
Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAkAmbient Use this component to attach a Wwise Event to any object in a scene. The sound can be started at various moments, dependent on the selected Unity trigger. This component is more useful for ambient sounds (sounds related to scene-bound objects) but could also be used for other purposes. Since AkAmbient has AkEvent as its base class, it features the play/stop, play multiple, stop multiple and stop all buttons for previewing the associated Wwise event
 CAkAmbientLargeModePositioner Use this component to add a Large Mode position to any AkAmbient in a Scene
 CAkAudioListener Add this script on the game object that represent a listener. This is normally added to the Camera object or the Player object, but can be added to any game object when implementing 3D busses. isDefaultListener determines whether the game object will be considered a default listener - a listener that automatically listens to all game objects that do not have listeners attached to their AkGameObjListenerList's
 CAkBank Loads and unloads a SoundBank at a specified moment. Vorbis sounds can be decompressed at a specified moment using the decode compressed data option. In that case, the SoundBank will be prepared
 CAkEmitterObstructionOcclusion Obstructs/Occludes the emitter of the current game object from its listeners if at least one object is between them
 CAkEnvironment Use this component to define a reverb zone. This needs to be added to a collider object to work properly. See unity_use_AkEnvironment_AknEvironmentPortal
 CAkEnvironment_CompareByPriority Sorts AkEnvironments based on their priorities
 CAkEnvironment_CompareBySelectionAlgorithm Sorts AkEnvironments based on the selection algorithm. The selection algorithm is as follows:
 CAkEnvironmentPortal Use this component to define an area that straddles two different AkEnvironment's zones and allow mixing between both zones. unity_use_AkEvironment_AkEvironmentPortal
 CEnvListWrapper This enables us to detect intersections between portals and environments in the editor
 CAkEvent Helper class that knows a Wwise Event and when to trigger it in Unity. As of 2017.2.0, the AkEvent inspector has buttons for play/stop, play multiple, stop multiple, and stop all. Play/Stop will play or stop the event such that it can be previewed both in edit mode and play mode. When multiple objects are selected, Play Multiple and Stop Multiple will play or stop the associated AkEvent for each object
 CAkEventCallbackMsg Event callback information. Event callback functions can receive this structure as a parameter
 CAkGameObj This component represents a sound object in your scene tracking its position and other game syncs such as Switches, RTPC and environment values. You can add this to any object that will emit sound, and it will be added to any object that an AkAudioListener is attached to. Note that if it is not present, Wwise will add it automatically, with the default values, to any Unity Game Object that is passed to Wwise
 CAkInitializer This script deals with initialization, and frame updates of the Wwise audio engine.
It is marked as DontDestroyOnLoad so it stays active for the life of the game, not only one scene. Double-click the Initialization Settings entry, AkWwiseInitializationSettings, to review and edit Wwise initialization settings
 CAkMemBankLoader This class is an example of how to load banks in Wwise, if the bank data was preloaded in memory.
This would be useful for situations where you use the WWW class
 CAkRoom An AkRoom is an enclosed environment that can only communicate to the outside/other rooms with AkRoomPortals
 CAkRoomPortal An AkRoomPortal can connect two AkRoom components together
 CAkRoomPortalObstruction Obstructs/Occludes the spatial audio portal of the current game object from the spatial audio listener if at least one object is between them
 CAkSpatialAudioBase Base class for spatial audio emitter and listener components
 CAkSpatialAudioEmitter Add this script on the GameObject which represents an emitter that uses the Spatial Audio API
 CAkSpatialAudioListener Add this script on the game object that represent a listener. This is normally added to the Camera object or the Player object, but can be added to any game object when implementing 3D busses. isDefaultListener determines whether the game object will be considered a default listener - a listener that automatically listens to all game objects that do not have listeners attached to their AkGameObjListenerList's
 CSpatialAudioListenerList This class represents the list of active Unity Game Objects that are designated to be spatial audio listeners. Currently, only one spatial audio listener can be active at a time
 CAkState This will call AkSoundEngine.SetState() whenever the selected Unity event is triggered. For example this component could be set on a Unity collider to trigger when an object enters it
 CAkSurfaceReflector This component will convert the triangles of the GameObject's geometry into sound reflective surfaces
 CAkSwitch This will call AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch() whenever the selected Unity event is triggered. For example, this component could be set on a Unity collider to trigger when an object enters it
 CAkTriggerBase Base class for the generic triggering mechanism for Wwise Integration. All Wwise components will use this mechanism to drive their behavior. Derive from this class to add your own triggering condition, as described in Adding New Triggers for Wwise Events
 CAkWaapiClient The full Wwise Authoring API is exposed to Unity as a native plugin for the Windows and macOS platforms. All features, including subscriptions, are supported through the AkWAAPIClient class

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