Wwise & Unity - Ambient Areas and moving emitters

In this video we will create a collider in which an emitter can move, when once the player is outside it will only follow you around the borders of the collider.

The point here is that we can add a sound in Wwise - which has a certain attenuation and within the first few meters it is fully spread - making it sound like a 2D ambient sound when inside the collider - and it fades out as we leave the collider.

There are other ways to do this as well, but this is one of them.
In the next videos we'll expand the system to also muffle the ambient sounds of other or current areas when you enter them.


Cujo Sound: Is a video game audio development channel by Bjørn Jacobsen. Aka. CCP WhiteNoiseTrash (From when I was working on EVE Online)

I discuss game audio development, implementation, asset creation, thoughts, ideas, opinions. Everything from home made simple recordings, over in-engine implementation to massive final productions of cinematics.

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Wwise & Unity - Quick Camera and Listener Rotation Fix.


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