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Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
Important Migration Notes 2019.2

Spatial Audio

The AkSpatialAudioEmitter component is deprecated. As of 2019.2, spatial audio parameters can be applied per sound in the authoring tool. An emitter doesn't need to be tagged as a spatial audio emitter anymore.

  • Early Reflections
    • Reflect Aux Bus: As of 2019.2 it is possible to select the early reflections auxiliary bus in the authoring tool, in the General Settings tab of the Sound SFX Property Editor. It is still possible to associate an ER auxiliary bus to a game object by calling AK::SpatialAudio::SetEarlyReflectionsAuxSend(), however, the early reflection auxiliary bus specified in the authoring tool has precedence. See the new AkEarlyReflections component for more details. Currently, this component will call AK::SpatialAudio::SetEarlyReflectionsAuxSend() with the aux bus specified via this parameter.
    • Reflection Max Path Length: As of 2019.2, the Reflection Max Path Length is set by the sound's Attenuation Max Distance value in the Authoring tool.
    • Reflection Aux Bus Gain: As of 2019.2 it is possible to select the early reflections volume in the authoring tool, in the General Settings tab of the Sound SFX Property Editor. It is still possible to set the early reflections volume per game object by calling AK:SpatialAudio::SetEarlyReflectionsVolume(). It will be applied additively to the volume defined per-sound in the authoring tool. See the new AkEarlyReflections component for more details. Currently, this component will call AK:SpatialAudio::SetEarlyReflectionsVolume() with the volume specified via this parameter.
    • Reflections Order: As of 2019.2, the Reflection Order is set in the Spatial Audio Initialization Settings.
  • Rooms
    • Room Reverb Aux Bus Gain: As of 2019.2, the Room Reverb Aux Bus Gain is set by the Game-Defined Auxiliary Sends Volume in the Sound Property Editor in the Authoring tool.
  • Geometric Diffraction
    • Diffraction Max Edges: As of 2019.2, diffraction is enabled in the Sound Property Editor in the Authoring tool.
    • Diffraction Max Paths: As of 2019.2, diffraction is enabled in the Sound Property Editor in the Authoring tool.
    • Diffraction Max Path Length: As of 2019.2, diffraction is enabled in the Sound Property Editor in the Authoring tool.
  • Debug Draw: The debug drawings were moved to the new AkSpatialAudioDebugDraw component.

The AkSurfaceReflector component has new parameters.

  • Mesh: The AkSurfaceReflector component does not require a MeshFilter component anymore. Instead, the mesh representing surface reflectors to send to Spatial Audio is specified via this parameter. If nothing is selected, the component will check if the unity Game Object has a Mesh Filter component and will use its mesh as the AkSurfaceReflector mesh.
  • Acoustic Textures: In the old AkSurfaceReflector component, only one AkAcousticTexture could be chosen for the whole surface reflector mesh. As of 2019.2, you can specify a different AkAcousticTexture for each submesh of the mesh provided in the previous parameter. Old values passed to the single Acoustic Texture parameter will be applied to all the submeshes.

A new component called AkRoomAwareObject has been added to Spatial Audio. The component calls AK::SpatialAudio::SetGameObjectInRoom() which helps Spatial Audio know in which room a game object is at all times. The component should be added to all Spatial Audio emitters and listeners.

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