Each version of this integration matches a specific build of Unreal Engine 4. Here is what has changed in the 2019.2.11.7512.1949 release of the integration (in addition to upgrading to the new Unreal build).
This integration does not support experimental Unreal Engine 4 features. |
This integration compiles against Unreal Engine versions 4.23 and up, but was only tested against Unreal Engine 4.26. |
Platform-specific information can be found here:
For earlier versions, please refer to Previous Release Notes.
Performance Changes
WG-54411 Improved Editor load times.
Bug Fixes
WG-51387 Fixed: Crash when generating Sound Data after the InitBank asset has been reloaded.
WG-53456 Fixed: Unreal error when creating assets in Wwise that have the same name as their containing folder or Work Unit. This fix will rename existing hidden folder metadata uassets to add the "_FOLDER" suffix to their name.
WG-53645 Fixed: Relative paths to
are reported as invalid in the Wwise User Settings.
WG-54244 Fixed: Missing media in packaged games when using Switch Containers. This fix will modify all media assets.
WG-54417 Fixed: Events are always marked as dirty after Sound Data generation when they are referencing a Switch Container that contains switch values referencing multiple actor-mixers.
WG-54494 Fixed : Potential crash when deleting or performing invalid move operations on AkEvent UAssets.
WG-54498 Fixed : Potential crash when generating sound data with Split Switch Container Media enabled.
Fixes for Community-Reported Bugs
WG-51186 Fixed: Crash when asynchronously unloading and immediately reloading a SoundBank that is in use.
WG-53340 Fixed: When not using Event-Based Packaging, events are not being dirtied if their metadata changes.
WG-53789 Fixed: Framerate drop in
while AkAudioEvents are being destroyed.
WG-53947 Fixed: SoundBanks containing only an AuxBus are not generated unless Event-Based Packaging is used.
WG-54076 Fixed: Crash during Sound Data generation caused by game thread code being executed in an asynchronous task.
WG-54116 Fixed: Crash when using the Editor in debug when generating Sound Data.