
Warning: you were redirected to the latest documentation corresponding to your major release ( 2023.1.10.8659 ). Should you wish to access your specific version's documentation, please download the offline documentation from the Audiokinetic Launcher and check the Offline Documentation option in Wwise Authoring.

User Preferences

You can customize your Wwise software by specifying the following user preferences:

Interface Element


Confirmation messages

Turns on all confirmation messages (alerts about operations that cannot be undone) that were previously turned off when the user selected Don't ask me again.

External Editors

Prompts the Windows Open dialog (or the Mac Finder) for browsing to an external audio file editor to add to the list of editors that can be accessed directly from Wwise. Once added, you can edit imported audio files with your favorite tool without interrupting your work in Wwise.

Deletes the selected external audio file editors from the list.

Sets the selected editor as the default and moves it, if necessary, to the top of the list. The first listed editor is always the default.


You can use the Ctrl+E shortcut to launch the default external editor on the selection in most views.

Opens a search field where standard alphanumeric entries filter out unmatching elements from the view. Learn more in Using tables.

Click the Close icon to the left of the search icon to close the search field and remove the filter.


The searches do not include elements in collapsed nodes of the List View, Query Editor, MIDI Keymap Editor, and Reference View.

Right-click the table header to open the Configure Columns dialog where you can specify which columns to display and their order. See Using tables.


Specifies the name of the external audio file editor.


Defines the location for the external audio file editor.

Start Mode

Defines the start mode for the external editor application when simultaneously opening several audio files.

  • Single Process: With each "Edit in External Editor" request, Wwise will start one single process and pass the list of files to edit as arguments to the process. This is the default value and it is recommended for most editors, which support being passed multiple files in the arguments.

  • Multiple Processes: With each "Edit in External Editor" request, Wwise will start one process per file to edit. Wwise passes one file to edit as the argument of each process. Select this option when the audio editor does not support being passed multiple files as the arguments.

Opens the Windows Open dialog, where you can browse to the location of the audio file editor's executable.

User Interface


Sets the Wwise UI according to a basic palette of compatible colors:

  • Classic: The gray UI colors used in Wwise since its first release.

  • Dark: A newer palette of primarily dark UI colors.

Whether from a change of Theme or the following color adjustment sliders, the User Preferences dialog will update in consequence to see the changes before you confirm them with a click on the User Preferences OK button.


A slider, set to 0 by default, which offsets the currently selected theme to be darker (-1 to -100) or lighter (1 to 100).


A slider, set to 0 by default, which applies more or less white level to the selected theme color. It ranges from -100, no white level, to 100, full white level.


A slider, set to 0 by default, which defines the intensity of the theme colors, where 0 is the soft, standard color and 100 is its fiery bright extreme.


A slider, set to 0 by default, which adjusts the color of neutral gray UI elements. It ranges from 0° to 360° to represent a color wheel (spectrum), and will colorize neutral gray UI colors. Changes to the Color are only visible when the Saturation level is positive.

Enable High DPI

Optimizes Wwise for a High DPI display, such as on a 4K or 5K monitor.

When disabled, Wwise will shrink to a ratio equivalent to the number of pixels on a standard display.

Background Processing

Analyze WAV files to find peaks and prepare them for HDR playback

Specifies if WAV analysis is automatically performed when the WAV files are imported or modified. The following data is created:

  • Peak information to display the waveform

  • Loudness analysis for the loudness normalization

  • RMS analysis for the HDR envelope

It is not recommended to disable this option.

Wwise Authoring API

Enable Wwise Authoring API

Opens connection for the Wwise Authoring API, according to the following settings.

Allow connections from

Comma-separated list of IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6) that are considered valid. For example, if you have a local server running on localhost, the IP address would be Incoming connections from any other IP address will be blocked by Wwise. The field also supports special keywords:

  • * to allow connections from any IP address (not secure, unrecommended).

Default value:,::1

Allow browser connections from origins

Comma-separated list of origins (http://host:port) that are considered valid (HTTP header Origin). For example, if you have a local server running on port 8081, the origin would be http://localhost:8081. Incoming connections from any other origin will be blocked by Wwise. Use this with great care because it is the only protection against cross-scripting attacks. The field also supports special keywords:

  • * to allow connections from web pages of any origin (not secure, unrecommended).

Default value:

WAMP port

Specifies the WAMP port number used by the Wwise Authoring API server.

Default value: 8080.

HTTP port

Specifies the HTTP port number used by the Wwise Authoring API server.

Default value: 8090.

WAMP max clients

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent clients that can connect to the Wwise Authoring API server through WAMP.

Default value: 5.

HTTP max clients

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent clients that can connect to the Wwise Authoring API server through HTTP POST.

Default value: 2.


Display Middle-C As

MIDI notes are mapped on a fixed numerical range: 0 - 127. The MIDI specification defines the note number 60 as middle-C and all other notes are relative. There is a discrepancy that occurs between various models of MIDI devices and software programs to which octave of C is considered middle-C.

This option specifies what octave of C is considered middle-C. The possible mappings are:

  • C3: MIDI note range is C-2 to G8

  • C4: MIDI note range is C-1 to G9

  • C5: MIDI note range is C0 to G10

Default value: C4.

Live Media Transfer (Experimental)

Enable Live Media Transfer

If selected, you can add or modify sound media while connected to a game and hear the results without regenerating SoundBanks. This can be done for audio sources, MIDI, and impulse response files used by the AK Convolution Reverb plug-in. You can create new Sound SFX and Music Segments using the usual workflows, such as the Audio File Importer dialog or drag and drop of WAV files into the Project Explorer. Without this option enabled, those workflows are unavailable while connected to a game.


This feature is experimental and not enabled by default. When you add or modify media, you might notice a slight delay the first time the media is played.

Max memory for Media updates (MB)

Specifies the maximum amount of memory that can be used by Live Media Transfer. New and modified media does not replace files on disk or in the game’s packages; it resides in memory until the game is terminated. Only the media that has been added or modified in the Wwise project and is currently in use by the game is transferred.

When the limit is reached, an error is logged in the Capture Log.

You can track the amount of memory used by Live Media Transfer in the Loaded Media tab of the Advanced Profiler. In the SoundBank Name column, media transferred in relation to this feature is labeled “From Authoring”.

The amount of memory used by Live Media Transfer is also included in the Used value in the Memory tab of the Advanced Profiler and in the Total Used Memory in the Performance Monitor. Keep in mind that this contribution is temporary and the amount of memory used by the packaged game will be lower.

Default value: 2000.

Saves the changes you have made and closes the User Preferences dialog.

Closes the User Preferences dialog without saving your changes.

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