
Wwise SDK 2022.1.14

◆ Init()

virtual AKRESULT AK::IAkMixerEffectPlugin::Init ( IAkPluginMemAlloc in_pAllocator,
IAkMixerPluginContext in_pMixerPluginContext,
IAkPluginParam in_pParams,
AkAudioFormat in_rFormat 
pure virtual

Software effect plug-in initialization. Prepares the effect for data processing, allocates memory and sets up the initial conditions.

Note: Memory allocation should be done through appropriate macros (see Allocating/De-allocating Memory in Audio Plug-ins).
in_pAllocatorInterface to memory allocator to be used by the effect.
in_pMixerPluginContextInterface to mixer plug-in's context.
in_pParamsInterface to plug-in parameters.
in_rFormatAudio data format of the requested output signal.

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