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30 #ifndef _AKMEMORYMGR_H_
31 #define _AKMEMORYMGR_H_
33 #if !defined( AK_OPTIMIZED ) && !( defined AK_DISABLE_MEMDEBUG )
177 const char *in_pszFile,
180 #endif // AK_MEMDEBUG
200 const char *in_pszFile,
203 #endif // AK_MEMDEBUG
225 const char *in_pszFile,
228 #endif // AK_MEMDEBUG
246 void * in_pMemAddress
258 const char* in_pszFile,
261 #endif // AK_MEMDEBUG
313 #endif // _AKMEMORYMGR_H_
@ AkMemID_Processing
Anything tied to instancing and processing of the DSP graph.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void DumpToFile(const AkOSChar *pszFilename)
@ AkMemID_SpatialAudioPaths
Spatial audio paths data.
@ AkMemID_MonitorQueue
Monitor Queue.
@ AkMemID_TempAudioRender
Temporary allocations for audio render.
@ AkMemID_FilePackage
File packager.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void TermForThread()
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * dRealloc(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, void *in_pAlloc, size_t in_uSize, const char *in_pszFile, AkUInt32 in_uLine)
AkUInt64 uPeakUsed
Peak used memory (in bytes)
Definition of data structures for AkAudioObject.
@ AkMemID_StreamingIO
Streaming Manager I/O memory.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * dMalloc(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, size_t in_uSize, const char *in_pszFile, AkUInt32 in_uLine)
@ AkMemID_Media
Media from the Wwise project.
@ AkMemID_Integration
Game engine integration allocations.
@ AkMemID_Object
Generic placeholder for allocations tied to the Wwise project.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * dMalign(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, size_t in_uSize, AkUInt32 in_uAlignment, const char *in_pszFile, AkUInt32 in_uLine)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void Free(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, void *in_pMemAddress)
#define AK_EXTERNAPIFUNC(_type, _name)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * Malloc(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, size_t in_uSize)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void TrimForThread()
AkInt32 AkMemPoolId
Memory pool ID.
@ AkMemID_Profiler
AkUInt32 uAllocs
Number of allocation calls since initialization.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void GetGlobalStats(GlobalStats &out_stats)
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void InitForThread()
@ AkMemID_SpatialAudioGeometry
Spatial audio geometry data.
AkUInt64 uReserved
Total reserved memory. (Used and unused). Will return 0 if the reserved memory is not traceable.
@ AkMemID_BookmarkAlloc
Allocations serviced by the bookmark allocator.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * dReallocAligned(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, void *in_pAlloc, size_t in_uSize, AkUInt32 in_uAlignment, const char *in_pszFile, AkUInt32 in_uLine)
@ AkMemID_JobMgr
Allocations for Sound Engine jobs and job dependencies.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * Malign(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, size_t in_uSize, AkUInt32 in_uAlignment)
@ AkMemID_SoundEngine
Base sound engine allocations (managers, etc).
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void StartProfileThreadUsage()
@ AkMemID_GameSim
Game Simulator allocations.
@ AkMemID_GameObject
Game Objects and related.
@ AkMemID_Streaming
Streaming Manager objects.
Category count.
Mask for category IDs.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * Realloc(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, void *in_pAlloc, size_t in_uSize)
@ AkMemID_Structure
Structures from the Wwise project.
@ AkMemID_Event
Events from the Wwise project.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API AkUInt64 StopProfileThreadUsage()
uint64_t AkUInt64
Unsigned 64-bit integer.
AkUInt64 uUsed
Total memory used including all categories (in bytes)
AkUInt64 uUsed
Used memory (in bytes)
@ AkMemID_ProcessingPlugin
Plug-in allocations related to the DSP graph.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void GetCategoryStats(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, CategoryStats &out_poolStats)
uint32_t AkUInt32
Unsigned 32-bit integer.
@ AkMemType_NoTrack
Do not track this allocation.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API bool IsInitialized()
@ AkMemID_SpatialAudio
Spatial audio.
AKSOUNDENGINE_API void * ReallocAligned(AkMemPoolId in_poolId, void *in_pAlloc, size_t in_uSize, AkUInt32 in_uAlignment)
@ AkMemType_Device
Device memory type bit.
@ AkMemType_Media
Media memory type bit.
AkUInt32 uFrees
Number of free calls since initialization.
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