











Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Reconciling Wwise UAssets

When you use Wwise assets in an integrated Unreal project, corresponding UAssets are created in Unreal based on the most recently generated Wwise SoundBanks. However, if you or another team member continues to work on the Wwise project, the original files might be renamed, deleted, or moved. If the SoundBanks are then regenerated, there might be discrepancies between the contents of the SoundBanks and the UAssets in Unreal.

If that happens, you can reconcile the SoundBanks and UAssets through the Wwise Browser or with a commandlet.

Reconciling UAssets can do four things:

  • Create: Creates a UAsset for an item in the generated SoundBanks. The Asset is created in the Default Asset Creation Path (refer to Setting the Default Asset Creation Path for more information) in the same directory structure as the one in the Generated SoundBanks. The directory structure details are contained in the ProjectInfo.json metadata file, which is located in the Root Output Path (refer to Integration Settings for details). The directory structure mimics the structure of the Wwise project directory. If the path is too long, the UAsset is not created and you must import it manually.
  • Update: Updates the information of the UAsset to match the information of the item in the GeneratedSoundBanks.
  • Rename: Renames the UAsset to match the name of the item in the SoundBanks.
  • Delete: Removes the UAsset because there is no item associated with it in the Generated SoundBanks. The item is not deleted if it is referenced in the Unreal project, but instead appears in the Orphaned UAssets folder in the Wwise Browser (refer to Orphaned UAssets Folder). You must delete this type of UAsset manually.
"Move" operations are not supported by default. If you want to use them, you must create a custom Reconcile module. See Customizing the Reconcile module.

Using the Wwise Browser

The Wwise Browser contains several columns that display information about the state of assets in the Wwise Project, the generated SoundBanks, and in Unreal:

  • Wwise Project vs SoundBanks: If the Wwise project is open and WAAPI is connected, this column indicates any discrepancies between the items in Wwise and in the Generated SoundBanks.
  • Wwise UE Asset Status: Shows how many UAssets for this item exist.
  • SoundBanks vs UAssets: Indicates any discrepancies between the UAssets and the SoundBank contents. If you see that there are discrepancies that require reconciliation, you can reconcile assets directly through the Wwise Browser.
Ensure that you generate SoundBanks before you reconcile assets. The Wwise Browser displays asset status based on the most recently generated SoundBanks, so if you have not generated SoundBanks in some time, the information might not be accurate.

To reconcile UAssets:

  1. In the Wwise Browser, select the assets you want to reconcile. You can select a folder to reconcile all of its contents.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • In the upper right, click Reconcile Selected.
    • Right-click, then click Reconcile Selected Assets.

    A window opens, and lists all of the assets that require reconciliation and the operations that will be performed. Assets that are already up to date do not appear.

  3. Click Reconcile Unreal Assets. The assets are reconciled.

Using WwiseReconcileCommandlet

The Wwise Unreal plug-in includes a Commandlet you can use to reconcile all UAssets. To make sure the Assets are properly reconciled, we recommend that you run the GenerateSoundBanks commandlet before the WwiseReconcileCommandlet.

Commandlet usage:

<UnrealEditor-cmd.exe> <path_to_uproject> -run=WwiseReconcileCommandlet -modes=listOfOperation

The Commandlet has the following parameters:

  • modes: Comma-separated list of operations performed on the asset. The operations can be any of the following:
    • create: Create Unreal assets from the Generated SoundBanks.
    • update: Update existing Unreal assets. This updates the asset name as well as its metadata.
      It is not possible to rename assets on Unreal Engine 4.27 through the commandlet. Instead, use the Wwise Browser to reconcile assets with Unreal 4.27.
    • delete: Delete Unreal assets that no longer exist in the Generated SoundBanks.
    • all: Fully reconcile Unreal assets.
  • dryrun: A dryrun displays changes required for the assets and logs them as errors. This parameter prevents the Reconcile Operations.


C:\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe C:\MyProjects\Demo\WwiseDemoGame.uproject -run=WwiseReconcileCommandlet -modes=create,update
After updating Wwise to a new version, we recommend that you execute a regular Reconcile command before running a dryrun.

Customizing the Reconcile module

You can customize the behavior of the Reconcile module. For example, you can change the way it determines the asset creation path, or add move reconciliation operations to the Wwise Browser and commandlet. The module provides a highly extensible base class, which has a default implementation that developers can override.

To implement a custom Wwise Reconcile module, you must first create a new Unreal module. The module must contain at least the following two classes:

  • A class that inherits IWwiseReconcile, which handles the responsibilities of the Reconcile module.
    • You can also use FWwiseReconcileImpl as a parent class because it is extendable.
  • A class that implements FWwiseReconcileModule, which overrides InstantiateReconcile in order to return an instance of the first class.

You must enable the custom Reconcile module implementation before you can use it. To enable it, add the following lines to the DefaultEngine.ini file in your Unreal project:


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