Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
The Wwise Editor Settings can be found in the Project Settings Window (Edit > Project Settings) under the Wwise Editor section.
For the project settings used in the initialization of the Wwise Sound Engine, consult the Adjusting Wwise Initialization Settings page.
Wwise Project Path: Location of the Wwise project associated with this game. It is recommended to put it in the Unity Project root folder, outside the Assets folder.
Wwise Application Path: Location of the Wwise application. This is required to generate the SoundBanks from within Unity.
SoundBanks Path: Location of the SoundBanks relative to (and within) the StreamingAssets folder. This is used for copying generated soundbanks into the project when building the game.
Copy SoundBanks at pre-Build step: If checked, SoundBanks are copied to the location specified by SoundBanks Path during building and deployment. It is recommended to leave this box checked.
Generate SoundBanks at pre-Build step: Generates the SoundBanks before copying them during the pre-Build step. It is recommended to leave this box unchecked if SoundBanks are generated on a specific build machine.
Create WwiseGlobal GameObject: The WwiseGlobal object is a GameObject that contains the Initializing and Terminating scripts for the Wwise Sound Engine. In the Editor workflow, it is added to every scene, so that it can be properly previewed in the Editor. In the game, only one instance is created, in the first scene, and it is persisted throughout the game. It is recommended to leave this box checked.
Add Listener to Main Camera: In order for positioning to work, the AkAudioListener script needs to be attached to the main camera in every scene. If you wish for your listener to be attached to another GameObject, uncheck this box.
Auto-delete WwiseObjectReferences: Components that reference Wwise objects such as Events, Banks, and Busses track these references using WwiseObjectReference assets that are created in the Wwise/ScriptableObjects folder. If this option is checked and a Wwise Object has been removed from the Wwise Project, when parsing the Wwise project structure, the corresponding asset in the Wwise/ScriptableObjects folder will be deleted.
Show Spatial Audio Warnings: Warnings will be displayed on Wwise components that are not configured for Spatial Audio to function properly. It is recommended to leave this box checked.
Connect to Wwise: When checked, the editor will periodically attempt to establish a WAAPI connection with an instance of Wwise Authoring.
WAAPI IP address: IP address of the device running Wwise authoring. If it is running on the same machine, use
WAAPI Port: Port to connect to. Can be verified in Wwise Authoring under (Project > User Settings). Default value is 8080.
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