Lesson 7

Table of Contents

Audition the Transition Music

First, you should become familiar with the music that will accompany the storyline as well as the special Music Segments that have been composed to transition between other pieces of music.

  1. Switch to the Interactive Music layout and play the Story Music Playlist Container.

    You can hear that it has a subdued feel that’s different than the other music you’ve worked with so far.

  2. Expand the Story Music Playlist Container and select the Story-Main Music Segment within it.

    You can also see that this music consists of a single 24-bar Music Segment with a main track accompanied by a cello track that comes in and out.

    You also see two additional Music Segments that reference transitioning to and transitioning from the storyline. Currently, these are not being heard because they aren’t in the Story Music Playlist Container's playlist. To hear them, you’ll need to select and play them individually.

  3. Select and play the Story-TransFromStory Music Segment.

    Notice that the Entry/Exit Cues have already been set. There is also a short piece of music to play when transitioning into the Story music.

  4. Listen to the Story-TransToStory Music Segment.

    These parts should now only be heard when the game transitions to or from some other music in the game.

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