


Sent when an assert has failed.

(Required *)

Supported by

Graphical User Interface, Command-Line Interface.

Publications Format

Name Type Description
expression * string The expression that failed.
fileName * string The name of the source file.
lineNumber * number The line number.

Publications Format Details


type : string
description : The expression that failed.


type : string
description : The name of the source file.


type : number
description : The line number.

Detailed JSON Schema

Options :

    "type": "object", 
    "required": [], 
    "properties": {}, 
    "additionalProperties": false

Publication schema :

    "type": "object", 
    "properties": {
        "expression": {
            "type": "string", 
            "description": "The expression that failed."
        "fileName": {
            "type": "string", 
            "description": "The name of the source file."
        "lineNumber": {
            "type": "number", 
            "description": "The line number."
    "required": [
    "additionalProperties": false

Document version : 1

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