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Using the game-defined auxiliary sends

Up to 4 game-defined auxiliary sends can be set in addition to the 4 user-defined auxiliary sends. Game-defined auxiliary sends are mostly controlled by the game using the following Wwise SDK functions:

However, to enable the game-defined auxiliary send functionality on an object, the option Use game-defined auxiliary sends must be activated.

To enable the game-defined auxiliary sends

  1. Inspect the object by double-clicking it in the Project Explorer.

  2. In the Property Editor, in the group Game-defined Auxiliary Sends:

    • Click the Override parent if possible.

    • Click Use game-defined auxiliary sends.

By enabling game-defined auxiliary sends for a specific object, you can control which object is affected by the game-defined sends. In a scenario where game-defined sends are used to control environments, you would be able to control which objects are affected by the environments, and which one are not affected.

When the game-defined auxiliary sends are active, you can make adjustments to the game sends volume values, directly in Wwise, by changing the game-defined volume, which is additive to the game values.

Using the game-defined auxiliary sends in combination with the attenuations

Game-defined auxiliary sends can be used in combination with the Attenuations, defined in the positioning properties of the object. The Attenuation settings allow to control the following game-defined properties from the distance separating the listener from the game object:

  • Game-defined send volume allows you to control how much wet signal is attenuated from the distance.

  • Output bus volume allows you to control how much dry signal is attenuated from the distance.

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