The Wwise Unreal plug-in includes a Commandlet you can use to migrate your Unreal projects to Wwise version 2022.1 from the command line.
Commandlet Usage and Parameters
Usage of the Commandlet is:
<UnrealEditor.exe> <path_to_uproject> -run=AkMigration [ [-transfer-bank-waapi] OR [-generate-bank-definition=<Path/To/Save/FileName>.tsv] ][-ignore-bank-errors] [-transfer-bank-autoload] [-delete-banks] [-migrate-assets] [-update-settings] [-delete-deprecated-assets] [-generated-soundbanks-folder=<Path/To/Folder>]
The following parameters perform the same operations available in the Migration Window. These operations are detailed in the Upgrading Projects to Wwise 2022.1 page.
- transfer-bank-waapi: (Optional) Transfers SoundBanks in the Unreal project to Wwise through WAAPI. This parameter cannott be used with 'generate-bank-definition'.
- generate-bank-definition: (Optional) Creates a SoundBank definition file at the specified path. Use an absolute file path (C:...). You must then manually import the file into Wwise manually to create the SoundBanks. This parameter cannot be used with 'transfer-bank-waapi'.
- ignore-bank-errors (Optional) Ignores any errors that occurred during bank transfer through WAAPI or when writing to the SoundBank Definition file and continues migration.
- transfer-bank-autoload: (Optional) Transfer the AkAudioBank AutoLoad property to assets grouped in it.
- delete-banks: (Optional) Deletes all SoundBank assets in the Unreal project after the transfer is complete.
- delete-deprecated-assets: (Optional) Deletes all deprecated Wwise assets that are still in the project.
- migrate-assets: (Optional) Migrates the Wwise assets in the project.
- update-settings: (Optional) Updates the Wwise and Unreal Project settings.
- generated-soundbanks-folder: (Optional) The path to the GeneratedSoundBanks folder used with the 'update-settings' switch. Use an absolute file path (C:/...). This parameter sets the Generated Sound Banks Folder setting in the Unreal project.
- help: (Optional) Prints a message that describes all parameters and quits the Commandlet immediately.
Example Usage
C:\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe C:\MyProjects\Demo\WwiseDemoGame.uproject -run=AkMigration -transfer-bank-waapi -transfer-bank-autoload -delete-banks -migrate-assets -delete-deprecated-assets -update-settings -generated-soundbanks-folder="C:/Project/WwiseProject/GeneratedSoundBanks"
 | Tip:
The Commandlet window closes as soon as the command is executed. To output the results of the command to a text file, add > log.txt to the end of your command. A text file named log.txt is created in the current directory and contains any errors or warnings. |
Order of Operations
The migration operations are performed in the same order as the in-editor migration, regardless of the order of the parameters in the command line. The order is as follows:
- Bank migration
- Auto Load property transfer
- Bank Transfer (WAAPI or SoundBank Definition file)
- Deprecated AkAudioBank asset deletion
- Wwise asset migration
- Deprecated asset deletion
- Update project settings