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Now you’re going to add a couple of more Stingers used when the player gets a health potion pickup. In this situation, two versions of the health pickup music cues have been provided. This is because the notes played need to differ depending on whether the main part or the bridge part of the Combat and Explore music is being played.
In the Stingers Virtual Folder, import the Stinger-ExploreCombatBridge-Health and Stinger-ExploreCombatMain-Health files from the Cube Music folder.
Go to the Game Syncs tab and create a Trigger called Health_Cue in the Music Work Unit.
Because there are unique health cues depending on which segment of music is playing, you can’t configure the Stinger directly on the Explore and Combat Music Playlist Containers as you did for the cymbal swell. Instead, you’ll have to configure the Stinger-ExploreCombatMain-Health to play only on the Music Segments that are considered to be part of the main music, which is anything that is not a bridge section.
You now need to configure Stingers for all of the main parts of the Combat and Explore music to respond to the Health_Cue Trigger.
Configure a Stinger that uses the Health_Cue Trigger to play the Stinger-ExploreCombatMain-Health Music Segment for all of the objects selected in the following image.
Now you need to do the same for all of the bridge sections.
Configure a Stinger that uses the Health_Cue Trigger to play the Stinger-ExploreCombatBridge-Health Music Segment for all of the objects selected in the following image.
As with the teleporter, there is no Health Pickup Trigger programmed directly into the Cube game engine. Instead, you’ll use both the ItemHealth100 and ItemHealth200 Events to initiate the Trigger.
In the Events tab, configure the ItemHealth100 Event to initiate the Health_Cue Trigger.
Now configure the ItemHealth200 Event to initiate the Health_Cue Trigger.
Add the Events to the Music Test Soundcaster Session to simulate player health pickups while the music plays.