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Now you need to begin the process of removing the old clips to make room for the Combat-B audio that you’ll soon import.
With the Combat-B Music Segment selected, resize the Music Segment Editor and zoom to display all of the Music Tracks, or as many as possible on your display.
You see the that the track names still refer to Combat-A; however, the title at the top of the Music Segment Editor is focused on Combat-B.
You need to delete all of the clips except Combat-AB-Rhythm tracks, which will be re-used in this segment of the Combat music.
Click and drag a rectangular selection over all clips except for those on the Combat-AB-Rhythm Music Tracks.
Delete the selected clips.
The selected clips are removed from the Music Segment Editor. You also see that most of the objects displayed in the Project Explorer turn red, indicating that there are no associated audio files with the Music Track. Only the Combat-AB-Rhythm tracks remain. This means that the audio files for the rhythm tracks are being referenced in two different Music Segments; however, the audio files referenced are not duplicated, so this will not double their contribution to the size of the Music SoundBank.
You now have a framework placeholder for the Music Tracks and Sub-Tracks that need to be populated with clips.