

Game Object 3D Viewer Settings

You can use the Game Object 3D Viewer Settings to specify what information will be displayed in the Game Object 3D Viewer.

Interface Element


Game Objects

Show Active Voices OnlyWith this enabled, only game objects that have active voices are displayed in the viewer. A game object is considered to have active voices if an active voice is emitting from the game object, or if the game object is a listener of an active voice.
Show Virtual VoicesWith this enabled, game objects that have virtual voices are displayed in the viewer.

Show Name Text

Determines whether the name of the game object is displayed in the 3D Viewer.

Show Position Text

Determines whether the coordinates of the game object are displayed in the 3D Viewer.

Show Input Channels Text

Indicates which channels are emitted for each position of a given Game Object.

Toggling the Input Channels option on will show the channel mask for each position of a given Game Object if these positions only use a subset of the possible source channels. For example, when the Game Object positions are set using the AkChannelEmitter version of AK::SoundEngine::SetMultiplePositions .

Toggling the Input Channels option on does not result in any noticeable change if all channels are emitted from all positions of a given Game Object.

Show Axis

Determines whether arrows aligned with the front and top axes of the game object are displayed in the 3D Viewer. These arrows are shown in the same color as the Z and Y axes, respectively.

Axis Length

The length of the top and front axes indicating emitter or listener orientation.

Default value: 1
Range: 0.1 to 10,000
Units: Game units

Voices and Busses

Show Name Text

Determines whether the names of the Attenuation ShareSets used, if any, are displayed in the 3D Viewer.

Show Attenuation Radius

Determines whether the attenuation radius of the voice, if any, is displayed in the 3D Viewer.

Show Attenuation Cone

Determines whether the attenuation cone of the voice, if any, is displayed in the 3D Viewer.

Show Spread Cones

Determines whether spread cones are displayed on the listener game object in the 3D Viewer.

Spread Cones Size

Adjusts the size of the spread cones.

Default value: 2.0
Slider Range: 0.01 to 1000
Units: meters

Spatial Audio

Geometry Opacity

Adjusts visibility of the Spatial Audio Geometry within the Game Object 3D Viewer, where 0 is transparent and 1 is fully opaque.

Default value: 0.5
Slider Range: 0 to 1
Units: N/A

Portal Opacity

Adjusts visibility of Spatial Audio Portals within the Game Object 3D Viewer, where 0 is transparent and 1 is fully opaque.

Default value: 0.5
Slider Range: 0 to 1
Units: N/A

Show Portal Info Text

Determines if captured Portal information, such as the name, orientation, and state, is displayed.

Display as Wire Frame

Determines if Portals and Geometry are displayed as transparent wire frames or as solid colored texture.

Show Reflection Paths

Determines whether reflection paths are displayed in the 3D Viewer. These paths are created by Spatial Audio to be sent to the Reflect Effect plug-in. They represent the path the emitted sound takes to reach the listener after reflecting off the Spatial Audio Geometry.

Show Reflection Image Sources

Determines whether image sources are displayed in the 3D Viewer with an icon. They represent the position of image sources created with the Reflect Effect plug-in.

Show Diffraction Paths

Determines whether diffraction paths are displayed in the 3D Viewer. They represent the path the emitted sound takes to reach the listener after diffracting from Spatial Audio Portals or Geometry edges.

Show Diffraction Edges

Determines whether diffraction edges are displayed on the Spatial Audio Geometry in the 3D Viewer.

Diffraction Edge Axis Length

Adjusts the length of the diffraction edge's normal vectors.

Default value: 1.0
Slider Range: 0.01 to 1000
Units: meters

Radial Emitter Opacity

Adjusts visibility of the Spatial Audio Radial Emitter radii within the Game Object 3D Viewer, where 0 is transparent and 1 is fully opaque.

Default value: 0.5
Slider Range: 0 to 1
Units: N/A

UI Scaling

Text Size

Multiplies the size of the text in the 3D Viewer.

Default value: 1.0
Range: 0.1 to 4.0
Units: N/A

3D Object Icon Size

Multiplies the size of the Game Object icons.

Default value: 1.0
Range: 0.0 to 4.0
Units: N/A

World Scaling

World Orientation

The vector pointing up in the graph of the 3D Viewer. The following options are available:

  • Y Up - The X-Z plane will be used as the floor.

  • Z Up - The X-Y plane will be used as the floor.

  • X Up - The Y-Z plane will be used as the floor.

Game Units to Meters

The number of game units in a meter. This helps adapt the size of settings in meters

Default value: 1
UI Range: 0.001 to 1000
Units: Game units/meter

You don't need to adjust this setting if it is set by your game with the fGameUnitsToMeters initialization setting.

Show Grid

Determines whether a grid on the floor plane is displayed in the 3D Viewer.

Grid Subdivision Size

The spacing between the lines of the floor grid.

Default value: 1
Range: 0.1 to 10,000
Units: Game units

Show World Axis

Determines whether the world axis indicator is displayed in the 3D Viewer.

First Person Camera

Movement Speed

Determines the speed of camera movement.

Default value: 1.0 (approximately 33.3 units per second)
Range: 0.01 to 100
Units: Wwise units per frame

Shift Acceleration Factor

Multiplier used to determine the acceleration when holding Shift and moving the camera.

Default value: 3
Range: 1 to 100
Units: N/A

Invert Mouse

Inverts the up and down directions when using the mouse.

Spatial Audio Debug

Room Extent Opacity

Adjusts visibility of the Spatial Audio Room Extent within the Game Object 3D Viewer, where 0 is transparent and 1 is fully opaque.

The room extent is a bounding box computed from the different vertices of the room. The room extent is used in the calculation of the room wet transmission spread.

Refer to Setting up Room Geometry for further details.

Default value: 0.0
Slider Range: 0 to 1
Units: N/A

Spatial Audio Ray Casting

Display Reflection Rays

Displays the reflection rays cast by the ray casting engine instead of the audio paths. The reflection rays are cast to sample the environment and find potential reflection paths.

Display Diffraction Rays

Displays the diffraction rays cast by the ray casting engine instead of the audio paths. The diffraction rays are cast to sample the environment and find potential diffraction paths.

Display Edge Receptors

Displays the edge receptors. Edge receptors are used by the ray casting engine to find potential diffraction edges.

Closes the Game Object 3D Viewer Settings dialog box.

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