

Property Editor: Motion Bus

This Property Editor contains the properties for the selected motion bus. You can adjust the overall volume and pitch, and duck the audio signal of other motion busses when the current motion bus is receiving a signal.


Interface Element



The name of the object.


Any additional information about the object properties.

Relative Properties

Interface Element


Voice Volume

The attenuation (level or amplitude) applied on the current object before it is routed to a bus or sent to an Auxiliary Bus. Refer to Understanding the Voice Pipeline for more information about volumes.

Default value: 0
Range: -400 to 400
Units: dB

[Note] Note

The default slider range is from -96 to +12 dB. You can go over those limits by entering the value directly or by rolling the mouse while the focus is on the edit control.

Voice Pitch

The playback speed of an audio object, where:

  • Pitch 0 = Normal speed.

  • Pitch 1,200 = 2 x speed.

  • Pitch 2,400 = 4 x speed.

  • Pitch 4,800 = 8 x speed.

  • Pitch -1,200 = 0.5 speed

  • Pitch -2,400 = 0.25 speed

  • Pitch -4,800 = 0.125 speed

[Tip] Tip

1,200 cents is equivalent to one octave.

Default value: 0
Range: -4,800 to +4,800
Units: Cents

Voice Low-pass Filter

A recursive filter that attenuates high frequencies based on the value specified.

The units for this filter represent the percentage of low-pass filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no low-pass filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation.

Default value: 0
Range: 0 to 100
Units: Percent
(For more detail, see Wwise LPF Value Cutoff Frequencies.)

Voice High-pass Filter

A recursive filter that attenuates low frequencies based on the value specified.

The units for this filter represent the percentage of high-pass filtering that has been applied, where 0 means no high-pass filtering (signal unaffected) and 100 means maximal attenuation.

Default value: 0
Range: 0 to 100
Units: Percent

The High-pass Filter is not available on the Vita Hardware platform.

Motion Bus Specific

Interface Element



The action of lowering the volume level of one signal in order for another simultaneous signal to have more prominence.

Recovery time

The amount of time from the termination of the signal in the current motion bus to the beginning of the fade-in for the signals that were ducked.

Default value: 1
Range: 0 to 10
Units: Seconds

Maximum ducking volume

The maximum amount by which the current bus volume can be attenuated when ducked by one or more busses.

Default value: -96
Range: -200 to 0
Units: dB

[Note] Note

The default slider range is from -96 to 0. You can go over those limits by entering the value directly, or by rolling the mouse while the focus is on the edit control.

Opens the Project Explorer - Browser where you can select a motion bus to add to the auto-ducking list.

The Master Motion Bus cannot be selected, and a motion bus cannot duck itself or any of its parent busses.

Deletes the selected motion bus from the auto-ducking list.



The name of the motion bus.


The amount by which the volume of the selected motion bus is reduced during auto-ducking.

Default value: -6
Range: -96 to 0
Units: dB

Fade Out

The time to fade out from the original volume to the ducking volume.

Fade In

The time to fade in from the ducking volume back to the original volume.


The curve shape that defines how the signal will fade out and fade back in.

Game-defined Auxiliary Sends

Interface Element


Use game-defined auxiliary sends

Determines whether the object is using the game-defined auxiliary sends for the game object. A game-defined send is a combination of an Auxiliary Bus and a send volume.

Enable this option to have the object affected by the values coming from the game for the following functions:

Volume (Game-defined auxiliary sends)

Determines the attenuation on the game-defined auxiliary sends volumes set for the game object.

Use this volume to offset game-defined auxiliary send values.

Default value: 0
Range: -200 to 200
Units: dB

[Note] Note

The default slider range is from -96 to +12. You can go over those limits by entering the value directly, or by rolling the mouse while the focus is on the edit control.

User-Defined Auxiliary Sends

Interface Element


Click the Configure Columns... shortcut (right-click) option from the column header band.

The Configure Columns Dialog opens. Specify which columns to display and their order.

ID column (User-Defined Auxiliary Sends)

Determines the ID of the User-Defined Auxiliary Sends. Up to 4 different sends can be added.

Auxiliary Bus column (User-Defined Auxiliary Sends)

Determines the Auxiliary Bus this object is sending audio data to. Auxiliary sends can only target Auxiliary Busses.

To add an auxiliary send:

  1. Click the selector [...] button.

  2. Select an Auxiliary Bus from the Master-Mixer Hierarchy.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Set the send volume for this newly added send.

[Note] Note

Auxiliary Busses can be created anywhere in the Master-Mixer Hierarchy as children of an existing Bus or an existing Auxiliary Bus.

[Tip] Tip

You can drag and drop an Auxiliary Bus object from the Project Explorer to the User-Defined Auxiliary Sends list to quickly add a send.

[...] column (User-Defined Auxiliary Sends)

Allow to select an Auxiliary Bus from the Master-Mixer Hierarchy.

Volume column (User-Defined Auxiliary Sends)

Determine the attenuation of the signal sent to the Auxiliary Bus.

Default value: 0
Range: -200 to 200
Units: dB

[Note] Note

The default slider range is from -96 to +12 dB. You can go over those limits by entering the value directly, or by rolling the mouse while the focus is on the edit control.

[Note] Note

This control is only active when an Auxiliary Bus is selected for a specific send entry.

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