
Warning: you were redirected to the latest documentation corresponding to your major release ( 2022.1.18.8567 ). Should you wish to access your specific version's documentation, please download the offline documentation from the Audiokinetic Launcher and check the Offline Documentation option in Wwise Authoring.
Wwise SDK 2022.1.18
Python (low-level) - WAMP

Initializing the project

Run the following command from any directory to install dependencies:

# Windows
py -m pip install autobahn
# macOS, Linux
python3 -m pip install autobahn

Project Code

Note: The line from waapi_uri import WAAPI_URI imports a declaration of the API paths.

It is located in <Wwise installation path>/SDK/include/AK/WwiseAuthoringAPI/py. The location of this file was added to Python's path dynamically by extending sys.path in this sample, but you can also copy-paste the file along-side the sample files.

Note that the additional file,, provides a special type of component which supports custom options to be sent to WAAPI. This file is provided in the sample's directory.

Python 3.7+

Locate the sample file <Wwise installation path>/SDK/samples/WwiseAuthoringAPI/python/low-level/hello-wwise-wamp/

This file contains the following code, which allows you to connect to the Wwise Authoring API.

import os
import sys
import asyncio
from autobahn.asyncio.wamp import ApplicationSession, ApplicationRunner
# You may also copy-paste the file alongside this sample
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../../../../include/AK/WwiseAuthoringAPI/py'))
from waapi_uri import WAAPI_URI
class MyComponent(ApplicationSession):
def onJoin(self, details):
res = yield from # RPC call without arguments
except Exception as ex:
print("call error: {}".format(ex))
# Call was successful, displaying information from the payload.
print("Hello {} {}".format(res.kwresults['displayName'], res.kwresults['version']['displayName']))
def onDisconnect(self):
print("The client was disconnected.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
runner = ApplicationRunner(url=u"ws://", realm=u"realm1")
except Exception as e:
print(type(e).__name__ + ": Is Wwise running and Wwise Authoring API enabled?")

Running the project

Run the sample file from its directory using the following command:

Python 3.7+:

# Windows
# macOS, Linux

If the Wwise Authoring API successfully connects to Wwise, you should see the following output:

Hello Wwise 20??.?.?

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