Lesson 4

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Wwise Matrix Reverb

The Wwise Matrix Reverb is a very low-cost acoustic Effect. It can produce good results, but it offers fewer controls, which makes it more difficult to customize, unless you use the supplementary Presets. Let’s replace the RoomVerb Effect on the Pine Forest Hut with the Wwise Matrix Reverb and demonstrate its optimization potential. The first step is to pick a reverb test sound.

  1. In the Project Explorer, go to the Actor-Mixer Hierarchy > Default Work Unit > World > Player > Player and select the Player_Pickup Switch Container.

    All sounds located under the World Actor Mixer are set to use game-defined auxiliary sends, which means that the game will inform Wwise of which game objects should be processed by what aux bus. For example, if the player moves into the cave, the game will inform Wwise that all world sounds should be sent to the Cave aux bus. Right now, let’s temporarily set the Player_Pickup Switch Container to a specific aux bus that we’ll be experimenting with.

  2. In the Object Tab’s General Settings tab, go to User-Defined Auxiliary Sends and select Override parent.

  3. In the Project Explorer, expand Master-Mixer Hierarchy > Master Audio Bus > World > AUX > Region_PineForest and drag the PineForest_Hut aux bus into the first Auxiliary Bus.

    For the sake of demonstration, let's also increase the send volume to the aux bus, so the reverb will be more noticeable.

  4. Drag the ID 0 Auxiliary Bus Volume up to 12.

  5. Select the PineForest_Hut Auxiliary Bus.

  6. In the Effects tab, click Add Effect (+) and select Matrix Reverb > Reverbs > WAG_PineForest_Hut.

  7. From the toolbar, click Start Capture.

    Notice that the counter on the right will start to go up, and the button will be highlighted in red.

  8. In the Transport Control, ensure that Player_Pickup is selected and click Play once.

  9. In the toolbar, click Stop Capture to stop capturing.

    Let’s have a look in the Profiler layout and find the Matrix Reverb Resource Usage.

  10. From the Layouts menu, select the Profiler layout, then go to the Advanced Profiler view and select the CPU tab.

    By dragging the time cursor in the Performance Monitor you can find the highest peak of CPU usage. Using the hardware specifications listed in the introduction, a peak of 0.195% CPU usage was measured.

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