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Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Wwise Unreal Actors

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AkAmbientSound is an AActor class used in the same way as the AAmbientSound object that is included with the Unreal Audio system. There are two ways to control its playback: through its own object Blueprint functions, or with the Start All Ambient Sounds and Stop All Ambient Sounds global helper functions. An AkAmbientSound also contains an AkComponent, which has its own Properties.


  • Stop When Owner Is Destroyed: The Event is stopped automatically when the AkAmbientSound is destroyed.
  • Auto Post: Automatically post the associated UAkAudioEvent on BeginPlay.

Blueprint Functions:

  • Start All Ambient Sound: Starts the playback of all ambient sounds.
  • Start Ambient Sound: Starts the playback of the selected ambient sound.
  • Stop All Ambient Sound: Stops the playback of all ambient sounds.
  • Stop Ambient Sound: Stops the playback of the selected ambient sound.


AkReverbVolume is an AVolume class used in a similar way to the AReverbVolume object that is included with the Unreal Audio system. Any Brush in the Editor can spawn it. The reverb effect is obtained with an AkLateReverbComponent.

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