mac PS4 tvOS Windows Xbox One | Unity 2017.3.0f3 |
UWP (Universal Windows Platform) | Unity 2017.3.0p3 |
Switch | Unity for Nintendo Switch 3.1.2 (Unity 5.6.4 with NintendoSDK 3.5.2) |
Resolved Issues:
and AkSoundEngine.AddDefaultListener
and fixed documentation for various classes within folders API/Handwritten and Components.Questions? Problems? Need more info? Contact us, and we can help!
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