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Now you’re ready to build the playlist that will define the order in which Music Segments will play.
One way the Wwise playlist system differs from those found in most music library applications is that with Wwise there’s the addition of something called Groups, which are found within a Music Playlist Container. Think of a Group kind of like a playlist within a playlist. In a music library application you could have an acoustic music playlist and within that you could have separate groups to distinguish between fast tempo and slow tempo songs. Imagine being able to play your acoustic music in a way where the slow music group plays through all of its songs first, followed by all of the songs from the fast group. Or, how about the option of setting it up so that it plays a randomly selected song from the slow group, followed by a randomly selected song from the fast group? This is just the beginning of how flexible the Wwise playlist system can be.
To configure the Explore music for Cube, you’ll first create a simple playlist, but note that every Music Playlist Container contains at least one Group, which will already be present in a Music Playlist Container by default.
Select the Explore Music Playlist Container.
In the Explore Music Playlist Editor, you see a line representing the default Group. Under the Group/Segment column, you see a property that says Sequence Continuous. This setting defines how the objects in the playlist will be played. In order for this to be useful at all, you need to populate the Group with content, which in this case will be the Music Segments you created earlier.
Drag the Explore-Arpeggio from the Project Explorer to just below the default Group in the Music Playlist Editor.
An orange line appears when you’re in the right position. When you release you’ll see the Explore-Arpeggio Music Segment added to the default Group.
Now add the Explore-Piano, Explore-Rhythm and Explore-Theme Music Segments, in that order.
The bridge Music Segments are contrasting pieces of music designed to be played less often. You’ll implement them later in this lesson.
The default group in the Explore Music Playlist Editor now contains four Music Segments.