Build Requirements
- Microsoft DirectX®: DXSDK_Jun10 (9.29)
 | Note: Please make sure that the DirectX® SDK's environment variable DXSDK_DIR points to the proper directory if you have multiple versions of the SDK. |
- Windows Software Development Kit, version 1809 (Visual Studio 2017+): 10.0.17763.0
Release Notes
The following sections list and describe the Windows and Windows UWP specific changes to Wwise between version 2021.1.9 and version 2022.1. For general release notes, please refer to Release Notes 2022.1
Behavior Changes
- WG-61205 XInput-based gamepads controlled through the Motion plug-in output device on Windows now have a more consistent response at all amplitudes, including, most notably, increased vibration on low input amplitudes. This brings the behavior of the Motion plug-in output device on Windows in line with its behavior on UWP, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
Bug Fixes
- WG-54716 Fixed: Resizing Platform Manager dialog box can crop buttons.
- WG-54809 Fixed: Start page with tips is missing in Wwise Wave Viewer.
- WG-58035 Fixed: Drive-relative paths don't work as Wwise Console arguments.
- WG-60189 Fixed: Crash when the control surface settings file is hidden in the file system.