
Warning: you were redirected to the latest documentation corresponding to your major release ( 2024.1.2.8726 ). Should you wish to access your specific version's documentation, please download the offline documentation from the Audiokinetic Launcher and check the Offline Documentation option in Wwise Authoring.

Number of Resume and/or Play-From-Beginning virtual voices has reached warning limit (see Project Settings > Log tab). There may be some infinite, leaked voices.

The number of virtual voices has reached a critical number indicating a probable bug in the game or a bad setup in the Wwise Project. Virtual voices can stay alive forever for various reasons:

  • A sound is set to loop infinitely and its Virtual Voice Behavior is set to anything else than "Kill". This sound needs to be stopped by an explicit Stop Event.

  • A sound has its Virtual Voice Behavior set to "Resume" or "Play From Beginning", but never came back to Physical because its volume was never high enough. Therefore, it then never completed playback to end.

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