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Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Release Notes 2021.1.11.7933.2437

Each version of this integration matches a specific build of Unreal Engine. Here is what has changed in the 2021.1.11.7933.2437 release of the integration (in addition to upgrading to the new Unreal build). Important Migration Notes 2021.1.11.7933.2437

This integration does not support experimental Unreal Engine features.
This integration was compiled against Unreal Engine versions 4.26, 4.27, and 5.0. It was tested against Unreal Engine 4.27.2 and 5.0.2. Any major Unreal Engine version more recent than the aforementioned is not currently supported, but will be in a subsequent patch release.

For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.

New Features

  • WG-62395 Added preliminary support for Unreal Engine 5.1.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • WG-60370 Added support for Visual Studio 2022.
  • WG-61144 Reduced the severity of AkAcousticPortal messages about the front and back rooms of a portal being the same. These are now logs instead of warnings.
  • WG-61500 Made it possible for Havok and other physics engines to use the Wwise Unreal Integration.

Bug Fixes

  • WG-61803 Fixed: Crash in AkAudioDevice::TryUnsetMedia.

Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs

  • WG-53480 Fixed: Unreal packaging includes SoundBanks from platforms other than the built platform.
  • WG-59395 Fixed: The PostEventAsync blueprint pins Events in the garbage collector an additional time, causing a memory leak.
  • WG-59779 Fixed: Possible crash in AkAudioDevice::CleanPinnedObjects on game exit.
  • WG-60234 Fixed: Streamed sounds with no prefetch chunk aren't registered with the Unreal IO hook, leading to "Failed creating source" errors.
  • WG-60969 Fixed: (Spatial Audio) Any emitter using diffraction can become inaudible when the listener position overlaps a portal.
  • WG-60974 Fixed: Face-specific acoustic information on AkSpatialAudioVolumes is reset when that face is moved.
  • WG-61026 Fixed: Media in memory in Unreal Editor do not update after replacing data in audio sources in Wwise and regenerating sound data.
  • WG-61050 Fixed: "Media not loaded" error when a media is shared between two different Switch values in a Switch Container.
  • WG-61202 Fixed: Stopping a Play in Editor session stops the AkAudioMixer.
  • WG-61226 Fixed: Pausing a Play in Editor session does not pause sounds.
  • WG-61291 Fixed: DefaultGame.ini is updated at Editor startup.
  • WG-61296 Fixed: SoundBanks can only be generated for platforms supported by the active Unreal Editor.
  • WG-61297 Fixed: Erroneous warning when using Blueprint Clustering.
  • WG-61323 Fixed: HF Damping always shows 0 when used with an RTPC.
  • WG-61597 Fixed: Streaming media can be stopped if inspected by the garbage collector at the wrong time. Added more detailed logs to the AkUnrealIOHook.
  • WG-61790 Fixed: Adding AkGeometry to complex meshes freezes Unreal while it is calculating the static mesh.
  • WG-61850 Fixed: (Spatial Audio) Any emitter using diffraction can become inaudible when the listener position overlaps a portal.
  • WG-61910 Fixed: Not finding the Wwise Project file logs an error that can cause builds to fail.
  • WG-62182 Fixed: Possible crash in AkOcclusionObstructionService when changing maps.
  • WG-62514 Fixed: Unreal Assets representing Folders and Work Units beginning with numerical characters fail to move when performing asset synchronization.
  • WG-62722 Fixed: Wwise Settings dialog opens when running a commandlet.

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