Wwise SDK 2023.1.10
Creates a blank new project. The project must not already exist. If the directory does not exist, it is created.
WwiseConsole create-new-project "C:\MyProject\MyProject.wproj" --platform "Windows" "Linux"
Creates MyProject.wproj for platforms Windows and Linux.
The path to the project file (.wproj).
--platform PLATFORM
--platform PLATFORM1 PLATFORM2 ...
--platform PLATFORM1 --platform PLATFORM2 ...
Specifies which platform the new project supports. If not specified, Windows only is used.
Disables all non-error console text output.
Enables extra console text output.
A WwiseConsole.exe exit code of 0 means success, 1 means at least one error (and potentially warnings) occurred, and 2 means that only warnings occurred.
Refer to Using the Command Line for more information about Wwise Console.
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