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MIDI Tab: Actor-Mixer Objects

The MIDI tab for objects located in the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy contains a series of controls that allow you to define the object's behavior as a MIDI synthesizer:

  • Filter controls specify which MIDI Events are to be processed by the object.

  • Event controls specify what actions are to be taken for received MIDI events.


Interface Element



Determines whether the element is included or excluded. When selected, the element is included. When unselected, the element is not included. By default, this applies across all platforms. Use the Link indicator (to the left of the check box) to determine or to set platform-specific customizations.

When this option is unselected, the property and behavior options in the Property Editor become unavailable.

Default value: true


The name of the object.


Any additional information about the object properties.

Controls the Mute and Solo states for the object and shows the implicit mute and solo states for the object.

Muting an object silences this object for the current monitoring session. Soloing an object silences all the other objects in the project except this one.

A bold M or S indicates that the Mute or Solo state has been explicitly set for the object. A non-bold M or S with faded color indicates that the object's Mute or Solo state was implicitly set from another object's state.

Muting an object implicitly mutes the descendant objects.

Soloing an object implicitly mutes the sibling objects and implicitly solos the descendant and ancestor objects.

[Tip] Tip

Hold the Ctrl key while clicking a solo button to exclusively solo the object for which the solo button is associated.

[Note] Note

Mute and Solo are designed to be used for monitoring purposes only and are not persisted in the project or stored in the SoundBanks.

Sets the display of the Property Editor's selected tabs. By default, there is one panel displaying only one selected tab. You can, however, click a splitter button to split the panel into two, either side by side or one on top of the other, for two different tabs. The currently selected option is highlighted with a background color.

[Note] Note

You cannot display the same tab in both panels. If you select the tab that is currently displayed in the other panel, then the other panel will automatically display another tab.

[Tip] Shortcuts for selecting tabs

Press Ctrl and the number corresponding to the number of the Property Editor tab you want. For example, Ctrl+4 would select the RTPC tab if that were the fourth visible tab.


Interface Element


Keymap Editor...

Inspects the object in the MIDI Keymap Editor. For more information, refer to the MIDI Keymap Editor.

MIDI Events

Override parent

Determines whether the MIDI Events controls will be inherited from the parent or defined at the current level in the hierarchy. When this option is not selected, the MIDI Events controls are unavailable.

If the object is a top-level object, this option is unavailable.

Default value: false

Play On

Determines what type of MIDI note Event will cause the object to play.

  • Note-On
  • Note-Off

Default value: Note-On

MIDI break on note-off

If Play On is set to Note-On, then this property determines whether the playing object stops looping upon reception of a note-off. If so, the playback of looped sounds or continuous containers is stopped, while allowing the current object(s) to finish playing.

Default value: false

Note Tracking

Override parent

If the object is a top-level object, this option is unavailable.

Determines whether the Playback Priority will be inherited from the parent or defined at the current level in the hierarchy. When this option is not selected, the Playback Priority controls are unavailable.

Default value: false

Enable MIDI note tracking

If selected, the node’s playback will be pitch-shifted. The amount of pitch-shifting is determined by the note of the received MIDI Event and the value of Root Note.

Default value: false

MIDI tracking root note

The root note of the node’s sound. This value is used in conjunction with a received MIDI note to determine the pitch-shifting of the node’s sound.

[Note] Note

this value is ignored if note tracking is not enabled.

Default value: 60
Range: 0 to 127



The offset applied to the MIDI event’s note. The transposition is applied before the Key Range filters.

Default value: 0
Range: -127 to 127

Velocity Offset

The offset applied to the MIDI event’s note velocity. This applies to MIDI note Events only. The offset is applied before the Velocity filters.

Default value: 0
Range: -127 to 127


Key Range Min

Filter applied to received MIDI note events’ note. A received MIDI note Event is ignored if its note is not within the Min-Max range.

Default Min: C-1 Default Max: G9

[Note] Note

The mapping of numerical MIDI notes to octaves is specified via the user preferences; refer to User Preferences for more details.

Default value: 0
Range: 0 to 127

Velocity Min

Filter applied to received MIDI note events’ velocity. A received MIDI note Event is ignored if its velocity is not within the Min-Max range.

Default value: 0
Range: 0 to 127

Channel Filter

Filter applied to received MIDI note events’ channel. A received MIDI note Event is ignored if its channel is not in the filter.

Default value: 65535
Range: 0 to 65535

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