Wwise UE4 Tutorial [002] - Wwise Menus and Options in UE4
This video takes a look at what's new in Unreal Engine after implementing a Wwise project. It takes a quick look at the Wwise Picker, Wwise Sound Assets, AK Actor Classes and Wwise Blueprint Functions.
I've written this mini series as a person who himself is new to working with Wwise and Unreal Engine.
I learned procedural audio within Unreal Engine and found it quite intuitive. I learned Wwise using Unity through the AudioKinetic Online Certification.
When it came to implementing Wwise into UE4 I was a bit stumped at first so I made this beginner series to help others take their first steps with Wwise and UE4.
It's possible I'm not 100% accurate in all of my terminology, please excuse any inaccuracies.