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Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
WAAPI Widgets


Ak Check Box

Use this WAAPI-enabled check box to control a boolean property in Wwise.


  • Property to control: Name of the boolean property to control in Wwise.
  • Item to control: Item to control in Wwise.
  • On Check State Changed: Event called when the state of the check box changes.
  • On Item Dropped: Event called when an item is dropped on the check box.
  • On Property Dropped: Event called when a property name is dropped on the check box.

Blueprint methods:

  • IsPressed: Returns true if this button is currently pressed.
  • IsChecked: Returns true if the check box is currently checked.
  • GetCheckedState: Returns the full current checked state.
  • SetIsChecked: Sets the checked state.
  • SetCheckedState(ECheckBoxState InCheckedState): Sets the checked state.
  • SetAkItemId: Sets the item ID this check box controls.
  • GetAkItemId: Returns the ID of the currently controlled item.
  • SetAkBoolProperty: Sets the property name this check box controls.
  • GetAkProperty: Returns the current item property.

Ak Item Bool Properties

Pre-made picker for Bool properties. Useful for drag-and-drop use with Ak Check Box or Ak Slider.

Ak Item Properties

Pre-made picker for float properties. Useful for drag-and-drop use with Ak Check Box or Ak Slider.

Ak Slider

This WAAPI-enabled slider can control any float property in Wwise. When the controlled property is changed, the range for the slider's values are automatically adjusted to the range defined in Wwise.


  • Property to control: Name of the boolean property to control in Wwise.
  • Item to control: Item to control in Wwise.
  • Value: The value of the slider.
  • On Value Changed: Event called when the value of the slider changes.
  • On Item Dropped: Event called when an item is dropped on the slider.
  • On Property Dropped: Event called when a property name is dropped on the slider.

Blueprint methods:

  • GetValue: Returns the current value.
  • SetValue: Sets the current value.
  • SetCheckedState(ECheckBoxState InCheckedState): Sets the checked state.
  • SetAkSliderItemId: Sets the item ID this slider controls.
  • GetAkSliderItemId: Returns the ID of the item currently controlled.
  • SetAkSliderItemProperty: Sets the property name this slider controls.
  • GetAkSliderItemProperty: Returns the property name this slider controls.

Ak Wwise Tree

This widget is an exact copy of Managing Assets with the Wwise Browser, available in-game. It enables item assignment to Ak Check Box and Ak Slider through drag-and-drop.


  • On Selection Changed: Event called when the current tree selection changes.
  • On Item Dragged: Event called when an item is dragged from the tree.

Blueprint methods:

  • GetSelectedItem: Returns the item currently selected in the tree.
  • GetSearchText: Returns the current text in the search box.
  • SetSearchText: Sets the current text of the search box.

Ak Wwise Tree Selector

A compact version of the Ak Wwise Tree, which opens a separate window to select the item.


  • On Selection Changed: Event called when the current tree selection changes.
  • On Item Dragged: Event called when an item is dragged from the tree.

Slate Widgets


Structure that contains everything required to represent a Wwise item.


  • DisplayName: The item name.
  • FolderPath: The path of the tree item in Wwise, including the name.
  • ItemType: The type of item.
  • ItemId: The ID of the item.


Handles drag-and-drop of a property name. Pass the property name to FWwisePropertyDragDropOp::New to create the drag-and-drop operation.


Handles drag-and-drop of a Wwise item. Pass a shared pointer to a FWwiseTreeItem to FWwisePropertyDragDropOp::New to create the drag-and-drop operation.

Ak Slider

This WAAPI-enabled slider can control any float property in Wwise. It handles drag-and-drop through FWwisePropertyDragDropOp and FWwiseUmgDragDropOp.

Public methods:

  • GetAkSliderValue: Gets the current value of the slider, as displayed in the Wwise Authoring application.
  • GetAkSliderProperty: Gets the name of the controlled property.
  • GetAkSliderItemControlled: Gets the name of the item that the slider controls.
  • SetAkSliderItemProperty: Sets the property to control with the slider.
  • SetAkSliderItemId: Sets the ID of the item to control (GUID string in "Digits with Hyphens in Braces" format).
  • SetAkSliderRangeMin: Sets the minimum slider value.
  • SetAkSliderRangeMax: Sets the maximum slider value.
  • GetAkSliderRangeMin: Gets the minimum slider value.
  • GetAkSliderRangeMax: Gets the maximum slider value.

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