125 unsigned int in_uiIndex,
128 unsigned int in_uiArraySize
133 unsigned int in_uiIndex,
135 unsigned int in_uiArraySize
238 virtual void Term() = 0;
260 DWORD in_dwOperationID
266 DWORD in_dwOperationID
274 DWORD in_dwTimeoutMs = INFINITE
283 DWORD in_dwTimeoutMs = INFINITE
298 DWORD in_dwOperationID,
326 DWORD in_dwOperationID,
344 const GUID& in_rguidPluginID,
351 const GUID& in_guidPluginID
virtual DWORD GetOperationEffect(DWORD in_dwOperationID)=0
Gets the operation effect on the file(s) involved in the operation.
This class contains static constants that can be useful to the plug-in.
The base interface for operations that return information to Wwise.
The menu is displayed in the Project Explorer.
bool m_bEnabled
True: the operation is enabled in the menu, False: the operation is disabled (grayed out) in the menu...
ISourceControl *(__stdcall * GetSourceControlInstanceFuncPtr)(const GUID &in_guidPluginID)
virtual void Destroy()=0
This function destroys the plug-in. The implementation is generally '{ delete this; }'.
BSTR m_bstrName
The name of the plug-in displayed in the Project Settings plug-in list.
virtual AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationResult PreCreateOrModify(const StringList &in_rFilenameList, CreateOrModifyOperation in_eOperation, bool &out_rContinue)=0
DWORD m_dwDeleteCommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Delete command, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-1) if not supported.
DWORD m_dwCommitCommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Commit/Submit/Checkin command, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-1) if not su...
virtual void Init(AK::Wwise::ISourceControlUtilities *in_pUtilities, bool in_bAutoAccept)=0
This function is called when the plug-in is initialized after its creation.
virtual AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationResult GetFileStatus(const StringList &in_rFilenameList, FilenameToStatusMap &out_rFileStatusMap, DWORD in_dwTimeoutMs=INFINITE)=0
virtual OperationResult GetOperationResult()=0
Returns OperationResult_Succeed or OperationResult_Failed.
SourceControlContainers::IAkList< GUID > PluginIDList
DWORD m_dwMoveNoUICommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Move command, showing no User Interface, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-1)...
BSTR m_bstrStatus
Text displayed in the Workgroup Manager's 'Status' column.
DWORD m_dwCheckOutCommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Diff command, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-1) if not supported.
DWORD m_dwUpdateCommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Update command, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-1) if not supported.
virtual AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationResult GetMissingFilesInDirectories(const StringList &in_rDirectoryList, StringList &out_rFilenameList)=0
bool m_bStatusIconAvailable
Indicates that the plug-in supports Project Explorer custom icons.
virtual LPCWSTR GetOperationName(DWORD in_dwOperationID)=0
Gets the operation name to display in user interface.
SourceControlContainers::IAkMap< LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, FilenameToIconMapItem, const FilenameToIconMapItem & > FilenameToIconMap
virtual IOperationResult * DoOperation(DWORD in_dwOperationID, const StringList &in_rFilenameList, const StringList *in_pTargetFilenameList=NULL)=0
DWORD m_dwRenameNoUICommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Rename command, showing no User Interface, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-...
DWORD m_dwRenameCommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Rename command, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-1) if not supported.
static const unsigned int s_uiMaxWorkUnitName
Maximum length that a work unit name can be.
Plug-in information structure. This structure gives a simple overview of the plug-in's capabilities.
BSTR m_bstrOwner
Text displayed in the Workgroup Manager's 'Owners' column.
DWORD m_dwDiffCommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Diff command, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-1) if not supported.
void(__stdcall * GetSourceControlIDListFuncPtr)(PluginIDList &out_rPluginIDList)
Gets the plug-in ID list contained by the DLL file.
virtual AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationResult GetOperationList(OperationMenuType in_menuType, const StringList &in_rFilenameList, OperationList &out_rOperationList)=0
BSTR m_bstrToolTip
The tool tip text that will be displayed when the user mouses over the icon.
HICON m_hIcon
A handle to an icon that will be displayed in the Project Explorer.
DWORD m_dwDeleteNoUICommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Delete command, showing no User Interface, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-...
DWORD m_dwRevertCommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Revert command, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-1) if not supported.
virtual unsigned int GetFileCount()=0
Returns how many files were moved during the operation.
The menu is displayed in the Workgroup Manager's 'Sources' tab.
SourceControlContainers::IAkMap< LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, FilenameToStatusMapItem, const FilenameToStatusMapItem & > FilenameToStatusMap
virtual void Term()=0
This function is called when the plug-in is terminated before its destruction.
void(__stdcall * GetSourceControlPluginInfoFuncPtr)(const GUID &in_rguidPluginID, PluginInfo &out_rPluginInfo)
Gets the AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::PluginInfo class associated with a given plug-in ID.
virtual AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationResult GetFilesForOperation(DWORD in_dwOperationID, const StringList &in_rFilenameList, StringList &out_rFilenameList, FilenameToStatusMap &out_rFileStatusMap)=0
Files will be created during the operation.
SourceControlContainers::IAkList< LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR > StringList
DWORD m_dwAddCommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Add command, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-1) if not supported.
DWORD m_dwOperationID
The operation ID.
The operation will modify the remote content (on the server) of the file.
The operation's effect on the file(s) involved.
Pre/PostCreateOrModify Operation flags. These flags represent the operation(s) performed on files.
virtual AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationResult GetFileStatusIcons(const StringList &in_rFilenameList, FilenameToIconMap &out_rFileIconsMap, DWORD in_dwTimeoutMs=INFINITE)=0
static const DWORD s_dwInvalidOperationID
Invalid operation ID (MUST NOT BE USED as an operation ID in OperationListItem)
DWORD m_dwMoveCommandID
Indicates the command ID for the Move command, s_dwInvalidOperationID (-1) if not supported.
virtual AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationResult PostCreateOrModify(const StringList &in_rFilenameList, CreateOrModifyOperation in_eOperation, bool &out_rContinue)=0
The menu is displayed in the Workgroup Manager's 'Work Units' tab.
virtual bool ShowConfigDlg()=0
SourceControlContainers::IAkList< OperationListItem > OperationList
unsigned int m_uiVersion
The current version of the plug-in.
The operation will modify the local content of the file.
virtual void GetMovedFile(unsigned int in_uiIndex, LPWSTR out_szFrom, LPWSTR out_szTo, unsigned int in_uiArraySize)=0
Return the move source and destination for the file at index in_uiIndex.
bool m_bShowConfigDlgAvailable
Used to enable/disable the 'Config...' button in the Project Settings.
Operation list item. This is the type used in the AK::Wwise::ISourceControl::OperationList SourceCont...
virtual void Destroy()=0
Implementations should call "delete this;".
Files will be modified during the operation.
The operation is not implemented.
virtual void GetFile(unsigned int in_uiIndex, LPWSTR out_szPath, unsigned int in_uiArraySize)=0
Return the successful file at index in_uiIndex.