This Property Editor contains the properties and behavior options for the selected sound object (an SFX or a Voice). Object properties, such as pitch and volume, determine how the audio sounds in-game. Object behaviors, such as looping and streaming, determine how sounds are played at any given point in the game.
The General Settings tab of the Property Editor is divided into three separate areas. The first area includes all the absolute properties, such as output routing. The middle area includes all the relative properties, such as volume and pitch. The last area, on the right, includes all the behaviors.
For a complete description of absolute and relative properties, refer to About Properties in the Project Hierarchy.
For a description of the properties on the Source Settings, Effects, Positioning, RTPC, States, and Advanced Settings tabs, refer to Common Property Tabs: Actor-Mixer Objects.
Refer to Understanding the Voice Pipeline to learn about how voices are being processed, how they are being routed and where the different volumes and Effects are being applied.
General | |||||||
Interface Element |
Description |
Determines whether the element is included or excluded. When selected, the element is included. When unselected, the element is not included. By default, this applies across all platforms. Use the Link indicator (to the left of the check box) to determine or to set platform-specific customizations. When this option is unselected, the property and behavior options in the Property Editor become unavailable. |
Name |
The name of the object. |
Notes |
Any additional information about the object properties. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Controls the Mute and Solo states for the object and shows the implicit mute and solo states for the object. Muting an object silences this object for the current monitoring session. Soloing an object silences all the other objects in the project except this one. A bold M or S indicates that the Mute or Solo state has been explicitly set for the object. A non-bold M or S with faded color indicates that the object's Mute or Solo state was implicitly set from another object's state. Muting an object implicitly mutes the descendant objects. Soloing an object implicitly mutes the sibling objects and implicitly solos the descendant and ancestor objects.
Relative Properties | ||||
Interface Element |
Description |
Voice Volume |
The attenuation (level or amplitude) applied on the current object before it is routed to a bus or sent to an Auxiliary Bus. Refer to Understanding the Voice Pipeline for more information about volumes. Default value: 0
Voice Pitch |
The playback speed of an audio object, where:
Default value: 0 |
Voice Low-pass Filter |
A recursive filter that attenuates high frequencies based on the value specified. The units for this filter represent the percentage of low-pass filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no low-pass filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation. Default value: 0 |
Voice High-pass Filter |
A recursive filter that attenuates low frequencies based on the value specified. The units for this filter represent the percentage of high-pass filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no high-pass filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation. Default value: 0 The High-pass Filter is not available on the Vita Hardware platform. |
Output Bus | |||||||
Interface Element |
Description |
Override parent |
Determines whether the routing will be inherited from the parent or defined at the current level in the hierarchy. When this option is not selected, the output controls are unavailable. If the object is a top-level object, this option is unavailable. |
Bus |
The Audio Bus in the Master-Mixer Hierarchy through which the object is routed. This option is unavailable when the object is inheriting the output properties from the parent. The Audio Bus can be unlinked to create a different routing path on a specific platform. For more information, see To unlink the output routing for the current platform:. |
Opens the Project Explorer - Browser where you can select the Audio Bus through which the object will be routed. |
Volume (to Output Bus) |
The attenuation or amplitude of the signal routed to the audio output bus. Default value: 0
Low-Pass Filter (to Output Bus) |
A Low-Pass Filter for the signal routed to the audio output bus. A recursive filter that attenuates high frequencies based on the value specified. The units for this filter represent the percentage of Low-Pass Filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no Low-Pass Filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation. Default value: 0 |
High-Pass Filter (to Output Bus) |
A High-Pass Filter for the signal routed to the audio output bus. A recursive filter that attenuates low frequencies based on the value specified. The units for this filter represent the percentage of High-Pass Filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no High-Pass Filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation. Default value: 0 |
Game-defined Auxiliary Sends | ||||
Interface Element |
Description |
Override Parent |
Determines whether the game-defined auxiliary sends usage will be inherited from the parent or defined at the current level in the hierarchy. When this option is not selected, the game-defined auxiliary controls are unavailable.
Use game-defined auxiliary sends |
Determines whether the object is using the game-defined auxiliary sends for the game object. A game-defined send is a combination of an Auxiliary Bus and a send volume. Enable this option to have the object affected by the values coming from the game for the following functions: |
Volume (Game-defined auxiliary sends) |
Determines the attenuation on the game-defined auxiliary sends volumes set for the game object. Use this volume to offset game-defined auxiliary send values. Default value: 0
User-Defined Auxiliary Sends | |||||||
Interface Element |
Description |
Override Parent |
Determines whether the User-Defined Auxiliary Sends usage will be inherited from the parent or defined at the current level in the hierarchy. When this option is not selected, the user-defined auxiliary controls are unavailable.
Click the Configure Columns... shortcut (right-click) option from the column header band. The Configure Columns Dialog opens. Specify which columns to display and their order. |
ID column (User-Defined Auxiliary Sends) |
Determines the ID of the User-Defined Auxiliary Sends. Up to 4 different sends can be added. |
Auxiliary Bus column (User-Defined Auxiliary Sends) |
Determines the Auxiliary Bus this object is sending audio data to. Auxiliary sends can only target Auxiliary Busses. To add an auxiliary send:
[...] column (User-Defined Auxiliary Sends) |
Allow to select an Auxiliary Bus from the Master-Mixer Hierarchy. |
Volume column (User-Defined Auxiliary Sends) |
Determine the attenuation of the signal sent to the Auxiliary Bus. Default value: 0
Sound Object Specific | ||||||||||
Initial Delay |
Initial delay applied before playing (in seconds). This delay will be added to parents and children Initial delay.
Behaviors | ||||||||||
Loop |
Enables controls that define the number of times the sound or defined loop region in the file will be played. Some compressed audio file formats, such as ADPCM, require that loop markers lie on predetermined sample boundaries. To accommodate these requirements, you may have to convert your files again when using the Loop option. |
Infinite |
Specifies that the sound or defined loop region in the file will be repeated indefinitely. |
No. of loops |
The number of times the sound or defined loop region in the file will be played.
Default value: 2 |
Stream |
Enables controls that allow you to stream the audio played in game directly from game media. Streamed media is not included into SoundBanks. It is the Wwise Stream Manager's, and ultimately, the Low-Level I/O submodule's responsibility to open and read them from disk at run-time. Refer to the Wwise SDK documentation for more details on Wwise I/O. Streamed files are described in the file SoundBanksInfo.xml, which is created for each platform when SoundBanks are generated. You may use the CopyStreamedFiles or File Packager tools as a post-SoundBank generation step in order to deploy them conveniently. Refer to Chapter 35, Managing SoundBanks for more details. |
Non-cachable |
Disables caching of this file, when caching is enabled in the streaming manager. This is useful to prevent long loops, or files that are played infrequently, from using up space in the streaming cache that could be better utilized by other sounds. |
Zero latency |
Creates a small audio buffer consisting of the beginning portion of the audio file that covers the latency time required to fetch the rest of the file. This enables the entire streamed sound to be played back without delays. |
Prefetch length (ms) |
The beginning portion of the sound, in milliseconds, that will be loaded into memory in order for the streamed sound to be played back with zero latency.
Default value: 100 |
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