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Wwise SDK 2022.1.18
Release Notes 2022.1.18

The following sections list and describe the changes to Wwise between version 2022.1.17 and version 2022.1.18.
Platform-specific information can be found here:

For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.

New Features

  • WG-71911 When Wwise cannot open a PROF file due to version incompatibility, the version of Wwise used to create the file is now indicated in the error message.

API Changes

Performance Changes

Bug Fixes

  • WG-74594 Fixed: Cannot add an RTPC to properties represented by a drop-down list.
  • WG-74697 Fixed: Soloing multiple channels in Mastering Suite doesn't work.
  • WG-74809 Fixed: AK ASIO Output plug-in resets the device rate to 48 kHz, ignoring the value of AkPlatformInitSettings::uSampleRate.
  • WG-74964 Fixed: Vorbis and Opus decoder failure error on end of playback of non-streaming long sounds.
  • WG-75204 Fixed: Changing the project color causes the Project Settings to stop being a modal dialog.
  • WG-75219 Fixed: Possible crash when using a keyboard shortcut while changing the color of an object.

Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs

  • WG-61228 Fixed: Possible crash when changing the inclusions of a SoundBank.
  • WG-70578 Fixed: (Spatial Audio) Crash when the last geometry associated with a room is removed.
  • WG-74498 Fixed: Crash when inspecting a source whose original sound file has been deleted.
  • WG-74930 Fixed: Running Wwise Authoring at the same time as another game using Trigger Effects on the DualSense gamepad causes the game-provided Trigger Effects to be disabled or to repeatedly engage and disengage.
  • WG-75207 Fixed: Possible deadlock upon termination of sound engine when AK::SoundEngine::StartProfilerCapture is used.

Documentation Improvements

  • WG-74813 Added note regarding the information types that are loaded when loading a PROF file.

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