Table of Contents
After constructing and reviewing Conversion Settings ShareSets for all audio structures, you can use the Schematic View to validate that all audio structures are assigned to the correct ShareSet.
Select the Schematic layout (F9).
In the top-right of the Schematic view, select the View Settings icon.
Under General, select Conversion Settings and click OK.
In the Schematic View open Master Audio Bus > World > Enemies > Enemies > EvilCrawler.
Notice how there are three Random Containers in the EvilCrawler Actor Mixer, which are assigned to the Enemy_Actions Conversion Settings ShareSet. The containers that do not show any Conversion Settings ShareSet are simply inheriting from their parent, which is Enemy_General.
The EvilCrawler_Move container is not supposed to be assigned to the Enemy_Actions Conversion Settings Shareset, so let’s use the Schematic View to quickly set it to inheriting its parent structure instead.
Double-click the EvilCrawler_Move Random Container.
In the Object Tab, make sure the Conversion tab is selected.
Disable Override parent.
Head back to the Schematic View and notice how there is no longer a Conversion Settings ShareSet under the EvilCrawler_Move Random Container. It’s now using the parent Enemy_General Conversion Settings ShareSet.
Use the Schematic View to examine your Wwise Project structure, whenever you need information about Conversion Setting ShareSets, Effects, Game Syncs or the assigned Audio Busses. Notice that when a parented object is displaying a setting, the children will not unless you the override parent.