
Inserting Content

The Insert section is the third of three sections in the Batch Rename Settings panel. In this section, users can insert text and printf format number patterns in object names or notes using simple replacement and character positioning.

To insert content:

  1. Specify in the Apply To list if the rename operation should apply to the listed objects' names or comments.

  2. Enable Insert.

  3. Specify the type of insertion it will be in Insert what:

    • Text - Just the literal text entry of To insert.

      # start at becomes inactive.

    • Text with Number - The text entry of To insert with recognition of C++ printf format number patterns.

      # start at becomes active.

  4. If you chose Text with Number, then specify a number at which the count should begin for your entered C++ printf format number pattern by entering a whole number in the # start at field or moving the slider to the desired value.

    If you chose Text, this field should be inactive.

  5. Specify the insert text in the To insert field. Keep in mind that if you specified Text with Number, then Wwise expects an appropriate C++ printf format number pattern here.

    • Optionally, use the selector to enter predefined text in the form of commonly used C++ printf format number patterns.

  6. Specify the character position at which the insert operation should be performed. To do so, enter a whole number in the At position field or move its slider to the desired value.

  7. Select the direction from which the At position should be counted:

    • Beginning (of the name or comment)

    • End (of the name or comment)

  8. Review your changes then click Rename All to insert the content.

Example: Inserting numbers

Let's take the Wwise Sample Project as an example again. Suppose we want to track all the Virtual Instrument SFX taken from the Sample Project's Kalimba, Sansula, Voice, and Wood Sansula blend containers of the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy's MIDI work unit. As different virtual instruments, it is appropriate they have their own containers. In our Example: Removing from your matches, we already removed a group identifying prefix, "VI_", from these virtual instrument SFX objects because it was not key to identifying them. The QA team has decided it would be easier to track their names if they began with a unique identifying number, so that's what we'll do: insert a unique number in front of these SFX objects.

  1. Select all those containers' SFX objects in the Project Explorer and click our Batch Rename shortcut: Ctrl+F2 (by default).

    The Batch Rename view appears with the selected SFX objects in its Preview panel.

  2. Assuming Name is the selected Apply to option, enable Insert in the Settings panel.

    The insert fields (Insert, Insert what, To insert, At position, and From) activate.

  3. Choose Text with Number.

    The # start at field activates.

  4. Leave the #start at as 0.

  5. In the To Insert field, enter an em-dash followed by a lower-case hexadecimal printf symbol with zero padding to ensure it is at least two digits: —%02x.

  6. Specify 0 as the At position.

  7. Select Beginning in the From list.

  8. Click the Preview panel.

  9. The After column updates to show all the object names suffixed with an em-dash (providing a nice separation from the original object name) and a two digit hexadecimal number, such as SENSULA_A02_01—1f.

  10. Click Rename All to apply the change.

    For every object in the Batch Rename, names update and a "Successfully renamed" message displays in the Preview panel.

[Note] Note

The Batch Rename view inserts numbers according to the alphabetical order in which objects are found in the Preview panel before any rename applications. So, objects A, B, and D will respectively be numbered A0, B1, and D2 if an insert Text with Number is set with a %d insert at position 0 from the End, regardless of the existence of an object C in the project hierarchy that was not added to the Batch Rename.

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