Wwise SDK 2023.1.9
Name | Description |
AcousticTextureEditor | Acoustic Texture Editor |
AdvancedProfiler | Advanced Profiler |
AttenuationEditor | Attenuation Editor |
AudioDeviceEditor | Audio Device Editor |
AudioDeviceMeter | Audio Device Meter |
AudioObject3DViewer | Audio Object 3D Viewer |
AudioObject3DViewer | Audio Object 3D Viewer Options |
AudioObjectList | Audio Object List |
AudioObjectMetadata | Audio Object Metadata |
AudioObjectMeter | Audio Object Meter |
BatchRename | Batch Rename |
BlendTrackEditor | Blend Track Editor |
CaptureLog | Capture Log |
CaptureLogSettings | Capture Log Options |
ContentsEditor | Contents Editor |
ContextualHelp | Contextual Help |
ControlSurfaceBinding | Control Surface Binding |
ConversionSettingsEditor | Conversion Settings Editor |
Details | Details |
DialogueEventEditor | Dialogue Event Editor |
EffectEditor | Effect Editor |
EventViewer | Event Viewer |
GameObject3DViewer | Game Object 3D Viewer |
GameObject3DViewerSettings | Game Object 3D Viewer Settings |
GameSyncMonitor | Game Sync Monitor |
IntegrityReport | Integrity Report |
ListView | List View |
Logs | Logs |
LoudnessMeter | Loudness Meter |
MIDIKeymapEditor | MIDI Keymap Editor |
MasterMixerConsole | Master-Mixer Console |
MetadataEditor | Metadata Editor |
Meter | Meter |
MixingDesk | Mixing Desk |
ModulatorEditor | Modulator Editor |
MultiEditor | MultiEditor |
MusicFadeEditor | Music Fade Editor |
MusicPlaylistEditor | Music Playlist Editor |
MusicSegmentEditor | Music Segment Editor |
MusicSwitchEditor | Music Switch Editor |
PasteProperties | Paste Properties |
PerformanceMonitor | Performance Monitor |
PositionEditor3DAutomation | Position Editor (3D Automation) |
ProfilerStatistics | Profiler Statistics |
ProjectExplorer | Project Explorer |
PropertyEditor | Property Editor |
QueryEditor | Query Editor |
Randomizer | Randomizer |
ReferenceView | Reference View |
SchematicView | Schematic View |
SoundBankEditor | SoundBank Editor |
SoundBankManager | SoundBank Manager |
Soundcaster | Soundcaster |
SourceEditor | Source Editor |
SpeakerPanner | Speaker Panner |
Transport | Transport |
VoiceExplorer | Voice Explorer |
VoiceInspector | Voice Inspector |
VoiceMonitor | Voice Monitor |
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