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Creating Wwise objects on import

After you have verified that the files that you want to import are supported by Wwise, you can determine what kind of object that you want to create with the files.

Wwise distinguishes between Sound SFX, Sound Voice, and Music Track objects. This allows, for example, Voice objects - which might be translated into different languages - to be handled differently in Wwise. Further, there are different structural objects, such as Containers and Music Segments, which allow the grouping and organization of the base objects. To help you differentiate between all of them, Wwise uses different icons to represent each object type.



SFX - The default object type when you import media files into the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy.

Voice - Created for dialogue that is likely to be translated for various language versions of the game.


Hold Ctrl and Shift while dragging a WAV file to the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy to automatically set the Import As: list value to Sound Voice, as opposed to the default Sound SFX, for the Reference Language.

Random Container - Created, by default, when dragging a folder into the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy. But, in the Audio File Importer which is prompted, it is possible to change the folder into another item selected from the Object Type/Action list:

  • No object

  • Virtual Folder

  • Actor-Mixer

  • Sequence Container

  • Switch Container

  • Blend Container

  • Sound SFX


Hold the Ctrl key while dragging a folder to the Project Explorer in the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy to automatically create a Random Container with Sound SFX objects for every WAV file found in the folder.

Music Track - Created when dragging a source file (WAV or AMB) into the Interactive Music Hierarchy under a Music Segment.


Hold the Ctrl key while dragging a WAV file on top of Music Segment in the Interactive Music Hierarchy of the Project Explorer to automatically create a Music Track object.

Music Segment - Created, by default, when dragging a folder or a source file (WAV or AMB) into the Interactive Music Hierarchy.

But, in the Audio File Importer which is prompted, it is possible to change a folder into another item selected from the Object Type/Action list:

  • No object

  • Virtual Folder

  • Music Switch Container

  • Music Playlist Container


When dragging WAV files onto an existing Music Segment, Music Tracks will be created for every WAV file dragged.


Hold the Ctrl key while dragging a WAV file to the Project Explorer in the Interactive Music Hierarchy to automatically create a Music Segment object.

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