
virtual AKRESULT AK::IAkMixerPluginContext::ComputeSphericalVBAPGains ( void *  in_pPannerData,
AkReal32  in_fAzimuth,
AkReal32  in_fElevation,
AkUInt32  in_uNumChannels,
AK::SpeakerVolumes::VectorPtr  out_vVolumes  
) [pure virtual]

Compute panning gains on the plane given an incidence angle and channel configuration.

AK_Success if successful, AK_Fail otherwise.
in_pPannerData  Contains data relevant to the 3D panner that shoud be re-used accross plugin instances.
in_fAzimuth  Incident angle, in radians [-pi,pi], where 0 is the azimuth (positive values are clockwise)
in_fElevation  Incident angle, in radians [0,pi], where 0 is the elevation (positive values are clockwise)
in_uNumChannels  Number of output channels.
out_vVolumes  Returned volumes (see AK::SpeakerVolumes::Vector services). Must be allocated prior to calling this function with the size returned by AK::SpeakerVolumes::Vector::GetRequiredSize() for the desired configuration.

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