Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
In the Unity integration, you can apply AkEnvironment and AkEnvironmentPortal components to game objects. You can then associate these components with an Auxiliary Bus that has a Wwise Effect to simulate environmental effects on sounds. This topic describes how to use these components to simulate reverb effects, although you can use the same principles to apply other types of effect.
check_circle | Tip: | Another way to implement reverb is to use Spatial Audio. See the following topics for more information: |
The examples in this topic are available in the Using the WwiseDemoScene, which you can download through the Audiokinetic Launcher (see Unity).
Review the following prerequisites before you add environment and environment portal components:
An AkEnvironment component embodies a simple environment zone. You can attach an AkEnvironment component to any type of collider.
There are three ways to add AkEnvironment components to your scene: from the Wwise Picker, through the Add Component menu, or with C# scripts.
To add an AkEnvironment component from the Wwise Picker:
Drag the Auxiliary bus from the Wwise Picker to the Inspector.
An AkEnvironment component is added to the object, named after the Auxiliary bus:
To add an AkEnvironment component from the menu:
To add an AkEnvironment component with a C# script:
at any time.Only four AkEnvironment components can be active at the same time in a single scene or for a single AkGameObj.
The AkEnvironment component has the following properties, accessible in the Inspector:
You can use portals to combine the effects of two environments. The contribution of each of the two environments is determined by their distance from the game object. This is useful if a game object stands between two rooms or is in a tunnel that connects two environments.
To add an environment portal to your project:
You can place an environment portal between two environments to combine their effects while your game object is inside the portal. The portal must intersect with both environments. The contribution of each environment is determined by its distance from the game object. The closer the game object is to an environment, the more that environment contributes to the final effect.
The AkEnvironmentPortal component has the following properties, accessible in the Inspector:
info | Note: | The axis is in object space. Therefore, rotating the portal also rotates the axis. |
To use environments and environment portals, you need a game object with an AkGameObj component that is environment-aware. AkEnvironmentPortal objects automatically detect overlapping AkEnvironment objects. The overlapping environments appear in the two select-lists in the portal's inspector:
If too many environments overlap the portal, you can select which ones the portal combines. Only four AkEnvironments can be active at the same time for a game object. In the case of environment portals, the four AkEnvironments are selected as follows:
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